Does anyone know a way to cancel casting magic to efficiently teleport with each character while multi clienting before recasting again? having to wait for cast to finish for each character before being able to teleport gets pretty tiring when your mage gets knocked either to the left or right of the map, I have my gene/blizzard/meteor on CTRL which i mapped to space to hold down using an extra keyboard with my toe... any help would be appreciated! cheers
Casting any of the ultimate abilities lock you in place. And you won't be able to cast faster than you are already doing, if you could cancel spells you would be able to kill Zaks arms as a mage in 10 seconds. Since you are multi clienting i assume you already know of telecasting, which is the act of teleporting while casting your ultimate ability. You are still stunned in place but you are due to a bug, intended mechanic, i dont know, able to teleport. But if you don't know, its called telecasting. Im sure you can search for telecasting and find a guide but I can explain it briefly. You hold an arrow button, and you press cast and teleport at the same time. You will be able to teleport about 5 times before your cast is over. I won't rule out you being able to telecast with your toe and finger, but I definitely wouldn't put my mesos on it. If you are unable to do it it can be due to your keyboard. And yes, your keyboard matters. On my laptop i can only telecast 1/10 times. While on my desktop 99/100. I think it has to so with your keyboard's ability to handle several button presses simultaneously. Here's a guide. Happy mapling
It sounds like you're doing the Ctrl+Click method to cycle clients - if you very quickly let go of Ctrl after cycling, your mage won't cast and you can move it freely. This takes some practice and will likely be harder when using your feet. I bind Ctrl to a side button of my mouse so they're both on the same hand