Not sure if this has been suggested before and how hard it is to implement, but I thought about the idea after bossing with my guildmates and playing other MMORPGs. Basically, the idea is to denote how much damage each party member did, and then exhibiting a leaderboard denoting the fastest clear time for each boss. Should spice up boss runs a little bit. Again, I don't know how hard this is to code into the game, and how hard it is to calculate, just figured out it would be cool to stack up against each member and party. Examples: (Couldn't take the screenshot at the map itself ) 1. Damage Chart 2. Leaderboard
I feel like this would be an interesting thing to add indeed, but just like you mentioned, I would also have no clue about how hard it would be to make this happen. But from personal opinion, I think it would be quite interesting. Also I would have to say when people notice "hey I got white exp" + SS, that part itself is exciting as well. Definitely an interesting idea I would think.
The damage chart might be used in a more toxic manner than intended to flame certain individuals in parties for doing less damage. But, I do actually like the idea because you’re able to showcase your competency on a character/class. An alternative might be something I enjoyed about the neighboring server I played before coming here was the ~dps/dpm (insert minute duration) to personally track your damage. People would often do a DPM 40 in HT to try and push their limits on their characters. It would definitely be nice to show that you can do more damage than those who have better gear, but falling asleep while watching Netflix.
I have to admit that idea did pop through my head, people have much more range than before and keeping up with it to get to bossing parties. I see how this could be an issue. *EDIT* also no idea why your penguin popped up on my attached files through my post.
I think we need a personal best time and kill count leaderboard. Be cool to see who aims for highest kc
I don’t want this because I don’t want people to feel like they aren’t contributing enough to the party. Just being there and participating should be enough. Especially for new players or lv135s it’s already hard to get into a boss party.
I'm sure this request has been brought up several times, each time with a general consensus being not in favor for such a feature. I personally voted no as I don't want the focus of my boss runs to be on who dealt how much damage, I don't see the point of stroking our dear 9k now 10k nl's ego any more than what is available, (the exp whiting feature).
Sounds like a great idea, just make it less prone to toxicity. Maybe top 3 contributors (different of DPS) should be announced in the chat of the boss map instance (local). This way nobody will have to see their names, at the bottom of the list. Contribution better not be based on or solely on DPS, this will live a wide sector of our community outside such announcements. Rather, it should probably bring up a positive feeling, not competitive. For example, there should be a list of available statistics. Such as but not limited to: most combo hits, most damage taken, most damage dealt, most health healed, most hits made, buffed most, most jumps made, most ropes climbed, etc.. etc.. etc.. Such feature should include a fun factor to every available class including mages. At the end of the boss run, one of these available properties will expose the top 3 performers of that specific category. From time to time, people will get exposed to their DPS performance compared to the others as well, just not often enough to toxify
Oh I didn't know it was requested before, just thought it'd be a cool little feature, I do agree with the overall concesus that apparently many people have a stroked ego for such thing and flaming would get in the way, I was thinking maybe, having to have a all members of the party vote for it to be displayed prior to doing the actual boss. But at that point it would seem like a lot of coding for a feature.
i think if you add the same kind of Add-ons "we" use on guildwars that would really be cool, so im in (just for total dmg /dmg per sec/min)