Traded 14 ws for 10/4 BFC Started scrolling +0 +4 +5 stopped at 19/1 and going to trade for 20atk soon~ Shoutout to Jerkmate, Antwerp, and Perrydw Spoiler: Scrolling process -------------- Traded for 20atk by passyb (LtsTheo) Spoiler: 19/1 trade for 20
Was dummy scrolling with 10%'s today and 4 hit on a row, not only that but one previously hit, so 5 out of 6 hit! UPDATE - Another one hit, 6 out of 7, lol. Another 2 hit, 2 failed. 8 out of 10, I don't think 10%'s are supposed to hit this often, lol. PROOF
thanks @Zancks for mentally supporting me what a rollercoaster this day was. started scrolling (again) a perf clean ST. some of you might know i've already burned a +2 with 1 failed slot using 1% css (posted on my store's thread) so today, no surprise - this happened again, and the exact same way it happened before. failed 1 slot, passed 2 - then 3rd 1% css boomed my 121 4 slots ST. took me a couple of minutes to understand what just happend: let us all take a moment of silence to remember this ST. I cried a bit, but managed to gather myself up and fetched a clean 110. but then, well you know. failed first slot, but now passed not 2, but 3. now, left with 13 1% css scrolls, one might wonder: will this stupid fella be cssing again to see this burn to crisps? yes. but this time, I’m gonna finish it with white scrolls.
After 14 cs attempts and 66 ws... Shiny MOO shield is made!! Thanks to all the patrons for Moo Shop, all the funds didn't go to waste!! Thank you friends @MaiAh @dodonei @melomance @Post @Joshy @rnuse @LDMBandit @ImVeryJelly @fuzzything44 @Straalman @Miruru here i was debating do i just buy a 22glove or try to scroll ! bless the rng gods. Havent been lucky cs-ing overall, but this and a +5 on a 4/1 VL shoe (for my 2nd attk char) has been a nice week for me!
Big shoutout to my friends for helping me start my farm set up here and all the loans! Finished my first item here on Royals thanks to the event. Looking forward to farming more and actually getting my own set of CGS! 1/4 1/7 (+2) 0/13 1/4 (+3) 1/4 (+4) 1/8 (+5) 0/16 1/12 (+6) 1/2 (+7) 7/70, perfectly average
was going to save up about 50 ws to scroll it, but at 34 decided to see how many i could hit , hoping at least 3 slots hit 4 in a row, and finished it with the last slot shortly after. Ended up going 5/19 on WS for my 23attk bwg, dam karma really be hitting me good lately D:
Backstory time! Woke up today, had about the final 20-30b and was genuinely expecting to go bankrupt by this week and bidding my farewells. Ended up with the most monkaS scrolling session of my life. Bought a 7/5 cape then went -> 9/4 -> 11/3 -> 14/2 -> 19/1 -> 17/0 which a lot of people ended up seeing on the item smega D. While I was doing the 19/1 CS, I was dummying with some clean FS and made a 7/3. Some CS later and it goes to 22 atk, didn't manage to video that last slot since my mac sucks and I had to constantly rebuy cs/ws after a fail D, but I did manage to get the 12/2 -> 17/1 for what it's worth I had the intention of quiting the game unless I ended up making the loss after I liquidated my cape for a 17/2 fs which ended up going to poop, and today I miraculously ended up achieving that. Buddylist if you play your cards right you'll get some inheritance @Taehyunn I got lucky after all Ty to @Saledor for the cs These clowns for the company @alon cohen @NANI1 @kaiche @rnuse thank you my bad luck for not being there, appreciate it <3