Bossing Neo Tokyo Feedback/Suggestions [2024]

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by xDarkomantis, Apr 26, 2023.

  1. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Hey, I wanted to make a feedback/suggestions thread for Neo Tokyo.

    [-] Increase special etc droprate for Vergamot prequests
    - My reason for suggesting this is because from helping guildmates (and doing preq for my characters), the vergamot preq etc droprate seems imbalanced compared doing the later quests of Neo Tokyo. It can take an hour+ on the 2nd quest and then at times nearly 1~2 hours for the 3rd quest. Compared to the Nibergen prequest, you're farming for 5~30mins at most. Easing the time needed to complete the preq will make continuing through the later NT areas more tolerable for the regular player.

    [-] Change Maverick V's card effect to have mini-Total Crash for 30mins; Make Maverick V have increased card drop during Nibergen fight accordingly
    - Nibergen already had reduced weapon cancel from years before (thank god Staff listened on that). That said, the boss still feels a bit too long that not having a Paladin in the party feels bad. I want to suggest this card effect change so that there's some satisfaction from getting the card drop and being able to penetrate through the shields (cancel).

    What would it be like? Let's say you're doing Trio NT marathon and you're on Nibergen. Nibergen summons his mavericks during the initial high hp % of the fight and one of the mobs drops Maverick card. You let your Ranged carry or other high dps class in the party take it and feel a bit more satisfied in having the person who got the card effect carry you through the fight. :chillin:

    You won't feel bad if you don't have your Paladin to help and you'll feel extra good when you have both Paladin friend + card effect.

    [-] My Dunas v2 Feedback:

    [-] Rush re-enabled in Auf Haven boss fight
    - (this is from discussing with @Icato , so you can take this suggestion with grain of salt) I wanted to make a suggestion for Auf Haven which is re-enabling Rush in Auf Haven to give back more power to Warrior mains in this boss fight. It was on Patch #63, that Staff had implemented the disabling of Rush/Corkscrew partly due to Bosses being "stunned" from Rush and could be spammed to reduce the amount of attacks Auf Haven could perform. On Patch #82, there was a system change to address bosses being stunned by multiple attackers: "Fixed a bug where when multiple characters attack a boss that boss could stop attacking." Assuming this also addressed situations where Rush could be used to "stun" bosses by spamming Rush then I'd like to see Rush being enabled in Auf Haven again.

    What could you expect from this change:
    - Gives power back to Warriors main by allowing them better control over Auf positioning, making the boss safe for party members
    - Restores utility to Warriors that don't have Monster Magnet due to prioritizing other skills (i.e. Guardian, MW20, Rush30) over it
    - Some Warrior players may not have to be as reliant on a Bucc mule to reposition Auf Haven (i.e. using Snatch and/or Barrage+Dstrike)

    What if Rush trivializes Auf Haven in current times by being able to move Auf too far too quickly in comparison to Bucc snatching / Warr magnet? Well, we know from LHC Rose Garden's Frozen Rose mob/room that it's very possible for Staff to enforce a reduced Rush. So in the scenario that Staff may think an unrestricted Rush is too strong, they can nerf it. Though, I'd be in favor of an unrestricted Rush.

    Keep Corkscrew disabled tho :pepeboba:

    [-] Have guaranteed NX drop for Neo Tokyo bosses
    - I wanted to give a nod to this thread. I think each boss should drop 1~2k nx most of the time and an occasional drop of 5k nx. This would help for 3-man NT marathons by splitting drops: Member A gets 1k nx, Member B gets 1k, and Member C gets coins (or 5k nx and coin stacks split between everyone). Nothing feels worse than beating through Dunas v2 or Vergamot and no nx drops at all (in addition to no Frag Piece drop ~f4).

    [-] Lower the accuracy needed to hit Royal Guard to 220 (same as Von Leon).

    I don't understand why the Royal Guard has such a high accuracy requirement, inconveniencing Warrior mains. We already have to tank the high touch damage and stuns from this boss

    Thanks for reading my feedback. If you have your own thoughts about what I wrote or have your own feedback to share, please make a comment. :pepehug:
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
  2. TopKEK

    TopKEK Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Top floor of Roppongi Mall
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    Strongly agree with the nx drop thing. As someone who just started soloing all NT bosses daily this week (its very fun for me overall, even v2/nibergen which everyone hates, my favorite content as of now), it feels awful getting zero nx after such long (and mostly engaging) boss battles, even pap/chao have a tiny bit of guaranteed nx so why not NT bosses who are MUCH harder? It just doesn’t make sense

    These bosses are gatekeeped by long preqs anyway and if you wanna solo daily by yourself or have any mule you have to do them on at least three different characters and it was hell going through that process ~f4
    (Shoutout to @ZJZJ for helping me with the radar quest it literally took us BOTH 2+ hours for one of my mules):PBLove:

    I honestly think at least the guaranteed 1k nx is justified. Will be less awakard for duo/trio and less frustrating for solo.

    Oh and make alchemist affect the boss cards so I can craft more ws with that juicy 50% drop rate :pepeauf: just sayin
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  3. Icato

    Icato Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    Strong agree!!
    About the rush would help a LOT, I tried talk with some pallys but mostly is 2h and others 1h that i talked usually doesnt auf..
    I used to duo (with one shad) daily and sometimes is trick (not always), since I`m 1h i have lv 0 monster magnet, so i only push auf with guardian or keeping hitting till push it, usually i dont have much problem to push in the wall, but sometimes with sed she walks together> and when i go back to the left and the guardian doesnt works, i keep hitting and mostly to push it (most of times works) but sometimes i get lot of dp and few times by mistake stun also, and isnt enought time to push to the wall till i get sed again (remembering that happens rlly few times with me cuz i was doing it daily), I can keep doing without any problem, but i strong belive it could help new warriors to start doing auf.
    Imagine someone who is starting doing it duo/trio as pally (I know mostly of pts have bucc that can push auf to the wall, but not every pt) also I dont really see pple recruiting warrior for auf, because dont have one big differencial in this boss.
    So i think would be nice, and most profitable for new warriors to be recruited for this boss!

    And about the NX would help a LOT, we all know the WS frag is low rate and as pple who do in duo/trio the nx drop would help a lot.
    I know there is the scrolls also but the drop rate of those scrolls looks LOWER than the ws frags..
    the minimum of 1k nx guaranteed would give at least hope to keep doing those bosses, because mostly of times I get notthing on those bosses and feels sad af
    NTR, xDarkomantis, LLew and 1 other person like this.
  4. kimyunsoo

    kimyunsoo Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2018
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    v2 dispel must be accept.. its not fair really.
    Icato likes this.
  5. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Would it be possible to put Shield for Magic Attack 60% as boss loot notification? :YOTR:
  6. AshPile

    AshPile Donator

    Oct 7, 2020
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    100% Agreed.
    NT has very little merit when compared with RG now; why do I work my butt off multiclienting for hours expecting for lucky RNG drops when RG gives you solid meso in much shorter time with less effort?
    eVolve, SummonShade, Johnny and 2 others like this.
  7. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Wanted to add a new suggestion:

    [-] Lower the accuracy needed to hit Royal Guard to 220 (same as Von Leon).

    I don't understand why the Royal Guard has such a high accuracy requirement, inconveniencing Warrior mains. We already have to tank the high touch damage and stuns from this boss
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2023
    Sylither, anglerfish1 and Valzer like this.
  8. Fli

    Fli Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I want to say these like ages ago but I doubt if staffs even care NT after those patches, seeing this thread has a tag so maybe worth a try?

    Not much to say appearently white scroll fragment better be tradeable, yeah I have an army(instead of having friends to take turn) to solo farm the fragment so maybe personally I don't care, but for other people they don't or yet own one may like to see this content better, just like other bosses having some social.
    Also, duct tape is completely redundant if it's only accessible from gacha, why not going NLC for a whole WS? It can be a drop from anywhere for any lowass rate just not being this nonsense I farmed hour and day but still need gacha to complete it.
    NT is solo farm content, it's profitable but consumes my motivation and joy, and unfriendly to newbies.

    Just my two cents, I almost quit this game so probably won't reply any more trash.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2023
    chenming, Icato and nut like this.
  9. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    Bumping this thread for 2024 year. Points made in the OP/posts are still relevant in my opinion. If Staff wants to share their thoughts then I'd be happy to discuss with them here.

    One thing I'd like to see is adding the Judgement gun to Neo Tokyo. Make it an SI-less gun variant. I think it was a missed opportunity on Staff to not add any weapons at all.
    Kheb likes this.
  10. AshPile

    AshPile Donator

    Oct 7, 2020
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    LF> Duct tape on NT drop table
    eVolve likes this.
  11. Icato

    Icato Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2018
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    just soloed v2 and took me 46min with 20-23 seconds each dispel also lots of stuns
    amazing that this boss was made only for ranged to kill

    than pple say " just recruit or join some pt to run"
    how if no1 runs v2... i can smega all day and impossible find pple to run it
    pls fix V2
    chainyu0220, skete and xDarkomantis like this.

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