Hello all, SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY I will ONLY accept in-game currency (or equips). I am the only owner of these IGNs created on a server reset. I am the owner of New Beginnings Rings and these are legit. EDIT: I have removed, Blue & Sushi for future personal use. ***Proof*** RWT is strictly forbidden and you will not receive replies. IGN: Rikky s/b 100m a/w 1b IGN: Lieutenant c/o 1b a/w 4b Thank you all, Happy Mapling IGN's Sold: Astro - 2b Passion - 2b Tiger - Perfect Ele Wand 7 Sakura - 4b Rabbit - 2b
Due to the following dishonest practices, I have decided to lock this thread - false biddings - deletion of the "problematic" comments (which I have reverted) Should moredag wish to sell the IGNs again, please open a new thread *this thread will not be unlocked