Discussion in 'Buying' started by Smishay2, Jun 18, 2023.
B>25int 5 slot bathrobe
Hi. i got 1. do sill buy ?
How much you selling for?
Idk do u wanna offer ?
Hmmm. I think that offer not good for me .
How much are you willing to sell for?
How about 4.5b? Cuz I see 50int bathrobe selling for 16b .
Sorry, that's too much imo. There was a previous post trying to sell a 25int/5 for 2.5b
How much for 25 5slot?
Noted as C/o Prob selling this weekend somewhere
Are you still selling?
Yes if you can make it 2b coin and a chaos we can make the deal
Okay I can make with that deal What times are you usually on?
24/7 just not now pm me what ign I can contact you on
Separate names with a comma.