(Didn't know if this belonged here or in entertainment, but this section has more activity so I settled on here) Feel free to be as limited or as detailed in explanation as you want. Anything from just a Pokémon's name to a schpeal about why a certain Pokémon has sentimental value or its competitive qualities or w/e. My favorite is Ampharos (see picture for reference). Not to sound like a hipster or anything, but it's been my favorite since its release in gen II, well before its mega-evolution came out and made it semi-popular. Why do I like Ampharos? Well, for starters, its "personality." - The way it stands in battle, just lackadaisically swaying back and forth, not giving a s*** (what are the forum filter rules for swears?) about anything. It's just like bruhh, I'm just chillin' here, can't we all get along? Then, of course, its competitive perks. Its mega form boasts the second highest base special attack in the game, second only to Deoxys-A. Granted, it's slow AF, but if you put it in a Trick Room (slower Pokémon move first), it absolutely decimates everything. Soo, what are YOUR favorite Pokémon and why (optional)?
YESS As for original 1~151 ... Its so tough between Because that is me, head high haha and an equally favorite... Arcanine
Why Bonsly? Because this is like the biggest troll on SSBB you can think of. Throw him at your enemy while he's happily screaming "Bonslyyyy!!" and they get hit as if the A bomb dropped on them. And favourite Legendary (although Lugia holds a special place in my heart, as well):
stuck between cause well, those teeth and he looks high af. But honestly, since I first saw Pokemon(first episode on tv, maybe it was on fox as a kid?) It was just sick. Carrying itself so smug-like like it knows it's going to win every battle, OP as fuck with shadow ball and hypnosis/dream eater combo, as well as toxic. and Let's be real here. This picture explains it all. The badass version of pikachu that loves to fight and can actually back up that punch. Every game i've used a raichu in, i've taught it focus punch and oh how sweet it is when the Enemy(NPC/real player) will always switch to some other convenient pokemon to try to 1hKO it with a move like earthquake or dig, only to get decked in it's shit while switching out
Blissey is my favorite pokemon, and she is always a featured part of my team. Teach a Blissey toxic and flamethrower and she can be an unstoppable force if you EV train her correctly (she has insane hp and special defense) . Just use toxic and out last your opponent or if you're up against a steel type (immune to poison) then you can use flamethrower (steel is weak against fire).
Had a hard time choosing between Tauros and Gengar, but since someone else already picked Gengar I'll express my love for Tauros here. I know he's not that great in a fight against another trainer, though he mustn't be underestimated. He's speed isn't too shabby and he packs quite a punch, combining this with the many different attacks he can learn with tm/hm's makes him a pretty decent jack of all trades. Plus he looks badass
I've always liked Squirtle ever since I was a lil' kiddo but in terms of overall stats, various abilities etc, that reward goes to either Dragonite or Porygon-Z! Spoiler: Squirtle Spoiler: Dragonite Spoiler: Porygon-Z
Pokemon silver was the first pokemon game I ever owned, although I would watch my friends play yellow/blue/red, I loved cyndaquil so much that I didn't catch any pokemon. at all. Beat the whole game with only that lil guy. +1