Selling the following equip: Spoiler: Before CSS 1%: Spoiler: After CSS 1% Now 24 Att BWG! S/B 70B - c/o 70B by @jaydenlim A/W 75B Bid ends Jul 15 23:59:59 Server time If your total downgrades equal more than the bid, you may request for me to top up (not over 10B) Taking downgrades at the following valuation: Capes 20 Att BFC - 40B 19 Att BFC - 28B 18 Att BFC - 21.5B Gloves 23 Att BWG - 37.5B 23 Att SCG - 36B 22 Att BWG - 27B 22 Att SCG - 26B 21 BWG - 19B Shoes 18 Att RS - 43B 18 Att FS - 42B 17 Att RS - 33B 17 Att FS - 32B 16 Att RS - 24B 16 Att FS - 23B 15 Att RS - 19B 15 Att FS - 18B Dagger/Shield Dragon Kanzir 145 - 38B GDK 140 - 20B 43 Att Khanjar - Depends on luk, but PM me your valuation - 420M - 410M - 300M I have the right to cancel the sale. Any requests for background checks will be supplied to serious bidders!
Bump selling in ~18 hours if no other bids. Updated some of the valuations to be more accurate with the market. Also added dagger/shields to the accepted items list!