I need help to farm mesos

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by Kelv, Sep 13, 2023.

  1. Kelv

    Kelv Member

    Sep 10, 2023
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    I stopped playing Maple in 2016, maybe, and yesterday I got back into the game. Honestly, I feel a little lost but I think one of the most important things I would like to know is what is the best way to farm mesos since I really need them. I would like to continue voting but unfortunately I forgot about the game all this time.

    I want to highlight that I have some characters at a good level, such as a Bishop and a Hero. I know I can vote for ap resets or to change in gachapon and I know I can make apqs for apples. Even so, I would like to know an active way to get mesos because years ago I sold leech but I honestly don't know what happened to some of my weapons and now I don't make a hit in skele because of those things that I'm missing.

    I would like you to help me by giving me different alternatives because I really feel a little lost in the game and I know that I need mesos to be able to put my characters back together. Thank you very much in advance <3
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Make sure to complete the Ellin Forest Quest Chain so you can kill Chao and Eph 2x per day.
    I find papulatus extremely boring but it's a nice source of daily nx as well since you can get 1 piece per day for free. You can complete the quest on your Bishop as well if you'd like to run it 2 times per day.

    As a Hero get into LHC to join Bearwolves. The exp is insane and also very good meso from farming Totems that you can exchange after completing a Quest.
    After completing the full LHC quest chain you can start doing daily Rose Garden, wich is 170+ solo content that is as insane exp as LHC and better meso than selling skele leech with a Bishop.

    You can start joining some Dojo runs for a Belt for an easy upgrade.
    You can start joining/hosting zak runs with either or both Hero and Bishop. They are very common and you can easily get 2 runs in per day. Good meso, good exp, (imo) fun content.

    Complete the CWK prequests so you can do CWK, it is often ran and beside getting a MoN it is also very good meso.

    Do event stuff while it's there. Atm you can get rings in from a short grind quest in Perion.

    You can set yourself the goal of getting the monster card or quest medal. You'll farm a lot of exp and meso while working towards it.

    As you haven't played since 2016. Since about 3 years you really don't need to HP wash anymore. If you're thinking about making a new char, don't listen to people that are telling you that you have to HP wash.

    Gacha is in general better meso than selling apr and having a gambling addiction is way more exciting than spamming S > APR in FM.
    Not all gacha's are equal but from my experience there is no "bad" gacha. You just need to know what to sell for what price, check Sylafia's Price Guide on forum a decently up-to-date Price Guide. Just burn all your NX on a random gacha you feel like. You can determine later if you want to go there again.

    If you have any questions, just ask them or google "Mapleroyals + thingiwantaguidefor"

    Join a guild. Add people to your buddy list you enjoy doing content with

    There are many things to do in this game, do whatever the fuck you want. If you think some content is boring, don't do it. It's a game, have fun.

    wb and glhf :D!

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