Hello, These past few days I started my CS journey (60b to 100b challenge!) and went down like 15b before I was able to get some success with these items. That amount of loss might seem crazy to some (shoutout @vincentxing for ur calculations lmao) to take on, but when u still had 45b+ to gamble with it's not that much lol and I never lost confidence in my ability to bounce back. The CS luck comes and goes in waves (ebbs+flows of luckerino) so shoutout to @lee1, jami, dickdann, and nessi for the inspirations for high-end CS-ing and CSS-ing. From 64b (39b sock, 25b BFC) from my previous sales thread, I was able to use a combination of CSS luck and Chaos scrolling to make these two shoes and now im easily over 80b+ from my initial 64b liquidized funds!! That was on top of failing items like 13/2 BFC (shoutout @kachau lmao check his youtube videos!) and other countless fails csing 3/6 BWG/ clean FS/ unfinished capes as well. 18 VL shoes made from 14/0 VL shoes +11b topup by @DavidHsu for my 18 purple BFC --> CSS 20% to 14/1 and then +4 to 18. Still has 1 CSS-able slot for those willing to risk it! 11 FS from buying @sneakyryan's 7/2 FS --> 6/1 --> 11/0 crazy +5 on last slot lol) EDIT 9/13/2023: 17 FS from buying @Little1 's 9/2 fs --> 12/1 --> 17/0 (screenshot attached) crazy!! CS journey OVER! 60b to 100b completed EDIT 2: 9/14/2023: CS journey wasn't over lmfao. 12/2 BFC from S> my 11 FS --> 16/1. For sure might be done after this but we'll see. ADDED 16/1 BFC EDIT 3 9/15/2023: 16/1 off market I cs'd it. S> 17 FS tomorrow if no other bids. c/o 37b a/w 38b s/b 18 att VL: 45b c/o: 45b by @yasir with 16 FS (25b) + 20b autowin 48b s/b 17 FS: 35b c/o: 37b by @BlackPearl (16 red sock + 11b topup) autowin 38b s/b 16/1 BFC: 18b autowin: 20b or higher att capes (i topup! pref 20+ att but can take 18-19) (EDIT: taken off market I Cs'd it lol) s/b 11 FS: 7b c/o: 10 FS (5b) + 2b topup autowin : (EDIT: 11 FS autowon by kachau) Highly prefer: 23 att BWG (I can topup 22 BWG if its a megatrade or bundle deal!) 19-21 ATT cape straight up (I can topup cs/ws/bcoin too) 18+ ATT red sock Also accepting: pure bcoin/CS/WS (410m/420m valuation) 16 att sock: 26b 16 att FS : 25b 21 cape : 59b 20 BFC: 43b 19 BFC: 30b 18 BFC: 24b Purple or gold-tag items will be valued slightly more in equal or similar trade valuations, cuz im not colorblind and hate looking at gray-tag items lol the glows are nice fr PM me offers if u got any other valued items! thanks all and GL to all who bid don't hesitate to hit me up!
BUMP!! Did the most insane CS-ing session with some guildies and now my CS journey is over and i overshot the profit by a long shot! 60b to 100b challenge: COMPLETE! 9/2 FS from @Little1 went +3 and +5 the last two slots. CSS-able just like my VL shoes haha (for buyers interested!) Now Listing 17 FS for sale too, check it out!
Good morning!! ty for all the PM’s and offers/congrats from ppl so far! @yasir and @p3650646 pls PM me your bid breakdown and any due diligence, then I will consider it legitimate and start bid timers on the higher end shoes bid on 11 fs ends in 24h, c/o valued at 7b to me but I prefer not to take shoe downgrades for the 11. Prefer unfinished capes or pure cs/ws/bcoin ty and GL! EDIT 9/14/2023: 11 shoes has been autowon and reserved for now for @kachau. Thanks all who bid and messaged
11 FS sold to @kachau for autowin for 12/2 BFC + 1 CS Now only selling: 18 VL and 17 FS Really prefer a high att cape and we can work out a deal even if pgc (pref BFC/PAC) Also taking 18 sock or 19 fs/sock and i'll topup if needed for a trade Bumped up valuations of high att capes and shoes still down for bcoin/ws/cs straight up too Thanks and DM me any offers or valuations questions as you wish! ALL ITEMS CSS-ABLE FOR 1 MORE SLOT! This is your chance for free ATT! bid will end after a few days (undecided on duration unless autowin is met but no more than a few days!) EDIT: LMFAO 12/2 BFC went 16/1... jeez. Now S> 16/1 BFC or T> for 19-21 att BFC (i topup)
Hello, yes I do. Please check thread for valuations, but I have 16 fs at 25b. current offer for 17 is 16 sock + 11b BUMP bid ends in 24H if no one else bids for 17 FS c/o 37b (16 sock + 11b) by @BlackPearl a/w 38b 18 VL shoe still on market too, but might keep it if I don't get better offers or a higher att shoe/cape (pending PM's and discussions) EDIT: 16/1 BFC taken off market I cs'd it 16/1 --> 18 (CSS-able for 18/1) ty all and GL as the bidding for these items comes to a close! Also down to T> 18 BFC + 17 FS for 20-21+ att cape or 19+ att shoes (topups dependant on final deals)
Closing thread until further notice due to imminent trade being agreed upon. I will be keeping the 18 VL shoes and using the 18 BFC + 17FS (autowon) in a mega trade-up for a big item. Thanks for all who bid. Thread won't be reopened unless trade falls through tomorrow Phony FINAL EDIT 9/16/2023: 17 FS + 18 BFC SOLD for 21 BFC + 2 MTK