I think Donators should get specific benefits. These benefits would make more people donate. The thing is I don't want them to be game changing and basically make it so that if you donate you win. The reason why I am making this thread is because I want the server to grow. It is the best private server I have played on and I enjoy it a lot. IGN: DrPepper
I agree with this, I think that Donators should get a little bit extra in game but nothing so good that it changes the game a lot by donating. I might even pitch in soon even if this doesn't go through because I like this server too :3 Cheers. ~SecretCats
http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=1755&highlight=donating http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=1767&highlight=donating http://royals.ms/forum/showthread.php?t=274&highlight=donating We've actually had this discussion A LOT. Matt is against adding in special features for donors for several reasons, including maintaining the integrity of the game. The fact is that exchanging in-game things for donations is very, very bad because it is considered profiteering off of Nexon's (or whoever idk) property, which looks very bad in a court if they chose to sue. Even if they didn't, a server that does not exchange donations for in-game rewards is much less likely to get a cease and desist letter from Nexon. As far as I know, even items purely aesthetic in nature are probably not going to be added to donor rewards. But hey, at least your suggestion was an honest attempt to help the server!
Donors should get double NX when voting for a certain amount of votes (based on how much was donated). Then it's technically not being exchanged in game Haha. Unless the server is struggling to make ends meet each month though, this probably won't be implemented.
The server is struggling to make ends meet every month. There's a monthly cost shown on http://royals.ms/?page=donate; the cost is £200/month, and donations have rarely - if ever - met that mark. I suppose a loss of donation income is to be expected for a month or two after a wipe. (October is very low so far compared to the past three months)
Then implementing a better incentive for people to donate will save the server from closing down eventually. If there are worries about "profiteering off Nexon's property" in court, donations could always be closed once the necessary monthly quota is met. Considering the size of the server though I doubt Nexon will bother. Low rate servers aren't the most popular and I think they'd be going after big servers first.
Although I agree with David and Matt on this I think Bella's idea of bonus voter NX could help push donation numbers up. But double the NX would be way too much. Here's my idea: If you donate you get a total of 10k, rather than 8k, NX per day voting. This will give people incentive to donate more but also not give them a big boost (3 more gach tickets a day). (Or if 10k is too much maybe 9k for 1 more gach ticket.) But the catch will be that you only receive this extra NX in the month you donated. So if you donated a small amount once you won't always be getting the extra NX. You'll have to donated a little every month. I think this will help make ends meet and give more incentive to donate on a regular basis. And if you think this might be too much you could make a donation cap per month of say £300. My reasoning for this is: 1) So you're not "profiting" off Nexon's material. 2) To make it exclusive (If everyone's donating where's the fun in being identified as a donor? 3) To create a "scarcity" for donations. A lower "supply" will drive the "demand" up making people want to vote earlier to make sure they don't miss out on the bonus. Ideally of course. So although I don't think we should have in game donor benefits for the reasons David outlined above, I think adding some extra incentive to donate would be good for the server.