Have done miwok ring quest on up to 10 chars per day, since event started, and have gotten 2 mediocre rings. Well over 200 rings, 2 are > 3/3 (and they're 6/1 and 1/7 --and on the same char). This is abysmal. (Idk if this qualifies for this fail thread, but it definitely feels like it to me)
Wow! 2 Purple Mons in 1 CWK run??? dang! Dafuq? ok, the other one should be ok! JEBAITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT GAME!!!!!!
Thank you all for coming to my first time trying to host/organize a VL! Now will try leading the 15-man VL into success next time, unlucky with our strongest shad dcing on b1, we almost cleared as a 14man Next time folks!
Relooting for multiple days.. and i got this. I really need the str.. why does it have to be 4str/4dex I have mixed feelings about this pendant, but ultimately lean towards failure than an achievement.
I told myself I wouldn’t put myself through the torture of ws/10 again after finishing that wand but here I am again trying with a dagger… 20 WS down the drain so far but on the bright side there’s only 1 slot left. On the not so bright side even completed it’s only 135 atk so I’m about to spend the price of a perfect dagger on above average dagger.
Just want to record my first gen30 failure, because I know there will be 2nd and 3rd (if i'm still playing this game
Late night bad decisions... thought I had to save up like 700m more to get MW20 service so I decided to gamble it and buy a MW20 myself. Obviously it failed. What's the most upsetting is that I realized after that I had enough in my inventory to buy service; could've liquidated it into pure meso in 1 smega.