Party Quests Some feedbacks about RJPQ

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Plu1337, Sep 28, 2023.

  1. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Not much but recently i came back to do some RJPQ and noticed something
    1. There are 2 types of boss and only normal boss drop items (the angry mode doesnt ,except the monster card)
    2. There is no npc in the climbing stage
    3. Mobs doesnt hurt npc at boss room
    4. Last but not least a known bugged that u being wraped to romeo side even u done it on juliet side
    1. Not sure the first one is bugged or not but I want the angry to drop items too (should be better drop since its hard mode)

    2. About the second one, in every pq there is always a npc in each room so u can get out if something wrong or u give up. The climbing stage doesnt have it (just find its funny that the hardest stage of the pq doesnt have npc to help u get out). If u want to get out the only way is to log out and relog (since quitting pt also doesnt help). So if can want to have a npc in that climbing room (at bottom ofc)

    3. This one also made me laugh since the mobs is created to harm the npc and u have to kill them to protect npc. In fact after being spawm they turned their aggro to npc and start shooting (which not harm npc at all, only touch damage does). So want have the change that shooting damage also hurt npc, but u can protect npc by becoming the shield (take the shooting instead of npc to protect it)

    4. Plz fix it (or put a shortcut door between romeo and juliet side before its totally fixed)
    Green Mind and hayy like this.
  2. Joong

    Joong Developer

    Aug 9, 2013
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    To help the developers, you could specify when this happens. At the end of the PQ, for example?
  3. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    It happens everytime. Many ppl know this.
    We all know there are 2 sides (romeo and juliet). Both sides can start the pq but when u done pq all pt members will be brought back to romeo side no matter u start the pq at romeo side or juliet side. Its a bit anoying when i try to finish 25 pqs on juliet side (have to tell pt members to move from romeo side to juliet side everytime (thanks that they didnt mind doing that))
  4. Green Mind

    Green Mind Donator

    Jan 11, 2022
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    Additionally, the etcs in the beaker-filling stage (stage 3) are supposed to be absorbed individually if you drop them one by one on top of a beaker in rapid succession. Now if you drop them too quickly they absorb all at once and only count as one etc.

    When doing RJPQ with other people I sometimes have to let them know it doesn't work as it should or they'll waste their etc.
    Plu1337 likes this.
  5. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Was thinking about it but forgot to put it in. May help speed up the run if its implemented.

    Might be not the point of this thread but I also recall this when I tried to summon king goblins at KFT (first found out when throw etc too fast ,instead of summon 2 goblins only 1 was summoned)

    Also EPQ boars dont harm npc with their magic skills too iirc

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