If i may, id like to give some input to this guild seeing as how its still flagged as recruiting. If youre not recruiting, how dare you. I noticed that this guild despite being over a year old still looks to be quite small. Im suprised this guild didnt recruit more during the literal clown event that just ended. I witnessed countless people who killed Pierre atleast 40+ times that never got a pierre hat...Definitely wasnt me. Idk what more you could ask for in a sucker potential recruit for a guild. If youre serious about this you should be taking advantage of people when theyre at their lowest after one of these events and are full on clown by that point. You gotta recruit them to your guild before rational thought starts to creep in Even though you missed the Pierre event, the next event is the best chance to recruit and itll be here before you know it. The christmas event is the motherload for high functioning clowns. For every one person whose just happy to get the goofy looking nose equip, youre gonna have hundreds of these extra special clowns that think this is definitely the year theyll finally get a red sock. Wait till we're a few weeks into the event before you try to recruit. If you try before then, the person may still have a shred of shame left and might say no or leave. And thats it. Best of luck to you in your recruitment!
Incase my previous post leads to a large influx of new members, i suppose i can fill out an app incase the guild unexpectadly fills up. NAME: Jason AGE: Slightly over a 3rd of the way to 100 Ign: Daikyu What made you wanna join clowntown? Well i know a few of the names of people who have joined previously and im looking for a place to call home for my unwashed 6k hp marksman. Tell us about yourself; ive played over 8 years here and somehow still havent hit 200 on a single character. My highest level character i have is only a 169 Bishop. Your gear stats: 0 atk 4 slot fs, 129 atk xbow i cant equip, 4 atk wgs, clean 3 atk pgc, 33 dex level 50 overall and my prized 12 accuracy white racoon mask.