Discussion in 'Selling' started by Euphorium, Sep 10, 2023.
S/B 2.5b A/W 3.5b C/O: 2.6b by Baka92 SOLD TO Baka92 Accept WS 420m / CS 410m /Mesos
Bump lowered S/B
still have it
still have it?
PM Anarchonist/oriki/mitmit
Hi all sorry for the late reply, spear still available, can S/B
2.6b BakaL0v3r ign add me buddy —- 0 is zero
C/O updated, bid will ends in 9/10/23 12.54pm
add me buddy in game if selling to me ign - bakal0v3r (0 is zero)
Saw u added me buddy , but daily I online around 2am to 4am server time only
Sure see u tomorrow
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