Need help with NL equips and HP quests

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by Zuxul, Oct 7, 2023.

  1. Zuxul

    Zuxul Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    Hey, i just came back from a long break and noticed the HP washing has become less important due to new HP-quests.
    However, am i understanding it correctly that the best move is to repeat the Kreuel quest until it becomes daily, and only then do the Olaf/adventurer questline + the fairy quest in order to get the most bang for my buck? Also are there more quests i'm not aware of that give HP?

    Secondly, i'm sitting at ~10b from voting after my break, and i'd love some advice on what equips to focus on buying? I have a lvl 130 Night Lord with 8k hp. Do i go ~1b on cape/gloves/FS and 7b on claw for example?

    I currently have:

    - No claw
    - 8att WG
    -5att PGC
    -No w. Att shoes

    - Ilbis Hwabis
    - 6dex/7luk top clean
    -17dex/7luk bottom
    - 7 Dex face acc
    - 10 dex earrings

    Not buyable:
    - No rings (but they can't be bought?)
    - Egged HTP
    - Mediocre scrolled Zhelm
    - Master adventurer medal

    Appreciate any tips regarding where to put most of my mesos in terms of gear and also what content i can do to upgrade other parts of my gear.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2023
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    In general, after MW20, a Claw would be the best upgrade for your meso.

    You have quite a decent amount of meso to blow tho.

    Get 15 atk scg, should be around 1b.
    9-12 atk cape is well within your budget.
    You can get a much better top for very little meso.
    If you want some better ears but dont need more dex, Ifia's ears have base Luk.
    During Xmas you can get rudolf nose, +5 all stat.

    Cilbi's had been crashing hard few weeks ago, get some. Normaly they should be around 180-250m each depending on market and season.

    HTP is much better than most people give credit for. Nonetheless a 4~7+ atk MoN is simply better (depending on everything).

    The 250 monster card medal is not hard to get for a juicy +2 atk and also gives you something to do when nonody wants a NL in their LHC runs.

    Do 20x EPQ for EPQ ring, another +1 atk and some hp.

    Krex is indeed a very good source of exp. And if you can get a good ring, it's basically BiS if perfect.

    Instead of Krex, focus on doing daily Chao, Eph and Papu.
    You might need stoppers for Eph, allthough I believe that on average a Eph kill is worth more than 6 stoppers.
    Or just fuck Eph if you dont enjoy doing it.
    Regardless, the exp is very big from these 3.

    I do enjoy Zak a lot more than krex, you can start relooting a new zhelm to try get a better one. If you don't want to risk it. You can get a Scar/Tar hat first so you have a back up.

    About HP. Yes you dont 'need' to HP-Wash anymore. You still can and as a thief its still pretty good to do those 5 LAP into HP and wash them straight away
    You can get about 2k hp, viably, from equips (including 3 pet equips).
    3k from Olaf.
    11k is enough for ranged to do 99% of all content in the game.

    WB! GLHF grinding!
    Blackeaglee and Zuxul like this.
  3. Zuxul

    Zuxul Well-Known Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    @Kheb Hugely appreciated! Thank you!
    Kheb likes this.

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