C/O 49B @mangomoy A/W 55B Minimum Bid raise of 1b Buyer cover tax for Messos ty @ 450M ea #NoGambleNoGlory 440M/EA PM me in game if I didn't reply here, AirBaLL
Opening again for who is keen on how this shoe is progressing Feel free to offer me a shoe + messos, MAY consider selling but unlikely, can offer to try My cape is 8 wa btw
as discussed through pm, if you take items, offering: 47ws/cs + 4b coin + 12fs + 14dex specs + sachiel sword and i'll cs it right on the spot if you accept
Offering 55b in cape/shoes/mesos 15 att red sock + 17 att BFC + 15b in your choice of cs/ws/bcoin (~55b value) for your 18/1 FS I can also put up a 22 bwg (~27b usually) instead if you prefer that over the 15 sock or 17BFC in any combination DM me or lmk if any of that sounds good to you ^^
Okay closing this again, will be scrolling myself when I have the feel No gamble no glory Dont have picutre of 6 wa, since I chaosed 2 straight The journey from starting 2 wa > 6 > 11 > 16 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/sell-trade-11-3-fs-11wa-3slot.222651/
Offering 15 att red sock, 15 att BFC, and topup (Cs/ws/bcoin mix) for 18 FS EDIT: retracted due to bidwar and overpay lol good luck to whoever wins shoe
14atk + cs/ws (or just cs/ws) for a/w (looking at ~48*b) Spoiler Can only ask for fair cs/ws pricing in relation to market and not lowball Will retract offer as I wasn't looking to go over 48b