Just a channel for players to reach out to, should they have any feedback (or suggestions) for Forum Events - design/theme - creativity/restrictions - prizes Spoiler: Forum Events Halloween 2023 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/halloween-costume-contest-2023.224730/ (blank period cause Dave messed up) Halloween 2024 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/halloween-costume-contest-2024.239114/ Spoiler: Forum Event Winners Halloween 2023 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/halloween-costume-contest-2023-winners.227538/ Halloween 2024 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/halloween-costume-contest-2024-winners.241603/ *For any other past forum events, please check out this page https://royals.ms/forum/forums/events.79/ Spoiler: Compiled Feedback Suggestion: would like to know date of winners announcement https://royals.ms/forum/threads/feedback-for-forum-events.224733/#post-1364484 Dave: unable to set a fixed date as I do not wish to rush other Staff to vote, but I do intend to settle the vote within 2 weeks or 1 month after the forum event ends
Is it possible to have a specific date to announce the winners set beforehand so that we can expect when to see the results by, rather than waiting for x amount of time unknowingly?
Unable to give a fixed date as some time is required to set up the poll and for the Staff to vote on it Rushing it will likely means some Staff response would have to be missed out (would affect results) Edit: forgot to mention that I intend to settle the votes within 2 weeks to a month (upon the forum event's end)
Have announced the winners for Halloween 2023 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/halloween-costume-contest-2023-winners.227538/ Kinda lazy to remake a new banner so I just re-use the same banner with "Winners" pasted on it