Krexel at least works as intended, but is boring by design. Dojo Pap is an otherwise functional boss that was transplanted into a context that does not work, like at all. Ephenia manages to avoid bugging out 95% of the time, but her main schtick is giving you Crazy Skull and then layering like three more debuffs on top of it to conceal the skull icon. Fuck this. Bigfoot and Dunas are a clown fiesta of glitchy bullshit. Literally dysfunctional. I've half a mind to submit bug reports just to see if the admins have the audacity to say that they are "working as intended". I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing Bodyguard B.
Bodyguard B is the treasure trove of iframes. Its like bigfoot on crack so it takes so long even with 2-3 ppl to kill
Actually I think Krexel has a bug inherited from official where one of its attacks has its hitbox set too high, so it only triggers if you climb up one of the ropes at the very top. That's pretty terrible design, if you ask me
As NL main? Bigfoot is definitely the worst on all aspects - the only area boss I couldn’t farm when I used to nx farm to fund myself, because of how slow NL is for this boss, for comparison Kachuu Musha is dying faster than BF last time I checked because of its iframes despite BF having much less hp, that’s how bad it is for this class. Even having SE and good gear won’t cut it. Tried with booster, without booster, anything was slow af Because of that I was skipping all BFs I found when farming HH on maps they both spawn because just killing all the hh in like 30 seconds each in all channels will result in faster nx gain in the long run instead of being stuck on one channel for a measly 350 nx while the competition cleans all the HH maps, leaving me with nothing. He only drops nx anyway so there was no reason for me to even bother with farming it other than nx (or exp when self leeching mules but that’s another story)