Hello! Selling these 16 att Facestompers Obtained from CSing 14/1 last week here: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-fs-14-att-1-slot-l-o.225012/#post-1366914 offer me trade ins or valuations Not in a rush to sell. Bid ends 5 days after s/b or as I see fit. lowballs & trolls will be ignored Accepting shoe downgrades and/or bcoin/cs/ws (prefer pure cs/ws/bcoin) Valuations may change pending market fluctuations so stay tuned; Valuations may not be final. sock = Red Christmas sock Shoe = VL shoe or Facestompers 15 sock: 20b 15 shoe: 19b 14 sock: 15b 14 shoe: 14b 13 sock: 12b 13 shoe: 11.5b 12 sock: 9b 12 shoe: 8.5b 11 shoe/sock: 6.5b 10 shoe/sock: 5b 9 att or under: not preferred but offer me if u want 1bcoin = 1b CS/WS: TBD/TBD (11/8/2023 edit for CS/WS valuation: 440m each atm, may change day-to-day) Also accepting unfinished high att capes and shoes just offer me and be reasonable thanks!! (Example: 14/2 FS, 15/1 FS in 1:1 trade no topups or 15-20 ATT+ potential unfinished capes/shoes) Dont need finished capes or glove I got a 20 cape and 23 glove already ty tho in advance s/b 24b C/O: 24b by @p2theredator selling in 5 days if no other offers 25b by @victoria111 30b offer pending but not accepted yet pending replies and workarounds Still taking offers near autowin valuation A/W: 30b Reference from most recent 16fs sale last month (lee1’s 16 fs sold for 30b autowin 10/14/2023) https://royals.ms/forum/threads/5st...pecs-sachiel-sword.222168/page-3#post-1360391 I reserve the right to do any final trades and/or valuation adjustments as I see fit. Give me that godfather offer where I can't/won't say no cuz bidding will prob heat up fast af. GL to all who bid!
Thanks for the fast s/b. Selling in 5 days if no other bids tyty You're free to try to sell your 14FS at 17b ! Short answer is I prefer pure liquid funds, not downgrades but i'll take them since its a common bid offer for high att shoes. sorry to hear about u getting scammed 3b tho ty bb <3
I have removed comments that are irrelevant to this trading post, please don't sabotage the thread owner by derailing it with questions irrelevant to the trade If someone continues after this post, WP will be issued accordingly
LMAO thanks for the bids/discussions but wtf @ the random drama (now deleted, ty dave!) ya'll need to chill haha Im just trying to sell my shoe 30b autowin by @calikushcartel is pending cuz he sold off the 11/3 FS I wanted in the deal already (RIP me but GL and nice shoe steal f3 @Chin long) Debating what I want to take for the final sale of shoe since his offer is changed now. If anyone else can bid around the autowin valuation, feel free to send me any last offers before I decide what to do. Otherwise closing thread soon or will reopen/keep open depending on how this all goes down. Tyty FINAL EDIT: Deal has been worked out.. Closing thread ty all who bid & PM'd me.
There is some misunderstanding here, I have started a forum pm thread with @PhonyHolden and Dave, as I am not intending to steal any FS deal. Can refer to below thread with the same seller, even when the same seller let me offer after one buyer had aw, I kindly rejected him. https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-fs-10att-2slot.224964/