All Your Character Names: RazDN, CrimsonDN, AzureBM, AzureBucc, Salty DN, CoralDN Last thing you did: About to start HT run Why do you think you got banned?: Unsure what solicited a ban Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional):
You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt. Would you like to explain the origin of your items and meso?
Majority of items or mesos were obtained through leeching, selling drops, and playing on and off for the last 3 years. Although with a lot of time off I've recently played much more and accumulated more over the last couple of months. Gear was obtained through trades in game with exception of some recent attack gear which was given to me by a friend who quit. Also some mesos were given by friends who quit and sold all their items.
Please provide some additional details regarding this part some questions such as: Who were your friends and what did they give you and when? How did you know them?
I have several real world friends who all played mapleroyals for years before me but I around COVID. Although I recently got back into it they have been playing for a while and decided to move onto other games.. Some of them quit and gave me their meso which I used to purchase a 12 bfc and 11fs. Some also gave me APRs through their unused NX which I used to hp wash some mules. My close friend who had been playing on and off for 6 or 7 years also recently quit and gave me his 22 scg, 20 bfc, and 18fs which he had scrolled recently from liquidating his characters as a final gamble.
His main character consisted of a mix of numbers and random letters, unfotunately I have removed him from my BL. I can ask him if he remembers. I believe one of his mules had Rogue in its name followed by some numbers.
He believes it was Vxlpqtk281 but he unsure if that is completely correct. Unfortunatelt he has deleted his character after quitting.
We cannot proceed without your friend's IGN. Someone with a gear set of 22 scg, 20 bfc, and 18fs wouldn't use a non-existing random letter and number name like Vxlpqtk281
Are there any other options I can go through for appeal? That is all the information I have. I wish I knew more regarding the origins of those items.
We found the original owner of these items already and looks like you got them from a known rwt seller. With that being said, your appeal is denied.