How do I wash a shadower to 12K hp?

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by jaykousuke, Nov 13, 2023.

  1. jaykousuke

    jaykousuke Member

    Jul 20, 2023
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    sorry guys for asking, I kinda read through some threads about washing but I don't quite get it (I'm a total noob to this xD) as I've not wash before. I hope to reach 12k by 135 or 155.

    Right now, I'm at lv19 and I have like:
    82 Base Int (with int equipment (+21 = 103)
    25 Dex
    4 Luk
    4 Str

    HP: 542
    MP: 405

    Am i doing this right?

    Tbh, right now I'm quite confused to where my base int should stop at, and after that what ap should i add, will it be hp or will it be luk? and then at 135, do i start washing off the int and adding them back to luk? Would love it if there's a step by step guide for me.
    Thanks for helping a total noob here :)
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    A few things about HP-Washing

    -This is all you'll ever need:

    -Anyone telling you that you need to HP-Wash, hasnt spoken to anyone who played the game since ~2020.

    -The only way I can think of to "mess up" is to go for like 600 total INT, do the thief thing without mp-washing, and dont wash before level 190 or something.

    -Washing for thiefs is a little more complicated since it involves 1 choice to make, level up AP in HP (the thief thing) or to Mp-Wash. The thief thing is more HP per APR, so its cheaper. Mp-Washing increases your potential HP. Wich means you hit your potential HP goal at a lower level. Then you can start playing the game sooner and make meso instead of losing meso on leech (and oppertunity cost of not playing the game)

    -Not to be trying to be a dick, but if you need a step-by-step guide for hp-washing you are probably new and I suggest you play the game first before blowing 6b on a character before you find out if you enjoy playing it. I have removed 6b worth of apr from the game before, only to find out I really do not enjoy playing a BM. That does not include the price of getting a zero damage character to whatever level you want (~6b for level 135 iirc)

    -if a 4-12b investment into a character before buying equips or figuring out if you actually enjoy playing it does not sound appealing to you. What are you doing?

    -There is quite a lot of rng involved, including scrolling and getting untradeables like a Zhelm, Krex ring or HTP. And hp/mp gained from leveling up (I think?)

    -Reminder that you can wash out all INT at 120 and go do Ellin Dailies or wash enough so you can tank a Touch Damage from b3 Zak, wich is like 4k hp for Shadowers with Meso Guard. Beside a few exceptions, such as Elixir/PE value, there is no real reason to wash out all mp if you are not doing content that requires more hp.

    -about 1k hp from quest and equips is basically free. 3k hp requires a bit of work, 5k would be going all out on quests and equips (including 3 pet equips with 250+ hp each).

    -While Shadowers need it arguably the least after warriors. Washing for Shadowers has the highest value due to Meso-Guard. Yes, it's worth to do.

    -Hp-Washing has a learning curve. You'll probably figure a lot of things out during along the way that. Don't worry about it, use that knowledge for the next character you'll wash.

    -My experience is that there are 3 kind of people that hp-wash.
    1) Mathed it out to find the most optimal way to reach their HP goals for the least amount of meso - Only do this if you like doing maths every time something changes
    2) "Lmao, idk. I went 200 base INT" - This is like 90% of people
    3) "I have 400 base INT and spend 10b on INT gear because I want 30k HP and dont give a fuck" - Tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich

    -Generally accepted good base INT for thiefs is "about 150" for a good hp/meso ratio.

    -There are quite a lot of different Calculators around. I have never spoken to someone that has used one. Neither do I know how they work, if they work, if they are updated after some patch or where to find them.


    Anyway, regarding your question.

    I do not recall the specific Natural HP of a level 135 Thief. Based on a vague memory of about 1 year ago, I believe its like 4~5k
    Lets assume you have done some minimal work on questing and gear, resulting in 2k hp from quests and gear.

    Given these things, lets assume you'd need to find an amount of extra mp to potentially wash for 6k more hp

    Thief thing HP per APR = 20~24
    Regular washing HP per APR = 16~20

    Thief thing = 6000/24 ~ 6000/20 = 250~300 APR - 2.125b~2.250b meso
    That means, assuming you have enough mp
    Spoiler alert, you do not. Without Mp-Washing, this requires 12*5*10 = 600 total INT

    You'd need to do the thief thing for 50~60 levels

    Regular washing = 6000/20 ~ 6000/16 = 300~375 APR - 2.250b~3.188b meso

    Going full thief requires a total of 12*250~12*300 = 3000~3600 extra mp
    Going full normy requires a total of 12*300~12*375 = 3600~4500 extra mp


    If you'd stay in your current gear and base INT, do not mp-wash, then leeched your way until you reach these mp-goals, without mw20. Gaining 10 extra mp per level.
    Your minimum mp = 19*4+56 = 132. You have 272 extra mp

    Thief thing = 10*L=(3000-272)~(3600-272)
    L = 273~333 more levels up required to reach mp-goal

    Normy thing = 10*L=(3600-272)~(4500-272)
    L = 333~423 more level ups required to reach mp-goal

    You'd be correct to assume that this would be quite difficult to pull off


    Adding INT until 150 base INT requires 14 more levels. Assuming a more realistic scenario. Leeching with mw20 and get some reasonable INT gear to gain +70 INT instead of +25 (guess thats like ~2b meso) and +80 at level 50 from a decent zhelm. Still no mp-washing.

    at level 33 you'd have accumulated and additional 272+E(floor[(0.5n+8*1.1)]), n[0,13] = 272+166 = 438 extra mp
    at level 50, with a decent zhelm you'd be sitting at 438+(17+7)*17 = 846 extra mp. When rounding mp gain up to 17 instead of 16.

    thief thing = 25*L = (3000-846)~(3600-846)
    L = 87~111 more levels up required to reach mp-goal

    normy thing = 25*L = (3600-846)~(4500-846)
    L = 111~147 more levels up required to reach mp-goal

    These values seem reasonable. Without mp-washing you'll hit your mp-goal at level 137~197.

    Yes, I am ignoring that your mp-goal decreases from washing at a higher level than 135 due to natural HP-gain.


    Note that in practice the lower end values from doing the thief thing are not possible.
    This requires you to gain 60 extra mp each time you level up. (aka 600 total INT)

    You'd be gaining 15*5=75 additional extra mp for each level you fully mp-wash, for a total of +100 extra mp per level.

    Mp-washing for 22~28 levels to gain enough mp to go full thief

    Doing this method you'd would require:
    87+22~111+28 = 109~139 more level ups to reach HP goal.
    Making you reach your hp goal at level 159~189

    Starting to play the game at level 159 is a lot better than 197 but still not what you are hoping to reach by level 135.
    You would need to do quite a lot more mp-washing to able to reach 12k HP by level 135.

    For reference. While slightly more to wash than thieves and APR prices were slightly higher. My BM, with 200 base INT, cant remember but I think like +70 INT from gear. I had spend 6b on APR at level 150 to get 9k hp and 9k mp. You can do quite a bit better than that with a shadower but 12k at 135 is quite a project to fund if you dont have a level 200 character, a level 143 bishop that 1-hits skele's or a Gobi Leech army.


    Lets try again with 200 Base INT, +100 Gear from INT, Mw20 and +3k HP from other sources

    To get to 200 base INT you'd need 24 more levels putting you at 272+E(floor[(0.5n+8)*1.1]), n[0,23] = 623 extra mp at level 43

    You'd need 5000 more HP to hit your goal at level 135

    Thief thing = 5000/24~5000/20 = 209~250 APR
    Normy thing = 5000/20~5000/16 = 250~313 APR

    Requiring a total of

    Thief thing = (209*12-623)~(250*12-623) = 1855~2377 extra mp
    Normy Thing = (250*12-623)~(313*12-623) = 2377~2977 extra mp

    To reach these mp values without mp-washing

    Thief Thing = 32*L = 1855~2377
    L = 60~75
    Normy thing = 32*L = 2377~2977
    L = 75~94

    Hitting mp-goal at 103~137

    Adjusting for realism, with doing enough mp-washing to go full thief:

    32+20*5 = 132 mp per level of mp-washing
    1855/132+60~2377/132+75 = 14+60~19+75 more levels

    Hitting mp goals at level 97~137



    If you want to be very, very, very likely to hit 12k hp by level 135, without worrying too much, with a somewhat optimized method

    1) Get +100 INT from equips
    2) Get 200 Base INT
    3) Mp-Wash for 14~19 levels

    Lastly, in my experience usually it turns out better than expected. You're gonna snipe a cheap INT gear upgade from someone that has debt to the Loan Mafia - I mean kind people that help you buy new gear - Some guildies gonna give you a reloot on zhelm or scartar for free and it turns out amazing after scrolling. Then you're gonna click that 3 more INT after leveling to 95 to get +140 INT after Mw20 instead of +130.
    As a Shad you should get a htp. Easy +23 INT at level 120. I left that out completely.
    Even after fully washing you'll end up close to +60 INT from All-Stat gear like HTP, Zhelm and rings so you will always stay accumulating extra mp.

    I probably forgot some things. Made some typo's and have some things wrong. Regardless, the final values do seem reasonable to me.

    Good luck :).
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2023
  3. Dekelz

    Dekelz Member

    Jul 7, 2023
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    I got to 13k hp at Lv 145 just from hp quests (I did them all and I do daily raul) with my shad! No need to waste billions :) wash will make it faster but U don't have to if you broke also you can go for medal and mon to save more money and time
    Gl with the way you choose!

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