Discussion in 'Selling' started by Yesyoucann, Nov 17, 2023.
S/b 9.5b A/w 10.5B Ty Cs/Ws 450m :: DownGranged the 16att to 15
15bfc top up
sorry dont take downgradges right now
S/b 16att BFC
you offering 12.5?
yes sir. what is your bid end time?
i got downgradge to 15 att bfc if you intrested
Can i S/B 15att BFC?
I can buy bfc 15att a/w ?
sellor was banned cuz of rwt...
What is rmt?
rwt= Real World Trading (permanently banned according to rules)
Accept 11 wa BFC + 5b coin for your 15 BFC?
s/b 15 bfc
13att bfc + 4bi coin for 15att bfc
Hey, would u be interested in a trade for a 10wa clean bfc?
Hello!!! Do you want 11 wa BFC + 5,5b coin?
Selling yet?
do you accept 14att bfc + top-up at any rate?
Separate names with a comma.