Hi while playing i notice that mages seem to have very limited uses outside of selling leech, i was wondering how come we cant do rose garden or attack certain mobs like ninto in zipangu. Even bishops seem to be not taken to bossing often due to everyone having a hs mule or even bishop mule. If there is end game content for arch mages could someone tell me some options other than doing leech in the same common maps. I would love to know end game mobs i can kill for decent loot other than the popular ones. Rose Garden seems to be the biggest letdown because there is nothing to look forward to as an arch mage it seems. I hope people atleast take arch mages to LHC havent investigated yet but seems to be a class left out of any content.
FP is very good and easily accepted in beatwolves IL is good in reindeers but you dont see many reindeer parties Mages can still clear RG pretty easily w okay funding/levels
If you are having trouble in Rose Garden, make sure you are using Chain Lightning/Paralyze/Angel Ray against the boss and not Meteor/Blizzard/Genesis except to clear swarms of mini golems. This is a really common mistake and will leave you with very little time for bonus. And equip wand 8/6 for arch mages not wand 7/5 against the boss. Switch back afterwards. The main use of mage LHC (be it F/P at bearwolves and bishop at golems) is to rush to 170 for RG. It's not good money anymore with the totem gacha shadownerf. Don't get me wrong, the exp is great, but money >>> exp in this server. And anyway Golems have been taking over the higher level parties. Blood Reindeer is irrelevant now so just go back to Oblivion Road if you are an I/L.
I have been considering to make a similar post recently. Also definitly not the first time someone makes such a feedback post. I definitly agree that end-game, especially for Achmages is lacking severely. My take on this: Mages and Bishop are kinda similar but also slightly different in their short comings of enjoying end-game content. Yes, if you take a Bishop to Krex. In total it needs to cast HS twice in like ~20 minutes. However, there is definitly available bossing content available for Bishops Mains such as VL, HT and to some extend Zakum. Bishop definitly suck a lot more than Archmages for RG. Mages got target nerfs like 69 billion times. However.... MAGES OP AS FUCK FOR RG. DUMB FUCKING INSANE OP. WHAT DO YOU MEAN LETDOWN????? My personal experience (as IL Mage) is that the main obstacle in the way to viable acces end-game content is the damage cap and monster resist/immunity combinations. Bishop suffer less from the damage cap than Archmages since their damage is lower and they fill other niches/party roles. To take RG for example. I gear up this mage, hit damage cap, only to find out that the HP of the bonus 1 mobs is 410k. I can never 2-shot them, simply because of damage cap and all effort I put in gaining better gear, aka self scrolling since end-game mage gear market doesnt exist, feels pointless again. Yes, I shaved of some minutes of the Boss. Regardless I am the the same point after 1-hitting skele. Now I just 1-hit them harder. Or 1-hitting last ToT Mobs. I can now 1-hit them without casting Meditate, yay. Yes, I do know that each second shaved off from the boss is 1 prayer for the return of the legendary Zofran. Doing this Boss on a mage almost feels as bad as playing a BM. But for me, it just doesnt weigh up to how demotived I feel to keep playing Mage when I see that 410k HP in the Monster Book. What is the point of progressing in this progression based MMO if you already 1-shot everything? Honestly, realising it was the Damage Cap that was holding me back for RG was a real hard punch to the dick and I have felt so demotivated to play my Mage (and the game to some extend) after that I basically fully retired my Mage (agian) and all my other chars to retired to Chao Mules. However, thats just me and I might have needed that break a long time ago. Regardless I also think that that there are very few Archmage main. Therefor they are also very under explored and nobody trying to push them further than 143 Petri Leechers. People have been told by someone that has been told by someone that Mages are bad for LHC. No. Mages are very good for LHC. Not only FP mages for Bearwolves, also IL mages are very good for Bearwolves. People know the targeted nerf, wich is that Totems have some Event-Tag and, iirc have their drop chance reduced by 80% if a Mage Ulti (or DK dragon Roar) has dealt more than 80% of the mobs maximum health. Because of this they dont want them in the party. If you run LHC with a capable party of similar or higher powerlevel than the mage, in practice you'll get More exp Same amount of totems. Okay yes, if I run Blood Deers with my lvl 170+ IL mage with a full party of first-time level 140-somethings. Where I am just blasting 199k damage and the rest of the party is in groups of 2-3 attacking 1 mob at a time. Okay yes, then I am suprised we even got 25 totems that run. But its just not true that mages are not viable for end-game content. People just dont want to try out how to make them work. To make a short side-step to NLs. After playing an Ironman NL, I figured they face a similar issue how they, generally are though of as mobbers. Yes, Avenger just doenst scale enough into 4rth Job. They do suck for LHC Flash Jump is insanely good and on specific maps with specific mobs they are easily S-Tier non-mage mobbers for those specific conditions (Hymes, Galops f.e.) But people never try that. Why would you farm those maps when you can either buy leech or go Zak/Krex hold shift and watch anime for 20 minutes to receive better exp and nx. Also, I dare to say that Archmages are not 'that bad' for Zak. You'll be vaporizing its arms and at least B1 is weak to Lightning (and b2 fire?) Yet, not only held back AGAIN by the damage cap while fighting the Arms. Later you'll find out that the summons are immume to either Fire/Ice and Resist Lightning/Poison. As a result you'll be pulling massive amount of summons to give kisses and hugs to the Archers and/or NLs. (git gut, start leveling up Big Bang to clear them) Here you experience a combination of Resist/Immumes that almost hard-walls you out of content. Wich does feel a common theme when trying to explore different things to do as a Mage Main. Also for my fellow IL Mage Mains. Chao and Eph are weak to Fire and resist Ice. Sure, IL mages are definitly stronger for RG, since CL is by far the superior Single Target DPS spell. They can have Ellin and Bearwolves and 3rth Job Poison Myst Farming and a much cheaper Ele Wand 5/6 OH WAIT THEY ALSO RESIST LIGHTNING!?!?!? WHAT THE FUCK! After all of this, I might not have gone to every map in the game to see for myself. Why am I playing an Archmage if the only option I truely have over a Bishop is that I can farm the last ToT mobs for like 5/15% more exp/h and less than half the meso/h compared to Skele. (Yes ok mb RG) The last reason I'll note why Mages dont seem to get any meaningful content, or get nerfed to the ground after getting some. Everytime there is new content, they are either dumbfuckinglyinsane op or F(-)-Tier. In the case that they are actually good for the new content, some people go absolutely apeshit that someone that uses 3 computers for 6 clients, controlling 1 of the computers with their feet, makes a significant amount of meso than they do. Wich is - ofcourse - the main reason why they are not invited to random boss runs since the 4 people that do that on this server make inflation so high they cant afford new gear. Also did you try semi-afk hitting some mobs in Fairy Forest 3 after getting a Eph Card. On my DK, NPC-ing equips and DEX/Steel ore is easily 80-100m per hour. Check your Monster Book, they also drop a lot of good shit. However, its fair to say you need to weigh of Game Balance versus Player Experience and Mages are very strong for what they do best. 1-shotting maps while watching Anime. They do print meso - solo, without any effort or funding. Team Never Played a Mage.... I mean Team Game Balance does have a point when claiming they dont need any buffs, they are very strong classes. Team Mage Main does have a point when claiming. People - shut the fuck up - did you even try playing a Mage? Anyway, to sum up this TedTalk... Eveytime I have motivation to play, progress and gear up my Mage I find myself in a new situation where the Damage Cap hard-walls me from any meaingful progress beside the "not having to cast meditate to 1-hit the ToT-mobs now" kind of progress. Combinations of Resists/Immunities hard-wall mages out of quite some content. They require a lot of flexibility from your friends when forming a party. They require the right party composition, wich is different for each possible variation that exists in this game. And your friend BM needs a little patience while you are figuring out how not to pull 69420 mobs in his face every time Zak throws out some summons. People don't play or explore Archmages enough to see how viable they really are. Some people have been told that someone overheared some people say they believe mages are bad for this content while FM-hoeing, so lets never try them out again. Luckily nobody is asking anway. My DK that 1-hits every Ellin Mob is still slower to get my newest Chao-Mule through the Quest-Chain than my IL mage when it 3-hits Fairies. Mages are very strong for the thing they do best. They do not "need" to be also good at bossing.
We've buffed single target Mage spells multiple times over the years and despite that, people still want to see bigger buffs. Arch Mages currently have: Unrivaled map wide AoE Multi Mage farming lol Even a Single Mage farming a map like Ulu 1 is extremely efficient for making money Top tier leech sellers Majority of gear and int scrolls are super common and thusly cheap to gear A lot of higher level content catered to elemental weaknesses to allow them to do more damage depending on the element. Sought after for certain LHC maps Can do most of the servers content without ever hp washing Below Average Single Target spells Lets say we go all the way and buff them enough so they're viable attackers comparable to the lower half of dps tier list. We already have discussions about HP washing and how overwhelming of a system it is for a lot of new players and how many feel obligated to make Bishops or AM's first. In my opinion this would only exacerbate that problem due to how strong overall AM's would be as they're now capable of both bossing and party grinding content with a significantly smaller funding. I feel like without massively nerfing their ultimates, Royals would become Magestory the likes we've never seen before
Even if you bring their single-target DPS up to an acceptable level, mages are still at a disadvantage for bossing because without an large amount of washing, bosses can just remove your magic guard and instagib you. It's not like they'll become viable bossers overnight, their problems run deeper than that I do believe that all classes should be able to comfortably do all solo content in the game, so there is zero fucking excuse for chao and ephenia to resist both lightning and ice
Lol is chao/eph really. Can any AM explain how good the Fire/Ice Demon + Eleq/Ifrit combo is damage wise compared to paralyze/CL
hi. i'm not posting to suggest direct feedback, but some ideas to consider. it is really unfortunate that we have carried and settled with the leeching meta. the leeching meta itself is an unfortunate symptom of the very janky, unexamined HP gating meta that has not been critically rethought. i love this nostalgia server, but in terms of true QoL improvements, the HP conundrum should have been prioritized from the first step, and not preserved as is along the way of other improvements around this major gameplay hurdle. i'll leave some links, and if i find some more, i'll edit them in [i've left a lot of feedback here lol]. again, these links are food for thought, and not direct feedback requests, which many folks seem to misunderstand when i post. 1. the very simple fix to the HP conundrum and class roles 2. mage concept skill balancing on the 2nd link, these improvements grant buffs for focused 1v1 buffs that require single client damage using the demon skills as a set-up for short windows to deal extra damage. simple, built-in improvements that necessitate intentional damage buffs for players that want it, and still gives players the flexibility to play as a super mobber outside of bossing.