Item Make more equips useful and versatile.

Discussion in 'Closed' started by Layk, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. Layk

    Layk Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2022
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    Hi all :D
    I LOVE farming, thats pretty much all i do, and i can't help but notice the ENORMOUS amount of unused equips in this server that are just being NPCed and pretty much useless,
    If its hats, capes, shoes, gloves, axes and bws (1h and 2h), spears, pole arms, and pretty much all mage equips, and maybe more.
    Now i know the main focus of players in this server is endgame equips, but there's gotta be a way to make the equips i stated above more useable.
    I'm not 100% exactly how its possible, but i had some ideas in mind, and maybe people can contribute and share more.
    Pretty much ALL hats in game are worthless, there's what? Maybe 100's of hats for all classes in total and out of that everyone's using zak,scar, and auf.
    1). Make all hats hats have 10 slots; that way if you get a godly hat for lvl 100 with 9/9 stats or something, maybe it'll make it more appealing to some players.
    i dont have anymore suggestions on this one, would love to hear more if anyone can think of something.

    Same here, tons of capes, but it all comes down to BFC , pac , pgc. im not sure how to make rest of capes more appealing, if anyone can contribute.
    Same thing, hundreds of shoes, all comes down to FS and RS or VL.
    Make scrolls for shoes with main stat; str,luk,int.
    Thats all i could think of, would love to hear more
    And i think i saw another thread with this suggestion.

    Again, same thing, only scg bwg and mittens are used.
    Make all gloves with 6 slots maybe? Im not sure because it also might make it too OP, but again, would love to hear if anyone can think of anything

    Bws/axes/spears/pole arms
    For warriors it all comes down to ST , claymore, and ski, it sucks that a player that wants to play with axes or a pole arm or a bw can never get to the same dps as an st/ski/claymore, but it is what it is i guess,
    What i am offering is maybe buff the weapon att on these weapons, to make them a little stronger than their current state.

    All mage equips:
    Overalls, gloves, wands, staff, you name it, are all worthless. Im not too familiar with mages so im not sure what we can do about these ones too. Maybe reduce LUK requirement for some equips?

    What im trying to say in this post is that this game offers so much content and such a wide variety of equips that are not being used, making everyone to focus only on maybe 10 equips out of the huge collection of different equips.
    I know i haven't really gave concrete solutions or anything, but i couldn't think of many things cause im not too good at it, thats why i wanted to post this post and maybe get more feedback, or maybe that no one even supports this idea? Anyways, thank you for reading and maybe something might come out of it =)
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2023
    GrindingToTheLimits and Pharsti like this.
  2. Plu1337

    Plu1337 Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2021
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    Here is solution :
    Join ironman challenge
    Scab, blobbyshroom, Kheb and 3 others like this.
  3. sim888

    sim888 Member

    Apr 16, 2022
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    Many want PURE stats; more powerful. Due to high secondary requirements, many equips go to NPC. The public MapleStory removed the secondary requirements a decade ago. Remove or lower by 50% of its secondary requirements.

    Double the upgrade slots on all equips. More successful upgrades make the equips more useful/valuable.

    Introduce new scrolls: Innocence Scroll, Resurrection Flame, Clean Slate Scroll 10% and 20%, Chaos Scroll of Goodness, Scroll for Accessory (work on all accessories), Scroll for Armor (work on all armors)
  4. Pharsti

    Pharsti Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2021
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    There are a lot of issues with these best-in-slot items, but I think one of the big problems with why they were created at all is availability. A good number of them are only obtainable through gachapon or iTCG crafting. PGC, FS, and SCG in particular. These are extremely easy to get now, but back in GMS, there might only be a handful of these on the entire server since they cost real money. A super rare shoe that adds two w.att or a glove that adds five becomes a valuable trophy when you probably had to spend fifty dollars (or more) in gachapon tickets to get it. If you wanted to make it even stronger, you had to spend even more money hoping to get chaos scrolls and white scrolls. High attack capes and shoes basically didn't exist unless you were willing to spend thousands of dollars, so no one used them. In Royals, we get these things all the time for free, and they're clearly the best options in many cases, so everyone uses them.

    Zak helms and the other ones like it were much more available, but still hard to get. Before 4th job, getting a zak helm took some work and a lot of dead players (since there was no resurrection). I think you could eventually buy them outright once scissors of karma were introduced, but I stopped playing before then.

    For Royals specifically, I think some of the problem comes from the community's over-reliance on guides* and the meta. It feels like everyone builds their characters the same exact way and it's so boring. Almost every single mage is running a lukless build because ele wands exist, so they're all wearing bathrobes, lapiz sandals, and flamekeeper cordons. Almost all of them rely on magic guard and don't wash, so they die the instant they get dispelled (I think this is changing lately as some create new mages with the intent to wash). But then you have my brother who mains a luk bishop. He uses a 250 TMA ele staff 7 (the one that requires 165 luk), a blue czar, blue elemental shoes, and various other luk gear. He spent about 2bil to wash to 10k health, and recently got another 2k so he can help out when we fight Dunas v2. Because all of that luk gear has high defense, he takes about 1000 less damage from everything and still does good damage since his staff is so good. Eventually, he'll be able to drop his base luk to ~40. Instead of sitting around doing nothing like most bishops, he's always attacking in boss fights. All of this because he played the game the way he wanted instead of relying on someone telling him how he should play.

    I don't have a real solution for this problem. Some of these items are genuinely the best (zak helms) and you're making it harder on yourself by not using them. For everything else, unless you need more stats to kill a boss in the time limit, which is pretty much only Shao and Scar/Targa, just play the game however you'd like and stop following guides so closely.

    *I've especially noticed this recently while running APQ. "Are we using Elie's guide for bonus?" every time I run now. Who TF is Elie and how did everyone suddenly forget how to hit the right boxes? APQ is not new. Even if it wasn't, the spawn and box locations suggest the correct box order. Did fixed spawn locations break you that much?
    sim888 likes this.
  5. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    First of all.
    Yes. This is true that there is a large sum of items borderline unviable for end-game players.
    Allthough I don't fully agree its a meta problem. I think the demographic of progression of the players is a large factor. Royals' active player base mostly consists of players that are somewhere between 'Close to/first 200 and daily auf'. It's those players scrolling, selling and buying items that they need and not the lower end of the progression demographic that can have great use of a lot of items listed.

    I also disagree with that all mage is gear is useless. Higher level mage gear is definitly usefull for mage-mains. Currently there are not that many mage mains, those who play mage for other reasons than to sell leech or multi-mage farm. Because of this low mage main population, the end-game gear market is basically non-existant. However, I found myself scrolling my own gear a lot of fun.
    Upgrading gear, at least for me, is one of the things that are fun in this game. Mages like for Thiefs can progress from getting better scrolled gear, getting that godly krex/rg ring to be able to equip higher level/better gear.
    For IL mages specific, there is a very good reason to go the extra mile to equip that ele staff 7.

    Often people also seem to stare themself blind on the limited pool of end-game gear when they are just starting off. Looking to buy a shit fs or scg when a 10 atk SE glove with some good DEX+STR is not only more damage, but also allows them to reach the STR they need.
    Same for FS. Why buy a 4 atk fs when you can buy a 20+ Dex shoe with some decent STR that will give you more damage AND have the benefits of the stats gained.
    Both of these are far cheaper than the scg/fs they are usually looking for.
    Especcially on lower levels with starter gear. The value of Stats is often much higher than for those at level 200. (check my guide to find out for yourself :D)
    A major reason to buy these end-game items is that you only requite 1 set for all your attackers.

    Hats - Check, unless Ironman there is no reason to ever use something else than a Zhelm or Scartar hat. They are abbundantly available and very cheap for the upgrade from regular gear they are.

    Capes - Kinda check. Crimson Cloack is really good and can fairly easily be on par with an atk cape for lower levels. Cape scrolls are dirt cheap as well. Warriors also have acces to the Taru Cape, wich is actually a lot better than the other atk capes. The market is much smaller, therefor their value in meso is, therefor its not as good of an investment to blow you stacks of cs on them. But technically, they are BiS.

    Shoe, nah - All the class-specific shoes are much better for those starting out. If your character benefits from DEX. Definitly go for these early in your progression. More damage, benefits from stats, for at most half the price of a similar value atk shoe. Also the +jump is very nice :).

    Gloves, nah - If you are looking for a 12-14 atk scg. Stop right there. Dont buy scg below 14 atk. I have used something like 11 STR, 6 DEX 13 atk warri glove until level 180 on my DK. This glove was like 200m when I bought it (when scg at 15 atk is less damage and costs 1b)

    Bw - 1h not at all - 2h is ultra garbo - bw vs sword is mostly why bw seems underused. If you also have a hero, then a sword is obviously good for the same reasons we want fs/scg. Then you get the 1h vs 2h discussion wich further in progression favours 2h. However, shields come with more perks than just a little more defense.

    Axe - Dont think they are that bad tbh - They are generally overlooked for the similar reasons as bw. Sword exist and you only need 1 for both your hero and pally. Axe has gotten some buffs a while ago and if you look at the range rankings. Axe is very much on par with sword giving that their sample size is much smaller. Axe is also basically free compared with sword.

    Spears, What?

    Pole, Pole Arms are much better than spears before 4rth job.. Not only more fun and better for level 70-90 or something. Meta maps like Hymes are so much better with Pole Arm than with spear.

    I have and I know quite a lot of people who have as well used all of these items at the start of their journey. That they are not meta for people with 200's is what makes their niche and accesable for newer players. They are all so much cheaper and if you run the numbers are at worst on par with all the meta-game before spending 1b+

    However, nowadays the market for these items seem fairly dead. Nobody is making them and most are leeching their 4rt attacker to 120-155 and dont need another set of cgs. Why make an effort to make these items great again if they won't be used anyway.
    We need new players more than we need to buff these items.
  6. Zancks

    Zancks Donator

    Feb 10, 2020
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    As mentioned by others many job specific items do make sense for people starting out and we dont have plans to change them at this time. Nevertheless, thanks for your feedback.

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