Hi i would like to have your service, if possible to help find split partners so that would be cheaper, i can do it in a day!
hi im sleeping and only active during these timesIf these times suit you, please let me know and I will contact you again tomorrow. about price in the post 850m/char(with or without partners) full service is already the lowest price, sorry cannot offer more discounts ill make a inbox later, we can contact there goodnight
hi ,im currently serving for Peasant, and I have another buyer booked 2chars lv30-67. If you can join in 3 hours later, please let me know in the inbox, the price is 750m(lv30-67)
hi! i'd like to book some goby leech with you for my NL - from level 34-50. you can buddy/whisper me - ign: kristhewitch thank you!
Christmas promotion from December 16th to January 16th lv30 - lv50 each level for 15M lv50 - lv67 each level for 30M will try to find a partner for the buyer before starting. lv30-67 multiple characters full service price(at the same time)-Time limited 10% off 3characters split full service for 675M/chars 4characters split full service for 585M/chars -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: Rate: supplementary 3-4 characters price explanation Lv30 - 50 (1-2 characters split) each of each character for 20M Lv30 - 50 (3-4 characters split) each of each character for 15M Lv50 - 67 (1-2 characters split) each of each character for 40M Lv50 - 67 (3-4 characters split) each of each character for 30M Accept(fixed price): = 6.5M ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My online time (server time): 12:30-17:30 Mon to Sat 00:00-17:30 Sun IGN: JoyHero Best way to contact me is through forum