Hellooo ! I've decided to come back after years of absence from the server. I had some difficult times in my real life, work, bad life choices have lead me to distance myself from a lot of things and go through a really tough period. But lately I'm looking for something to enjoy and have fun with and so I decided maybe it's for the best I come back to this amazing server I love !! I don't know if anyone from back when I was last active or my friends are still playing or not . If you are, please add me back on itisKate (I cleaned out my bl as I didn't know who's in and who isn't) ! Even if you didn't know me from back then, feel free to still add me so we can become friends! As for BlackCatsHT, I might bring it back again, or maybe another version of a community boss run (BlackCatsVL could be fun), but I do need to play the server a little as so many things have changed, so I need to understand the new meta first before I get into a project like this. I hope to reconnect with old friends and make new ones !! I miss you and love you all <3 <3 <3
I personally didn't play back then, but you look like a nice person overall, so I added you in-game We all have bad choices, but everything leads us to exactly where we are supposed to be - dont forget Welcome back!
Welcome back fellow 2015 old fart. I think you once leeched me briefly at ulu2 while you did a quest there, when i was on my little priest. Im pretty sure we knew alot of the same people, youre welcome to add me on my BM Kaydril
Welcome back Kate! It would be cool to see BlackCats start up again. I have yet to cash in for a reward! But I only ran once lol see you around in game
Welcome back Kate! I'm not exactly currently active on MapleRoyals right now, but I just coincidentally checked the forums for this new year and saw your post on top! (But who knows what my plans are for the future haha.) Regardless, it's nice to see you here again! This is such a nice little... safe, tucked-away community haha. And I hope you enjoy your stay here! Oops, not 100% sure if you remember me! But #Munchkin!
Welcome back! Youre a bit too new for me (2013 gang gang), but feel free to add me anyway. I came back after an 8+ year break a little while ago so my bl is still pretty barren. Most active on Bollocks, but also playing on Hamboy.
Welcome back, Kate I don't play much nowadays but I'm trying to get back into it with some dailies. Catch you ingame soon!
welcome back!! nice to have you around here again. it's been a rollercoaster irl for me too, hope you find the safe place you need <3