2 years of shortcuts condensed into one run spent countless hours and transform pots, but sub 3:20 is finally complete and i can retire from this jq https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/hXsh9J7/extra-frosty-3-min-19-sec-Copy.png cred @lee1 and @Rielle for discovering some skips used in this run Y U C K F O G I B E 2 R
Have been hearing people talk about how it took hundreds of cwk runs to get a wa 8 MoN. Just 2 days ago i decided to bon for once instead of mon and someone got a wa 8 mon, felt like an idiot but today, with the help of pros Lord4th, Final1094, RaveDad, Webbie and Denniz, I GOT MY 8 WA MON WEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually afk around the time they smega for SE but luckily i saw it~
After years of going hiatus and coming back playing Royals I finally did b2b HT I don’t exactly remember If I really did one before but I don’t remember doing such a thing lmao. I never were into hardcore grind and I think I’m fine with that. Both are sadly dry; first run is running with dk and bishop and the second is sair and bishop, I literally felt like my dmg were mostly lost from trying to constantly getting back to the platforms everytime I duo client especially with sair nonetheless the experience was fun not something I’d do everyday but thank you to my new friends who might motivate me to do it more often
Longest HT run… never again. We tried rushing tail, but we ran out of smokes so everyone died except me and the Bishop. Assuming it was gg, most people left but the Bishop kept on solo-ing the tail and managed to kill it LOL. He ressed our SE-less NL and we basically did the run as a trio until 30% ish when our NL d/ced leaving me and the Bishop only. We thought about quitting but since were insane, we kept going so I basically duo-ed (Or some might call it solo) almost half of HT. Drops were hella dry tho, no MW20 and only 2 x 5k nx. Was really hoping for MW20 after all this effort. If anyone ever did a longer run than this tag me in it LOL.
I did a 6 hour run after everyone DC'd/died/accidentally left with crystal/quit besides me on bish and a shad. Was duo from pretty much the start of tail and beyond. At least you got gen, ours was dry AF.
Never did cwkpq or bought MoN before until yesterday. This is what I got on my first loot! 80 Mil well spent
Weeks, Days and hours of selling ulu 2 leeches and finally gotten a perf RC! Will be using it for my future NL!!!
Our fastest run yet and rewarded with assa30. Official time unknown but it only just hit 1:17 (4manrun)
A look back at 2023 goals and accomplishments made for me before closing out the year: 1. Completed Legendary Collector on 3 chars (NL, 2nd NL, BS) 2. Got lvl 200 on my completely bloodwashed SE with 25 base dex purely off leeching 3. lvl 200 paladin, hero, NL, 2nd NL, BS, SE 4. Completed both Legendary Collector and Quest Virtuoso on my main in preparation for if the Legendary Virtuoso medal were to come out soontm. 5. YUCKFOGIBE2R movement began 6. Spanked @TofuMasterD in White Lady and Anniversary Balloon hunting 7. Upgraded to a 24 bwg by purchasing a 15/3 bwg and going 3/68 8. Upgraded to the infamous 23 sock 9. CSS'd my 24 bfc and then turned into a 25 bfc 10. Upgraded to 25 bwg 11. Finished a VL belt that I was satisfied with 3/4/8/6 6att https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachme...b61631878015756b2cb0ae349cddb66d4826a8ec27fb& 12. Hit 11k range on NL 13. Purchased and then scrolled a 7/7/7/28 EP 14. Made a 12/10/0/12 christmas nose 15. Got 1st place in multiple JQ events and RRs 16. Completed my personal goal of soloing 100 HTs 17. Managed to hit #1 NL which was the last goal I was so desperate to achieve before I retire, even if it was for a little bit 2023 was a very crazy year for me in Royals, but I'm super satisfied to officially close the book with all the goals I wanted to achieve. Happy new years!
Not long after CWKPQ was released, I was going to do bon but forgot to take pet loot off. ... my pet looted an 8atk mon.
We have succeeded in reversing the probability that we were on the wrong path! 3/7 happy new year !!!!1/2
After one 4:00 run, one 4:01 run, serveral 4:07 runs, and countless runs that i dont even need to know the time, sub 4 finally.