[EDIT] This should be moved to the tech help section. So, I've tried to do Zak several times, and only the time I actually completed the whole fight was as a buyer last October. Since then I immediately disconnect at the body stages without even a chance to change my graphics settings in game. I get the C++ runtime error message (I believe that's what it says). I am running Windows 7 64-bit through Bootcamp, and have a Nvidia GeForce 650m.
Sometimes Nvidia Gfx drivers can cause issues. Have you tried running Royals in VMWare and seeing if it's the graphics card as the issue? Have you also checked your compatibility levels? Is it set to Windows 95/98?
I actually completely forgot about the compatibility issue. I actually reinstalled Windows on my laptop, and ever since doing so have had issues with bossing. I will try switching the compatibility first, and if that doesn't work I will try using VMWare.
I only disconnect once every 10 runs or so by running MapleRoyals in a different compatibility, so I guess this is no longer an issue.