S/B 1.5b A/W 2.5b Accepting: cs/ws 450m ea 1b coin at 1b ea apple at 7.5m ea heartstopper at 350k ea reference: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-5dex-ring-of-alchemist-5-4-100-flame-sword.133675/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-5-dex-alchemist-ring.146744/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/5-dex-roa-cilbi-5-att-bfc.149943/ https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-5-dex-roa.180068/
Small Bump for 5dex ROA C/O: 1.9b Change A/W from 2.5b to 2.1b. (IDM in max mesos or 2b coin straight, or as per accepting)
Hi let me know when you can come on (server time) so I can roughly be on near that time so we can do the trade
sry, I will withdraw my offer, my friend sold me a 4 dex RoA, I no longer need the 5 dex RoA. sorry about that