Help me play a Shadower for the 1st time! HP Wash & enjoy early game

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by gaalf96, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. gaalf96

    gaalf96 Active Member

    Sep 23, 2017
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    Hello everyone,

    I've recently started playing Royals after 10-15 years that I didn't play MapleStory. Back in the day, I had a NL (actually, Assassin) that got to maybe around level 70 when I stopped playing it. This time, I've read some guides and advice in the forums and decided I'd open with a Bishop for money-making and later I can decide on an attacker class that I want to play. So, I decided I would either play a Shad or a BM, but I also want this char to be able to participate in endgame content, so I checked the washing guides and realized that it's either get 200 base INT and therefore I cannot enjoy the early-game, or just have a lot of problems with HP in late-game.

    The question to you all is - let's say Shad for the case here - how would one go about enjoying the early-game and levelling process AND at the same time prepare for the high-level HP goals? I am willing to use INT gear and APRs no problem, and maybe even delay the level 135 early goal of joining Zak as attacker, but I do want to be able to eventually hit the HP goals of Shad (and I don't want to be in a situation that I can only pray that the RNG of debuffs and special boss attacks just don't target me).
    I know there's many quests that give HP, and I understood that the repeatable quest limits you to only once a day once you reach a certain fixed spot of HP + potential HP. Does this mean that the more I wear INT gear and the more I wash, the less I can abuse this quest at level 120+? If so, does it make sense that I don't even use much INT gear and no base INT at all, and just grind the level 120+ repeatable quest more than the average player and get same result? Also, does it make sense then to only start doing the other +maxHP quests AFTER I have finished abusing the repeatable quest, so that their HP gains are added AFTER the repeatable quest becomes just a daily?

    In conclusion, I really want to play both the early levels and the end-game content comfortably as Shad. I'm willing to grind a bit and all, just want to do everything efficiently from level 1 so I don't make mistakes and find myself at level 135~150 and still far from the HP goals.. I need to feel that I'm on the right way in order to enjoy the early-game.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Easy, don't even bother washing. Play the game instead. You don't need to.

    HP-Washing with less than 150 base INT is just not worth the effort for very little gains. However, with 150+ INT you'd be leveling slower than my lvl 60 Islander.

    Shadowers have Meso Guard, wich makes them both benefit a lot from gaining more hp as well as being arguably the least in need for it.
    I have a 0 wash, 4 Base INT ironman NL wich has almost 9k hp on level 150. I have put in very little effort to gain more HP. You'll have access to easier and more ways to gain HP. I cannot think of any content that requires a lvl 150 to have 18k+ hp.

    The repeatable hp-quest starts out as being infinitly repeatable. After some potential hp-treshold it becomes daily repeatable. So yes, INT will make this less effective.

    There are many more viable sources to gain hp. With viable I mean it comes on gear you want anyway such as BFC, Dojo Belt and Medals.

    You will gain extra mp from Zhelm, HTP and other all-stat gear.

    Beside the one repeatable quest, there are quite a lot more quests for more HP.
    I suggest checking out both Zanck's and Dave's guides for other sources of gaining HP.

    Leeching+Washing a thief to a respectable, noteworthy HP-Goal will cost you about 6-12b.
    If this amount of meso doesnt concern you before buying gear or finding out if you actually enjoy playing the class. Sure, go HP-Wash.

    Don't wash your first char. You dont need to. By the time it is going to matter you can delete that 6-12b from the game and get a new char up in a week or 2.

    Wb to the grind, glhf :D!
    Sennin and Sylafia like this.
  3. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    Nope, their hp gains are accounted for in the threshold.
    Kheb likes this.
  4. gaalf96

    gaalf96 Active Member

    Sep 23, 2017
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    Thank you for the detailed answer. I would like to ask some more specific questions to see if I understand correctly:
    1. So basically, the more INT I have (base or gear), just means I can do the repeatable HP quest less times till it becomes daily, unless I have TONS of base INT and don't use the quest at all, and only then it makes sense to wash?
    2. The fact that the INT makes the quest less effective, does it mean I should just avoid the INT gear completely, in order to not make myself have to wash? Or is there another advantage to using the INT gear? because here is a quote from Zancks's guide: "Those of you who carefully read everything up to this point should've noticed that washing out the excessive MP is the only way to get everything out of the Search for Elixir of Life quest."
    3. What about bosses that seduce and use 1/1 attacks and such? I've never done bossing before (not even Zak) so I'm feeling scared cuz ppl in-game have told me that an unwashed Shad with with less than 200 base INT is completely useless (yes those were the exact words).
    4. If I decide to not put in the INT and everything, will I still be able to casually wash a little bit somehow? Or is that only going to render the HP quest less useful for me? I'm confused...

    Sorry if my questions are repeating themselves or unclear, I'm inexperienced in the subject and apparently other ppl scared me about being "useless" without washing... Feel free to answer in a general manner and not to each of my points.


    EDIT: Maybe a good question would be this one: assuming I am willing to quest for HP and wash for HP, just not do base INT for HP. What would you recommend me? Is there a way where I can get more HP by doing both questing and washing, but without base INT?
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
  5. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    My honest advice for you would be to stop fixating on hp. Go play the game, feel the nostalgia. It's a game, have fun.
    If you are not having fun while playing a game. Then what are you doing?

    Ignore those who tell you a shad with less than 200 base int is useless. That's fucking bullshit.
    They haven't spoken to anyone playing this game since 2020.
    For real, what the fuck are they suggesting a new player does. Grind until 135 on Red Snails? Then somehow expect they can afford washing?
    It would be great if you new guys would stay playing this game instead of being bored out of your mind and believing the only way to play this game is selling leech on a bishop. While honestly, grinding and questing will take you ~2 weeks of playing until level 120. 1 more week and you are ready to boss at 135. And now you actually had 3 weeks of fun while playing a game.
    Fuck them. You don't need people like that in your life.

    You can do all content in this game with 4 base int and 0 wash.

    I am not sure if I understand why you are so addamant about making the maximum use of that one repeatable hp-quest. It just becomes repeatable once per day after some arbitrary hp value (wich differs for each class). You can do it until 30k hp. Whether you start doing the quest at 6969 hp or 29999k hp. The rewards of the quest will remain the same.
    Once you reach that specific treshold, you can already do all content in the game as a Shad. You can decide to continue from that point on.
    It's a bit vague how the quest, technically, determines this treshold. I am not too sure either, I believe it evaluates your potential hp (including potential washable mp) at some level (170?).
    You are not the only one that is or has been confused by this quest. In practice it really doesnt matter, very few people want to do this quest more than once per day anyway. Its designed for 4 base int characters. By the time you reach the treshold on a 4 base int char, you have much more content to do.

    Beside the extra mp. Int also increases your m.def wich but that's not something noteworthy enough to justify halving your exp gains. What you can do with int-gear, and is a fair idea. Buy int-gear, equip them at 99.99% exp, level up, gain some extra mp. You'll accumulate some decent amount of washable mp over time. I would even suggest that getting a Zak Helm at lvl 50 and scrolling it with int is a good idea. You dont need the dex on the zhelm since you can use maple weapons. Scroll them yourself, it's really fun ^^. Once you go bossing yourself you can reloot Zhelms anytime and then scroll a good one with dex so you can equip better gear.

    Let's say you somehow manage to buy int-gear that results in 100 total int (I guess that costs about 1-2b, might be totally wrong idk). Let's assume you wear that from level 30 until 130 (for easy maths).
    You'll gain 100*10 =1000 extra mp this way
    Let's assume you do the thief thing and gain 20-24hp for each 12mp per wash.
    You'd gain 1666~2000 hp this way. Wich is nice. But that's about it. You will still be nowhere close the hp-values those people telling you shad needs 200 base int think is the minimum.
    Gaining 2k hp from altenative sources can be done in less than a day. Obviously, nobody is stopping you from doing both.

    About seduce and 1/1. I think you are talking about Horntail. Yes, for that specific content, a 30k hp shad as seduce target is really good. About 1/1 I am not sure if this has been changed lately or if MG still reduces the damage taken by 50%, leaving you with a respectable 15k hp as a Shad. Yes, these are very good things about a washed Shad.
    Nobody cares about this if you are a nice person to be around.

    Another thing I see (mostly new) people talking about is "the muling meta" wich (according to them) deprives them of joining boss runs.
    No, people want to play with friends. It's a game from the 2000's, it's a social game. You need friends. Friends don't need smega's to find a bossing group.
    Be nice, be friendly, add people to your buddy list if you enjoy their company. Join an active guild. You'd be suprised how little of all runs and trades are done publicly.
    Your friends don't give a shit.
    What can I say, I go bossing on an IL mage (I have good friends lol).

    Yes, there are many good reasons to wash a character. Mostly because it saves you a lot of time - if you don't care much about a few bil meso on int-gear, a few bil meso on apr and a few bil meso on buying leech if you are not doing it yourself (hell no).
    There are a few edge-cases that really want to wash like end-game bishops. Also DK's really enjoy 30k hp after HB asap, so they can more comfortably Zerk all content they want to do. DK's will get that amount of hp at some point regardless of wash.


    1) Not entirely what I meant. If you want to wash with base int. The minimum base int I suggest is 150, lower than this is just not worth the effort.
    2) No, there is no reason to avoid int for the sake of that one specific quest, beside that you'll be only able to do it once per day instead of for how long you can emotionally handle. The only reason to care about this quest is to know that it exists and it allows you to get to any amount of hp that you want regardless of int/wash.
    3) These are just mechanics of some bosses in this game. Something to worry about when you get there. How about getting there first?
    4) Yes, you can casually wash with 4 base int. Using only int gear. Would not recommend doing it on your first char. However, you decide yourself what to spend your meso on.
  6. gaalf96

    gaalf96 Active Member

    Sep 23, 2017
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    Thank you for this answer, I think it was exactly what I needed to hear. Will start my Shad journey soon with no need for wash.
    Thanks again!!!!
    Puff2153, Sylafia and Kheb like this.
  7. Sennin

    Sennin Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2014
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    hii kheb im interested on how u get ur NL whit 9k hp, i like how u tlak whit no filter can u explain me a littel more of how u do that.

    i have like +70-80 int from equipment probably i can expend on get more from better equipment if this works and helps me.

    sorry for wasting ur time
    Kheb likes this.
  8. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    His NL is an Ironman which generally washing is bad on (massive waste of NX that could be better spent going for specific gacha items), so he got it from questing for that HP:
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  9. Sennin

    Sennin Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2014
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    thanks a lot sylafia i apreciate a lot ur reply!! thanks!!
    Kheb likes this.
  10. ch0rtle

    ch0rtle Member

    May 8, 2024
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    I started playing on this server in the beginning of May. My first char was a BM that has 4 base int. I haven't used any APRs and am sitting at 9.1k at level 155. I did all the HP quests and have not even finished the Reuel quests up to the threshold yet.

    My advice is to not fixate too much on washing. There are tons of ways to get HP, albeit that may require grinding but that's the point, no?

    I recently created a new shad that is currently a level 58 bandit that has 80 int and some sparse INT gear. I've used a like 40-50 APRs so far and am at around 4.6k HP. It definitely was nice to get zhelm at level 50 but from what I've read you can get by with minimal wash on shad. The big thing about washing, imo, before maxing Reuel's quest is to essentially skip straight to the daily quest. Grinding Reuel to the threshold is pretty painful. It is a lonely grind and no one can help you. I'm washing just so I can skip to it being daily sooner.

    Hope that helps
    Kheb and Sennin like this.
  11. Sennin

    Sennin Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2014
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    yep it helps a lot, probably about all im reading this days, i can finally make a NL again... was my first character in 2013 and i leave it for the hp wash.

    thanks a lot!! im considering ups whit 50 base int for enjoy the server and when i level equip my int gear i wanna get for next month for my return get +100 int on gear
    or maybe a new journey whit a bandit :D
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2024

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