Completed my perfect dragon xbow (7/51) with some immense peer pressure from @PvtDemo (with a b2b in there!) Tis my first perfect weapon
First of all, i wanna apologize to those buying overpriced CS recently... These 2 weeks im having an insane CS luck. Started from 1/11/2024 , i had few CS but had no mesos ( nearly bankrupt ) to buy a clean 4wa cape, chose to scroll the 3wa PGC i gached from kerning before: Spoiler: 3wa-22wa And a week after , thou lost almost all my coins but the last cape i bought from ch8-room 1 ( Bushki's 5/5 PGC ) , 17wa CSSed and remaked it Spoiler: 5wa-19wa And a day after, i bought 5 (?) clean RS from the markets, and the last RS went into Spoiler: 20rs And yesterday , suddenly felt like scrolling some PAC Spoiler: 3wa-16wa Few hours ago , bought some 4wa clean PGC Spoiler: 4wa-19wa And just now ... discord streaming a CS show to my frineds, bought 3 ( or 4 ) clean Red Socks ... only recorded the 1slot (1/1 - 6/6 - 7/5 - 9/4 - 11/3 - 15/2 - 16/1 ) Spoiler: 21rs first slot End up living in a way that i dislike, the CS winner Spoiler: but again no meso left
Finally, some cs luck after blowing up more than 10+belts... Spoiler: I would like to give a special thanks to Meng for raising the cs prices
After at least half a decade, I finally finished this thing. I had bought 6 more white scrolls this evening, and had 2 slots left. I really was not expecting tonight to be the night! Is my first ever perfect weapon, and although I lost track of the number of white scrolls used due to the amount of time this was over, I think it was well below 70
Finally finished this after basically begging random ppl gaching to sell me their overall str 10%s. Debated putting this in the failure thread too because my luck in this game is pretty trash. 1/27, 1/1, 1/3, 1/1, 1/33, 1/8, 1/25, 1/12, 1/7, 1/9 = 10/126
Yesterday, I a/w'd @aureliuslei 's crafted 110 kanzir for 15b since its been my goal to get my first perfect weapon with my Shadower! I'd like to thank everyone that believed in me, and I'm glad to finally be over CSing my items into oblivion. No more "quitting" after booming countless items, its time to be smart and stay, cause this community is #WOW and there is so much more progression ahead of me. Thank you to @lee1 for lending me the WS to see me finish this dagger, and I am now a proud owner of a 145 Dragon Kanzir 1/2 1/6 1/16 1/8 1/14 1/4 1/1 for a total of.... 7/51! If you'd like to watch the whole video reaction, here it is below. IT WAS HYPE!
I spent 4b for something https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/cYP7gbD/T-T.jpg but I made it at least always the trolling rng bothering me
Finally got my legendary collector medal ;w; This was one of the more tiring things I've experienced, thank god it's over.
It started as a joke. People in the ally chat were talking about Von Leon, and I jokingly typed something like "R> akatsuki VL run". But then things took a strange twist. People showed genuine interest. It became somewhat serious. I somehow became the one leading it. I started up a discord server. We gathered up everyone we could from the guild to join. We recruited friends to help fill in the missing numbers. It started to all come together. It was actually happening. We attempted our first run. And it failed in B1. It was a massacre. I've never seen so many tombstones. But it was to be expected, I suppose. For the majority of the group, this was their first VL run. We even had people that relied on HB, which wasn't ideal. But it was fun. It was a challenge. I wanted that clear. I was ready for a long, slow climb to get it. So we kept trying. We analyzed the VODs after each run. We looked for ways to do things better. We learned and improved together. After 3 failed attempts, we finally did it on our fourth run. Things clicked and our group just worked so well together. We finally brought home our first clear for Akatsuki/Tsukuyomi. I hope we made you proud, Darko. Thanks to everyone that ran with us. Thanks to everyone that gave me guidance, tips, and encouragement along the way. Special thanks to my pro organizing committee @xDarkomantis, @ZJZJ, @Jashick, and @MengQian. = CLEAR! = target?
Finally it's done =) Took me 2 months to complete, being my main and only goal in the game lol Played an excessive amount of hours, every single day for 10 hrs straight, was kinda disgusted by myself , but just happy i finished it The whole story: Was looking to buy a 120/4 dagger or 140, was willing to sell all my att gear for that; it was when the shad hype was at it's peak, every 140 dagger was a/w or s/b was too high for me, and every 120/4 dagger was a/w after 1 smega or something lol. After a while, i FINALLY got my hands on a 120/4 gdk that i bought. Felt lucky right after i bought it, and passed a 10% with 2 ws, i accidentally sent another 10% and when the "do you want to apply white scroll" came up, i got them mixed up and thought "no" meant "cancel", and yeap, lost the slot. was so upset with a 125/2, decided to css 20%, and it passed, E A S Y. Stored the dagg im my storage and started saving some ws. After awhile i had 8 ws saved, and decided to give it a shot. After 3 scrolls i decided i had enough and didn't want to keep scrolling, and ONCE AGAIN, I CLICKED "NO" thinking it will cancel the scrolling process, and again, lost the slot, css 20% boomed. WAS SO BUMMED, everything was for nothing! Sold some of my att gear and wanted to gamble all and quit. Lost pretty much everything after that and had 1b left to my name, found this 108 dagg and 30%ed it twice and passed. Ngl was kinda disappointed that it passed cause it pulled me back into the game now haha. Started saving up, managed to scroll some att gear for myself and managed to pick myself up again. After awhile decided to sell my stuff again to fund some csing, but lost everything, all of my att gear. with last ws i had decided to 30% the third slot and it passed! Again some part of me was excited and some part of me was upset that it worked, really wanted to quit lmfao. So here i am, with 10 att gloves, 4 att pgc, 2 att fs ,a 123/4 dagger and a big dream. Played around 10 hrs daily; my lvl 100 priest farming heartstoppers in the backround while i farm with my shad; CWK hearts, silver mane sets, hp sets, ninto scrolls, helms int 60%, and later nx farming. Everything on my shad, got to lvl 166 with him ONLY from farming, not a single boss. Matter of fact, haven't even done zak preq or shao on him yet haha. Each time i got to 500m or got a ws from gacha, i would give it a shot; couldn't imagine saving like 10 and failing them all at once lol, wanted to be disappointed once at a time! anyways thats all, long ass story but im truly happy, still rocking 10 att gloves and 4 att cape, upgraded my 2 att fs to 4 att sock tho lol.
After retiring to a Chao-Mule for quite some time. I managed to waste a few more ws on this perf female top. As of now the only source of Top Luk 60 for this Ironman is CBD gacha, I get about twice as much Taru as Top Luk 60 so I am very happy to be able to use them on this top . Today I finaly got that first krex kill. Took about 1h 40m excluding my break and got this almost perf Krex Ring D: At least its faster to get than another RoA, prolly not returning before RG allows me to LHC gacha for some ring scrolls :3
Random Taru Totem from like 4 LHC gachas. Feels good. Also did a 1150 gach ticket run in Shrine and got 7 CS which is about average. Feels good not to get lowrolled!