Old Player coming back

Discussion in 'Help & Advice' started by klee383, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. klee383

    klee383 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2021
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    Hey all,

    Hope everyone is enjoying the new year. Took about a 2 year hiatus to focus on school, but now coming back next week as it died down

    Was wondering what the best way to get back into the swing of things whether it be making Mesos, finding new content, finding an active guild etc. Currently have about 400k NX

    Just a brief background, I have a lvl 179 Bucc and lvl 120 bish. I was relatively well funded and active back in the day. I was a Jr of the guild "Vision" that had an alliance with Snack, Cloudy, and Sunny. I mainly made mesos off of merching (B> your scrolls :D), boss runs, and APQ. Before I quit, I gave all my equips and mesos to my fellow guildies. It seems that Vision has now disbanded, so at the moment I am basically worthless and homeless LOL

    Any bit of advice would be great! Thank you :)
  2. pragmasaurus

    pragmasaurus Donator

    Mar 13, 2021
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    You can find a guild here: https://royals.ms/forum/forums/guilds.12/
    Or you can just use a megaphone in game and see if anyone responds.

    If I were you I'd try to remember the IGNs or forum account names of the people you knew before and see if they're still active. They might be able to give you a leg up. Otherwise, you'll be able to make a decent profit from selling APRs or gaching your NX stash and that can help you fund a new character or continue on your existing ones.

    Welcome back!
    Kheb and klee383 like this.
  3. Kheb

    Kheb Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2020
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    Best way of getting back into the swing is to just play the game :D!

    Join some boss runs, add some people to your buddy list. Try to find a guild thats welcoming and active.

    Not sure how up to date you are with whatever content is new. Regardless, check out a Von Leon Prequest Guide and finish it until you can at least enter Rose Garden (relatively new, 170+ daily solo content). It's op af content that'll swing you back on the market with good meso and nx.

    Do your Ellin Dailies, Chao and Ephinia. And if you want you can add Papulatus to your daily rotation as well for some good gains of daily nx!

    In the last few years there have been quite some quests added that increase your HP significantly. Specifically Olaf's Assignment, wich requires you to finish of tasks from a list, increasing your HP by a lot and giving you very nice rewards along the way.
    Olaf is a really nice way to get back into things as it streamlines your path towards harder content. You'll do some pq's. Kill some mobs and go bossing while you're at it. Good place to start making new friends!

    400k nx is a fairly substancial amount. Gacha is always better than selling APR, however Gacha will require you to know what you are selling to make the most meso out of it. Or do some research beforehand to figure out what items you need. Regardless, all Gacha places are good.
    Shrine and NLC are probably the easiest to go to for meso (allthough can be very inconsistent). Almost everthing they offer is shit beside the jackpot (cs/ws). Just drop everything to a mule while you figure out what the correct prices are for the other items and sell your cs/ws for good meso :).
    May you not want to Gacha, APR selling is the most consistent. They are quite in demand currently. So may you want to sell APR, I will buy all :D (like many other people atm). APR are worth about 9-9.5m each atm.

    wb and glhf on the grind :3
    Geto and Sylafia like this.
  4. klee383

    klee383 Well-Known Member

    Jan 31, 2021
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    thank you sooo much this was really helpful! Will definitely be back with the grind :)

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