Woke up late to see update happened 30 mins ago End up announcing retirement from rock and acp selling to resume sleeping even though it's the afternoon (ty to all who bought from me in past year <3)
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/r5xN1NS/cupid-love.jpg https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/hf93Lfq/lol-xd.jpg
got this on my bucc then i started scrolling it. View attachment 182789 (60s), around 0.99% to hit these odds, which is close to the same odds of 9/10ing with 60s (0,97%). Typical innit
few days ago I land on my first cs+ws make a 12/1 bfc to 17 then today I trade my 11wa vl boots + 3.2b mesos to a 10/2 fs u guys might not even believe, but I got two buddy watching 7cs+ws cant even pass on the boots all failed! but somehow it still not boom yet. I'm wondering what is the longest streak with cs+ws fail
Tried scrolling random 8-10 int gloves yesterday with glove m. att 30%. All blown up lol, I should've kept the first 16 tma 3 slots dark lorin and resume with 60% or something. At least the meso loss was already recoverd
From today I am abandoning this expedition, it is very unfair and I die very often despite having good internet and constantly using power elixir or elixir dc, maybe I will come with another class but never with BM unless the injustice is fixed, which is just the only class that dies without reaction time and its power is limited to a 3rd job skill! after reliving client crash or dc / yesterday and today
To be honest, as unfair as damage reflect is to hurricane/rapid fire, being careful to avoid damage reflect should've been it's original design and all classes needs avoid it and not use it as free iframe at the cost of potion usage. LF> 31k + damage reflects (unless that's what the dev's mentioned about a more dangerous damage reflect in the future)
Got caught by frozen rng. Thousands of rose are gone, now it's my turn. Spoiler: I pressed HOME key believe me
Spoiler: read if you want I haven't been online for the past few months, but recently I have been feeling burnout irl and decided to play a new character from lvl 1-30 to see if it helps. Had great fun and felt better, but at the same time remembered why I kept quitting (and rejoining) the game over 2 years. Like many, my original goal was to reach lvl 200. Ever since I reached level 200 (3-4 months in), I didn't really have much goals left and started to chase for better eqs. First time quitting was due to burnout from relooting MoN and unlucky CS/gacha (mostly fail/- in CS, close to 1k tickets no ws/cs). Second time quitting was from fustration with server lag. During this period, I did duo mage ulu1 for 2-3 months and did some bossing after. Gambled with CS with a few ups and downs. Managed to buy a perfect KC, but felt that I was just wasting my time since I couldn't do boss runs due to the lag. Third time, I came back and did quad mage at ulu1. Surprisingly, my luck got better and got many low% luck event, such as finally getting my 8wa MoN, 5/7 Krex ring and once I had 56/12 and 56/11 RCs dropping within 3mins. From the many white pioneers that I farmed at ulu, I managed to pass 4 * 30 in a row on one of them. At that point, I finally had a new goal which is to scroll a 62str white pioneer. Told myself that this time, I would be disciplined to save bcoins to buy WS and eventually buy one of those WS services once I have 60 WS. Unfortunately, as I started to accumulate bcoins, everytime I reached 5 bcoins, my gambling urges would kick in and I would just gamble on CS. Even though I could make 5b per week, I was also losing that amount every weekend. On a weekly basis I told myself that would be the last time I would gamble and I could earn my losses quick but I was only lying to myself. Feeling that I wasn't progressing much, I only reached 20WS before calling it quits and decided to 30% + WS which boomed it. This may not be comparable to what others have lost or even what I have previously lost, but to me this was the worst, as I lost the only goal that I had after close to 2 years. Reflecting back, I really failed myself and bad RNG was just an excuse. Better allocation of funds for fun/WS, more discipline and perhaps I would have accumulated the other 40 WS that I was lacking. To be honest, to today, I still can't get past it. This feels worse than my 0 pass ~10 fail record on 30% GFA on BWGs or my negative record with CS on 3/6 BWG (many attempts, never once +3 or above, ~1.5b per attempt). At the end, I decided to clear all my tradebles to dissuade my future self from coming back since I keep messing it up. However, very often I still remember the joys I had and have the urge to comeback, and its real unfortunate. Decided to compile some of the fails that I captured. Enjoy~