S/B: 13.5b A/W: 14.5b (Highly prefer straight trade for 16 att cape or 17 att cape + my top up. Ez 24 att for all you pro gamblers out there ) Traded for 17att bfc S/B: 2b A/W: 2.5b Sold in game A/W: 650m A/W: 1.3b Sold in game C/O: 1b A/W: 1.3b A/W: 200m Random event nx (will be adding more later). Feel free to offer! Accepting Bcoins and CS/WS at 500m Bids end after 24 hours since last bid
Hey sure I'm down to trade capes. May need a little time to liquidate some things if that is ok with you?
14/2 bfc +5b traded for 17 att bfc. Ty and good luck pro! Closing thread now, other items will probs be in fm shop or can pm me in game if interested!