Hello. We are Raftel and we are recruiting for members. We are mainly GMT+8 players We: - chill in FM - fight HT - maybe play other games together other than royals? - talk shit about others? Our GMs and JRs: GM: Takanono JRs: - Bududu - TingTongBell Spoiler: Requirements - Lv135+ - Be nice - To join our discord after successful application Spoiler: Application Format Where you are from: IGN/Job: Roast us, do your worst:
Where you are from: New York US IGN/Job: CokeFloat | Ice Lightning (Maybe can move next attacker into guild once it is 135+ and ready! Still need to get leech and plan wash) Roast us, do your worst: I like One Piece but I had to google what Raftel was. What kind of nerd would know such minor detail, probably @Tim Oh yeah, my normal playtime is servertime 12:00~18:00 because of lifestyle so I can normally play most SG/MY/TW hours!
Where you are from: California United States IGN/Job: Draple/Night Lord/157. Roast us, do your worst:Not really a roast, but One Piece isn't real, and Raftel doesn't exist. It's a conspiracy made by the World Government to justify their military-industrial complex in catching pirates. Also, Raftel... really, we Asians might not be able to pronounce our Rs and Ls, but at least spell it right, please.