Right, but while you're trying to KB it it can still magic attack you. It's a recommendation not a necessity.
Can you elaborate a little on the early/mid-gear part? Specifically on at what level you should aim for what phase, in what order you should buy and how much gear should roughly cost! My NL is my first character so having that filled out would be, at least to me, a great help. To make it concrete, currently I am level 54, sitting at roughly 80M with no valuable gear. I assume once I am able to wear a Maple Skanda I have about 100M to spend. This is how I see myself gearing up for the future based on your information and what I think is best useful. (Best DPS for money spend) - I was hoping you could fill in the questions and blanks and give your opinion. Early-gear (in priority order): 1. Maple Skanda (45~55 attack) goes for about 80~300m respectively(?) 2. Work Glove (8~10 attack) goes for 60~120M respectively(?) 3. Zakum Helmet (Including pre-quest) goes for about 110m(?) 4. Osfa/Thief Snowboots with decent LUK/DEX go for about 20~80m(?) 5. Deputy Star goes for about 111m Mid-gear (getting DEX for Craven) 1. 10 dex earrings for about 80m(?) 2. 5 dex facepiece goes for about **m(?) 3. thief top&bottom for DEX/LUK for about 80m each(?) 3. Craven goes for roughly 100~300m(?) Late-gear Is optimizing above said gear, so this shouldn't need specification in my opinion. Miscallenous Cape for LUK/DEX Overall for LUK/DEX So yea, basically I want to know if this is the correct order of buying, especially when money is scarse, and if the prices are somewhat correct. Perhaps I'm asking too much - perhaps I am John Snow and know nothing. But this is the only part of the guide where I felt I needed more information.
For the most part, you are correct. I'd squeeze in top/bottom after Zakum Helmet because the godly system for them is tough to beat in terms of value and hard to pass up. You could also use a Luk Robe. Very cheap to scroll and fairly common.
The top/bottom for NL are generally level 80 and require 120 dex though. Zakum Helmet (even at best) can't close the DEX deficit. So I would have to at least get DEX earrings, buy 60% dex for helmet and probably buy DEX shoes before. All are really expensive prerequisite purchases that don't help your damage all too much before you can wear the bottom/top - wouldn't the money:dps ratio be unideal? I lack in the number game though, so this is just based on intuition and purely guessing.
I think nice alternative training place for 95+ is Capt Latanica. He gives me about 10% at lvl 100 and is relatively easy to kill as long as one can withstand about 3,8k magic damage. Naturally that does require HP washing. Also it requires some funding so unfunded should look for him at later levels or skip altogether.
Do you have to do the quest every time you want to spawn Capt. Latanica and is it limited daily or something? o-o Sorry, I'm not familiar with it.
You have to do the quest once per day to get a white essence which is used to spawn capt latanica. And the quest involves killing like 600 mr anchors and stuff.
Actually it doesn't. It only requires to kill 100 slimies, jr. Selkies and Anchors which is pretty easy tbh.
Time to takes to get the kill, go back to town and collect the White Essence, go through to Ghost Ship again and finally kill Captain Latanica could easily be spent grinding somewhere else.
I just wanted to point one alternative for regular grinding and one more boss. It's always available too, so it saves time from finding it like what you have to do with Headless Horseman.
This method would be nice if you had like 3 mules along with you to finish up the quest seeing as the quest only requires kill count.
@Plenty , Here I am again with a gearing question. I agree that taking a bottom/top would be best after a scrolled Zakum Helmet and a 10 dex earring. Those together make it so you can wear the level 80 top&bottom. And since you have the DEX for a level 80 top&bottom, you could wear the respective claw as well. I don't get why a Maple Skanda is such a must-buy here . It's not that hard to keep a bad Skanda/Kandayo untill level 70-80 and trade it in for a Scarab. It offers a higher base attack and are much cheaper to buy for 52+ attack. (EG: I saw a 53 attack +8 luk scarab for only 50m). Does the "Faster" speed of the Skanda make such a big DPS difference compared to a Scarab? Or is it just that people can't be arsed to wait until level 70~80 for a new claw? EDIT: So it turns out both Faster and Fast weapons hit the same attack speed cap with Booster. So I have absolutely no idea what the logic behind choosing a Skanda is. EDIT2: According to my clan, people buy a Skanda because they either stay dexless (no top/bottom) or because they want the Skanda for the "tedious" level 72-75 grind. Since most people have disposable income anyway. Personally, it's harder to grind the 300M for a 53 att Skanda than it is to hardcore grind levels. By that logic, going for a great Scarab is absolutely the way to go?
It's generally harder to find a good scarab as well, since most people NPC them. You shouldn't really be adding into dex until the late 11x levels anyway- fourth job is the time to work on gear, in my opinion. I went up to level 125 or so with just a 47 attack skanda, a 30 dex zhelm, and I started to add some into base dex around 115. I spent most of 12x-13x farming tops and bottoms to make some (being female it's harder to find gear pre-scrolled). By 135, which is the beginning levels of bossing, I had a 67 attack Craven, a 24 luk 5 dex top, and 21 dex bottoms. 30 dex zhelm, 10 dex earrings, a deputy star, etc. I had about 75 base dex I think, maybe a little more. Second and third job should mostly be spent actually leveling, and saving money when you can. Getting to 120 or even 130 with just a 5x attack skanda while being mostly dexless is easier, that's all.
You're forgetting that it's better to stay DEX-less until late 3rd job/early 4th job to begin with. Having 25 DEX and a decent Skanda makes you stronger than having 60 DEX and a decent Scarab, as @Sila pointed out. btw, Sila, depends on your craven. I went straight from LV. 100 with full DEX, since I had the gear and a good Craven. If you have good gear, it's better to switch around LV. 90-100.
Yeah of course but this is under normal circumstances not "I'm level 120 with the gear of someone 150 because I've been n playing for over a year"
Where can a sin farm money? Being a level 43 and sitting on only 10m really sucks, also I already have 60 base dex so I should be fine right? I raised it early cause I'm a new player so didn't have the equips to go dexless Also, hp washing, I highly doubt I'll have the mesos to do that so can I ignore it for now?
You could try platoon chronos and see if you can get some glove for att 60%s. Besides that I dont think there are a lot of options for money making yet. Just train and npc the drops. When I was in my 60s I grinded a bit a miner zombies for their gold teeth. Stop putting points into dex for now.
I didnt HP wash my night lord until I was about level 90ish. I'm not good at math, but you can use the information from the front page on HP washing to calculate how much int you'll need to get enough MP for the basic goals by various levels. As for where to get money, at level 43 your best bet is master chronos or platoon chronos. Maple shields sell for about 1mil each last I knew. GFA 60% drops at Platoons too, and helm dex 60%s drop at Master Chronos. Your best bet is to just focus on leveling, use your NX on gacha or AP resets and sell them. 60 base dex is more than enough for now, yeah. Dont put any more into dex for now. Around level 60s, miner or coolie zombies are good money and decent exp. Miners drop gold teeth, coolies are better spawn and really good NPC rate but you'll be having to walk back a lot.