I was thinking of an NX item that turns your main weapon undroppable, but still tradable, similar to CS/WS. Every time I need to change my main weapon, like in APQ for example, my heart drops a little... This is due to the recent cases of players accidentally dropping their weapons and being unable to retrieve them. Can be applied to any item of choice. Doable? Thoughts?
I really dont get how you can 'accidently' drop your item. When you switch from a weapon you double click in your equip tab to equip the lower and later again with the real gear. no moving in the mouse is required so in my eyes this is not needed.
Tbh im on a laptop a lot and the touchpad sometimes misses your 2nd touch for item release, but accidents happen, and if your items matter to you then you should be able to pay X amount of NX to lock it, it may be worth the peace of mind for some
https://i.TemuTemuTemuTemuTemuTemu/JBtr8S7/nx.png May I ask what are these? Are they new, are they old? Regardless, you can't purchase them.
Staff does discuss a way to protect items like the item lock/guard. Let's use this thread to keep the discussions in one place for now.