How coupon and monster card affect boss drops?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Fii, Nov 12, 2022.

  1. Fii

    Fii Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Pretty much as title says, I have some questions about that, maybe these would need a Dev/Staff to confrim?

    1 Generally for a single body boss, is the player with drop rate buff from card or coupon in inentroy has to get white EXP(i.e. kill most HP of the boss) to apply the effect? or the player has to be last hitting person before the boss down? or the player has to do both?

    2 For Horntail, a special case that has multiple parts combine the whole HP bar, what should the person with coupon do to apply the drop rate buff? does the player need to white the last part being hit(usually left hand maybe) or needs to white all parts? or not whiting all parts but killed most HP overall? or more simple like above mentioned, just being the last hit person?

    3 If I have 1.5x coupon in inventory and +100% drop rate monster card buff, when downing a boss is the drop rate 250%(plus) or 300%(multiply)?
    Donn1e likes this.
  2. Donn1e

    Donn1e Donator

    Jan 12, 2020
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    For 1 and 2, I believe nobody knows for sure, but every party I had treated it like whiting the last part applies the coupon, and not last hitting.
    Apparently that's based on something Matt said on shoutbox during one of the events?
    Anyway, I've never seen that information being public and it would be nice if staff could comment on this.
  3. Fii

    Fii Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I guess staffs forgot this thread(or decide not to disclose such info?) so I did a lot of research myself on how this game dropping items and how horntail works. (should I write another post in guide section?)
    First of all, these informations are based on my own v83 server, we cannot know what is the actual code inside MapleRoyals so these are just my own assumptions, which could possibly be false too.

    When a monster dropping an item, the server do these steps:

    Step 1
    There is a mechanism to decide which and only one character's drop rate will be apply to the dying monster.
    I decide to update this because the old description says which character "kill" the monster is ambiguous, "the killer" and "the rate being applied character" can actually be differnt, the killer is simply decided by which character last hit, but the server is not simply apply the drop rate of the killer, see the sections below.

    Step 2
    To decide the character whose drop rate will be applied, the server will calculate which character dealed most damage before it die.
    If a character dealed most damage but died, as long as this character is in the map until the monster dies, this character's rate will be applied no matter uses resurrection or not.
    But if this character left the map then the monster dies during this time, the rest people still in the map who dealed second most damage, this character's rate will be applied.

    Step 3
    After the server know the character, server will calculate the character's own drop rate, which includes monster card effect and drop buff coupon, they multiply together. For exaple monster cards gives me +100% buff on this area and I have a 1.2x coupon, my rate will be like below:
    a. Character rate, which affected by server rate and coupon:
    1 x 3.2 x 1.2 = 3.84
    b. Buff rate, which affected by buffs such as monster card:
    1+100%= 2
    So the total rate is:
    3.84 x 2 = 7.68
    This value will write back to character object, and then loaded by the dropping function later.

    Step 4
    The server will calculate the item chance with the total drop rate, for example a sanil has a drop data of "arrow for bow" with 30,000 chance, then my chance is 30,000 x 7.68 = 230,400. The server then roll a dice, generate a random number from 0 to 999998, if this number is under 230,400 then the server will let this map spawn this drop on the coordinate snail died.
    In this case, my chance to get "arrow for bow" from killing a snail is 230,400/999999, or roughly 23.04%.

    So, to answer the questions(asked by myself lol), here is it:

    Answer 1
    Yes you have to white it instead of last hit, only the player who dealed the most damage his/her rate will be applied to the monster dying!

    Answer 2
    Horntail's drop is from his special body with all parts' HP added up, the body is invisible and not able to hit directly by players, and it's HP displaying on the client with green bar. When a player hits horntail's parts like the heads or the wing, the server will note which character dealed the damage and then propagate to the special body. So the answer is kill most hp overall, not whiting last part or whiting every parts!(even not whiting any parts is still possible to deal most damage overall)

    Answer 3
    Multiply! now you know how overpower is the monster card effect!

    EDIT: this post's information is very likely not true for MapleRoyals' case, read this post please.
    Last edited: May 7, 2024
    Tail, Kurose, Mads and 10 others like this.
  4. ImVeryJelly

    ImVeryJelly Donator

    Jun 20, 2016
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    Multi target class on the rise once again!
    Sylafia likes this.
  5. Fii

    Fii Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    TL; DR:
    My recommendation, don't die, still last hit, still white everything if you can, keep doing it until staff/dev comes here to confrim something, don't read the post of theory above, which only wasting your time.

    Hello it's me again, today I did a duo auf run and my level 200 NL looted the auf card effect(+100% drop rate in neo tokyo maps), within 30 minutes I and my partner manage to kill dunas v2 and nibergen.
    Then, I have a possibly nagetive testing result with my theory, because these two runs experiments really made me hard to believe my drop rate buff is applied. So, until a staff/dev confirm what is the turth, I think this result just shows I'm stupid wasting time making these wrong assumptions :admincry:

    When killing dunas v2:
    There were 3 character dealing damage and 1 character leeching.
    character1: my NL, main attacker with apple(will do most damage definitely)
    character2: my MM, sub attaker with wa30 buff
    character3: friend's bucc, main attaker with wa30 buff
    character4: friend's leecher, not dealing any noteable damage.

    Based on this theory,
    we decided to suicide on NL and MM to make leecher get more exp, but end up got very dry drop. The overall drop's quantity is really low, much lower than all runs in my memory with +100% card.
    We got a monster card and some guaranteed drops like coin stacks, then nothing else. Didn't get the WS fragment C which has the highest drop rate in monster book, nor 1k/5k nx card, nor any random 60%s/weapons.

    When killing nibergen:
    1~4 are same characters as above dunas v2 run, but this time NL with stoppers(the result is this character dealed most damage still).
    character5: friend's paladin, sub attaker with wa30 buff.

    With the aware of the run above, this run only my friend's bucc and paladin suicided on 3rd body of nibergen. But based on this theory,
    I decided to let my NL not being the killer. You guessed the result, we got very dry drop again just like the dunas v2 run.
    We got very few random equipments and some guaranteed drops like coin stacks, then nothing else. Didn't get the WS fragment B which has the highest drop rate in monster book, nor 1k/5k nx card, nor any random 60%s.

    The point made me hard to believe this is just bad of luck is the overall drop quantity, if just not getting WS fragments but in the meantime getting a lot of(more than usual) worthless equipments/scrolls I could see it as bad RNG, but this case and two runs BTB and fewer drops than all runs in my memory? No sorry I would rather see it as drop buff didn't apply at all.
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2024
  6. minions

    minions Donator

    Jan 11, 2024
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    I wish staff can confirm this one day :(
  7. Matt

    Matt Administrator

    May 8, 2013
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    From what I can tell, it should be the character that deals the most damage to the mob, regardless of if they are dead or no longer in the map.
    SummonShade, Kheb, Nerd and 4 others like this.
  8. minions

    minions Donator

    Jan 11, 2024
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    Thanks! appreciate your confirmation <3
  9. minions

    minions Donator

    Jan 11, 2024
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    Hey Matt, Could I just ask one more thing if possible?

    Does 1.2x drop coupon also work on bonus boxes? (APQ,CWK, VL, etc)
    SummonShade likes this.

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