I once met this girl named Courtney on Royals and I gave her my old gun! We then became friends! just kidding, she hated salmon so it was the end of the story right away! OR WAS IT! maybe it was only the beginning: of a painful adventure especially for her I know there's a I see dead people thread, but Courtney has too many deaths to put into that 1 thread. If you have more screenshots of her daily deaths, please feel free to add them here also: wtb death counter for courtney
I expected exactly this when I saw the thread title... Says enough about Courtney. She spends more time dead than alive on Royals. ily courtney
A couple of my personal favorites none of you had the privilege of witnessing.. That one damn Cornian.. We meet again.. Don't walk into semi high level areas without magic guard folks.. And the picture that I find to be the epitome of my greatness.. ……….. died on court, got frustrated and switched to Nisha……. 30 seconds later