Hey man, it me TheScrollGuy. i dont know how to PM someone so i'll just post here I’m not sure if you at this point even care about this, but as you also have experienced in the past, there is a possibility that our MapleRoyals content will get flagged with copyright claims on youtube. Now that I’m also back, I’ve done a small investigation into how this was possible and what our best chances are to defend against this in the future. So, this is what happened: Last time, Nexon hired a company named DAZIUNDA (probably for around 2-3 months) to monitor platforms like YouTube and Twitch and ban any and all channels that produce MapleStory private server content. At this point, there is a big chance Nexon will hire this or a similar company in the future to do another content wipe. I’ve talked mainly to DickDann about how to best hide from their detection and not lose our channels again. The best way to avoid detection is to not name Royals in your YouTube video titles, descriptions, or tags, and to focus more on names like "old school" or "nostalgic". Also, I’m trying to get in contact with as many Royals content creators as I can get hold of because once a new content purge starts, the best thing to do is to make all your videos temporarily private. So, as soon as one of us gets hit with copyright claims, we can tell each other to hide our videos for a while. Anyway, if you have any info or knowledge about this topic that could help us content creators not lose our channels again, please let me know! I just thought I would share this knowledge with you because you are also one of the OG royals content creators. also you are one of the OG royals content creators who didn't lose their YT account, me, sprintfast, haastings etc all lost their YT account. how did you manage to avoid this if i may ask?
thanks! im not much on the forums so im not sure were to go to check my PM's. but i'll start looking for it now