This guide will no longer be updated as I've quit Royals. Download the Excel file below and mark your progress on top of it. Features: Monsters grouped by regions and sub-regions- Instead of the mess that is the in-game book. Cards ranked by their grind/tediousness - from 1 (Free) to 5 (SKIP!) Map recommendations. Monsters ordered by priority - to minimize overlap between monsters that share maps. Monster HP and elemental weaknesses - know if you can easily kill them. How much of monster drops are required for quests. There are also many quests that require killing monsters while they are active, so if you're also working on the quest medals, I recommend to clear all quests in an area before card hunting it. Card pictures - for visual flare. Monsters with red names are required to kill for the Reuel Elixir of Life repeatable HP quest. If you plan to get HP that way, postpone hunting these cards as you will get them naturally doing the quest. How I ranked card grind/difficulty - subjective due to RNG/Class/Gear, which can make a card easier/harder by ~1 rank: 1 - Free. Done in a few minutes, you won't even notice. 2 - Easy - Done in ~15 minutes. Good for Amazing Collector. 3 - Medium - Might take up to ~40 minutes. Ok for Master Collector. 4 - Hard - Will probably take more than an hour... Last resorts for Legendary Collector. 5 - Extreme - Multiple hours of painful grinding. Skip, only for completionists. Happy Hunting
Thanks for the sharing Dont know how u sort the quests but one of the easiest to miss quest is lost perfume (wont be completed after talking to kenta )should be added to the list Also lost sadle and the long road also a special ones Monsters tab is unavailable btw
I've been using your spreadsheet for monster cards for a while now and it is incredibly well thought through resulting in a really fun time hunting those stickers. This should be renamed to "how to mapleroyals", absolutely looking forward to future updates! maybe this could be stickied? 9 messages in 5 years, you make every post count
With my return to the server and the beginning of a new Legendary Collector medal, I've brought back the Google Sheets online version of my monster card spreadsheet. I've also updated it with a slightly more streamlined design and the new monsters added in Rose Garden - though I require some help with missing/outdated information from the high level players. Happy hunting!
I like the tips. Specially items to keep for quests. Btw ppq quests is now can be done as ppq is now uncapped.
True, but there are 4 quests related to PPQ that can only be accepted up to level 100. It's best to get these while you can and can complete them later on if required.
can you get it back in a way we dont have to download anything to look at the info please? thank you so much
As you wish. If you're going for the"long run" I personally recommend to download your own version so you can use filtering tools and to mark progress. I've updated the ranking again now that the drop rates have been universally nerfed. This is truly a dark day for us card collectors. I've also changed all links on the monster names to direct to the amazing Unofficial Royals Library, which has accurate data like exp, drops, defense, picture etc. I don't feel like maintaining this spreadsheet much these days, so updates to it might be slow.
thank you very much, my friend! now, what about these drop rates universally nerfed? I dont know about this ... are the cards harder to obtain now? cant believe that ... current card run: I'm at about 285 complete cards collected, 115 to go for the legendary collector medal ... ps: are there relly 495 cards in royals to be collect? looking by the number it doesnt seen that hard to find 400 accomplishable
Ever since update 91, the drop rates have been "fixed". The last half year or so had apparently had higher drop rate than intended. I personally feel like the card rates were nerfed a bit. As I started collecting again as soon as 91 dropped. There are indeed 494 card sets. The last card is Pink Bean which is unobtainable. Getting 400 doesn't seem too bad until you realize you have around 60 cards tied to party content you can't do solo. I think getting to ~350 can be mostly painless (ranks 1-3) but the last push to 400 involves doing some really bad cards like lycanthrope, fairy, batoo, Neo Tokyo, Shaolin temple (rank 4) and my least favorite cards - the area bosses... I've marked cards that I personally wouldn't bother at all getting for the medal because it would just take too much time (rank 5).
This guide is really great I got a suggestion to maybe add a mark to every card that is part of Raul's questline since for some people who intend to grind it a bit. It would be a waste of time since they would get them either way.
Good suggestion. I used to have that feature, but kinda forgot to bring it back once I didn't need that quest anymore.
Problem identified on the Spreadsheet: Name of the "qualm monk" and "oblivion monk". The mob is correct, but the name on the weaker mob is qualm monk trainee, repeating the name of the stronger one. Same for oblivion.
Hi friends. Can you guys help with that? I have 247 Basic Cards according to the main page. Does that means that I'm 3 away of my next medal?
No. The in-game monster book counts even a single card from monster as a "basic card". But for the medal, you need to complete the whole 5 card set of the monster to count it as 1. The "special card" are just bosses. Best way to track your progress is through the "X Collector" medal challenge in the medal tab. If you don't have it, grab it from Dailir the medal NPC in most towns.