Hi there, Its seems that my account has been blocked. i tried to recconect my routher and still can't go in. i'd like to check the possebility of potential ban. All Your Character Names: Arnoninho, Urbanico Last thing you did: Skele Leech Why do you think you got banned?: No idea. Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you (optional): I have no idea, got back from work and then i coudl'nt go in to mapleroyals and got that message. i'd like to get an update, that server brought me back to my good old times when i was a little boy without any worries, so nostalgic for me. Best Regards, Arnoninho
You were permanently banned for soliciting rwt, would you like to explain the origin of your meso/items?
thank you for replaying to my thread. I never spent any money or gave to someone else something for getting mesos. I have a wife and 2 sons, i dont have neither time nor spare money to spent on a pixel game. a friend of mine that quit mapling gave me a bunch of mesos by purchesing from my store in the FM. Before he did, i read the game terms & conditions and didn't found that its not allowed to get mesos from a friend that quit the game. Because he chose to left the game forever, he didnt need the mesos anymore so he gently asked me if i want so and i accept because its not a law breaking according to the terms. in conclusion, i have no reasson to do rwt because i have more important things in my life and no spare money or time to spent. i really like mapling like the good old days when i was in school, and because of this and all the following explenation above i'd like to ask that you will consider that ban, because i really think that is a mistake. anyway, i'd like to purify my name, because im not a fraud and i want you to know that. Best regards, Arnoninho
What is your friend's IGN? how did you know him? Why did he buy your stuff in a store rather than trading you directly? What did he buy from you?
Hi, 1. I can’t remember it and he also not remember. 2. I know him from the school, we are friends for years. 3. He thought that will be suspicious for rwt to trade the money and that’s the reason. In the end he got wrong.. 4. Dark crystal ores.
If you know your friend from school, then you must be able to contact him outside the game right? Can you grab his IGN for us then? And yes it's indeed suspicious buying dark crystal ore 1b each
as i wrote before, he also can't remember and he deleted the game. he became to an ultra orthodox, so he have no computer or smartphone either so he can't comment here also. i'll ask him again, i can't promise you an answer for that but i think you can find it out and see what is the IGN and u could see that he quit mapling. i putted it because we thought that will be better then do a trade without giving nothing. think about that - i woudln't tell u that if i really did rwt.. i woudln't try to justify myself in that case if it was..
Your story doesn't match our records at all. With that being said, your appeal is denied. FYI, your seller's accounts were also banned too.