a/w: 1.777b a/w: 1.777b a/w: 400m I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SALE TO ANYONE FOR ANY REASON Currently accepting: BUYERS COVER TAX! Spoiler: =w= SOLD s/b: 27b @Kethoe a/w: 30b 28b @Kethoe (50 cs/ws + 500m) Decided to sell for 28b to complete my 20 rs trade with @konayuki Wish I could keep this, but I must fund the main. SOLD s/b: 38b a/w: 42b @HikariNoPuri (42b coin) 17 rs trade was done through @konayuki & @HikariNoPuri to avoid double tax and as partial payment for 20 rs: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-20-rs-19-bfc-19-91-rc-20-scg.232627/#post-1424516 SOLD Spoiler: bids s/b: 21b @kori133 c/o: 21.5b @Likeyuyu 22b @Clearlove7 23b @PYODO 23.5b @Likeyuyu 23.6b @PYODO 23.7b @Likeyuyu 24b @PYODO 24.5b @imThor 24.6b @PYODO 24.8b @MrSiFut 24.9b @PYODO 25b @MrSiFut 25.1b @PYODO a/w: 3b @GojinNaNa a/w: 1.8b @leonardkho a/w: 1.8b sold in-game 1.777b a/w: 1.8b sold in-game 1.777b a/w: 1.2b @kirbychan a/w: 800m @kirbychan a/w: 800m @leonardkho a/w: 800m sold in-game 788.8m Spoiler: bids s/b: 2b @Adversary 2.2b @piapiapia 2.5b @SensaiQt 2.6b @Adversary
UPDATE: RS and Kanzir have been sold to two lovely people. @Kethoe @HikariNoPuri Thank you both for making my 20 rs purchase possible in such a short amount of time. My mind is blown by how fast we were able to make this happen. It hasn't even been 4 hours since I made this thread! Added 21 bwg! Taking offers but will not sell for about 2 weeks (maybe less time depending on how other sales go).
I decided to list s/b as 21b. If you are okay with that, let me know and I will update with your offer! Please keep in mind that I will not sell this item until about 2 weeks from now. @kori133
UPDATE: Since sales have been going good... Will be selling 21 bwg in a few days to the highest, uncontested bidder!