Darko's Night Lord Guide [2024]

Discussion in 'Class Guides' started by xDarkomantis, Dec 27, 2023.

  1. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I wanted to make an updated Night Lord guide since Sila's "A comprehensive Night Lord guide" has information too outdated for the current state of Royals. I will borrow some information from that guide (because some of it is still relevant) while inputting new information for Night Lords. Keep in mind that while I never achieved great heights as an Night Lord, I hope that this guide will be good enough to make you the best Night Lord possible.

    ~If I have any mistakes in my guide, then please feel free to PM or quote me with what I should edit and I'll do so.

    ~I will NOT be helping anyone with HP washing calculations... Please do your own research and calculate yourself.

    :thief: Introduction:

    If you are here, then it only means one thing... You are making a Night Lord. This is the most popular class people will make for nostalgia, fun, and/or as their first serious attacker class to main. Whatever reason you choose to make this class for, I hope you're able to enjoy it to the fullest extent!

    - Great damage early game (pre-4th job) and best damage dealer 4th job (only second to heavily experienced Corsair mains)
    - High mobility
    - High avoid + Shadow Shifter (4th job) makes you barely get hit against most bosses
    - Easy to play

    - Requires Sharp Eyes from 4th job Archers to be viable in most bossing situations in 4th job
    - Expensive to fund and gear up (and HP wash)
    - Star recharge costs requires you to be mindful of money and to be proactive with making money
    - Lack of mobbing pre-3rd job and weaker mobbing compared to other classes later on
    - Requires extensive washing or grinding of HP quests (Reuel, Olaf) to do later bosses (Scarlion, Shao, Horntail, Toad, etc)

    :thief: Ability Point (AP) Build:

    Night Lord
    LUK - Primary Damage Stat
    DEX - Secondary Support Stat (needed in order to wear Thief gear)
    Damage ratio: ~5 LUK = 1 Attack (i.e. 23 LUK = ~4.5 Attack)

    To become a Thief, you need 25 base DEX at lv10 to job advance (Please note that you can't use AP reset to go below 25 DEX). You will keep your DEX at 25 DEX and not put any points into DEX for an extensive amount of levels, locking you out of the lower level Thief gear. Why? There are a few reasons why:

    - Due to the fact that Royals has lv35/43/64 Maple weapons (which requires no secondary stat to use) that drop normally from certain mobs and can be obtained easily via grinding or buying from other players, the most efficient way to play a pre-Night Lord starting out is to go DEX-less from 1st job until around mid-3rd job, enabling you to achieve higher damage output than the nostalgic high DEX pre-Night Lord
    - The excessive amount of DEX needed for low level Thief gear will net you less damage than going pure LUK 1st ~ 2nd job.
    - Early Hybrid stat (LUK/DEX) gear aren't available or provides too little in stats (and costs to much to create) to make it worth investing into them

    The AP build I recommend for a Night Lord is to:
    1. Go DEX-less from lv10~90
    2. Transition into Low DEX nearing or at lv100 to wear the lv100 claw, Red Craven, which requires a total of 140 DEX
    3. Slowly return to being DEX-less towards or at lv200 from acquiring good gear

    How much DEX should you have while being Low DEX when you are nearing or reach lv100? No further than 50 base DEX. If you're struggling later on in the lv100s to wear a Red Craven then you can raise to 55~60 but ideally 50 base DEX. I'll elaborate on what DEX gear you should acquire to achieve 140 DEX at lv100. (Note: some players who have extensive funding might be able to go for a lower base DEX or even remain at 25 base DEX).

    As you get progressively towards lv200, you should be able to acquire better gear to AP Reset (APR) your base DEX down to 25 and ideally wear a Red Craven with only 25 base DEX, achieving efficient damage output.

    :thief: Skill Point (SP) Build:

    + 1st Job - Rogue

    - For a Rogue's skill path, I recommend getting one point in Lucky Seven followed by maxing Keen eyes for range and then maxing Lucky Seven. Dark Sight is maxed next because it provides more utility over Nimble Body for Grinding and/or Party Quests. Nimble Body will be maxed later in 2nd job.

    Level 10: +1 Lucky Seven [1/20]
    Level 11: +3 Nimble Body [3/20]
    Level 12: +3 Keen Eyes [3/8]
    Level 13: +3 Keen Eyes [6/8]
    Level 14: +2 Keen Eyes [8/8], +1 Lucky Seven [2/20]
    Level 15: +3 Lucky Seven [5/20]
    Level 16: +3 Lucky Seven [8/20]
    Level 17: +3 Lucky Seven [11/20]
    Level 18: +3 Lucky Seven [14/20]
    Level 19: +3 Lucky Seven [17/20]
    Level 20: +3 Lucky Seven [20/20]
    Level 21: +3 Disorder [3/20]
    Level 22: +3 Dark Sight [3/20]
    Level 23: +3 Dark Sight [6/20]
    Level 24: +3 Dark Sight [9/20]
    Level 25: +3 Dark Sight [12/20]
    Level 26: +3 Dark Sight [15/20]
    Level 27: +3 Dark Sight [18/20]
    Level 28: +2 Dark Sight [20/20], +1 Nimble Body [4/20]
    Level 29: +3 Nimble Body [7/20]
    Level 30: +3 Nimble Body [10/20]

    Result (61):
    Nimble Body [10/20]
    Keen Eyes [MAX/8]
    Disorder [3/20]
    Dark Sight [MAX/20]
    Lucky Seven [MAX/20]

    Level 10: +1 Lucky Seven [1/20]
    Level 11: +3 Nimble Body [3/20]
    Level 12: +3 Keen Eyes [3/8]
    Level 13: +3 Keen Eyes [6/8]
    Level 14: +2 Keen Eyes [8/8], +1 Lucky Seven [2/20]
    Level 15: +3 Lucky Seven [5/20]
    Level 16: +3 Lucky Seven [8/20]
    Level 17: +3 Lucky Seven [11/20]
    Level 18: +3 Lucky Seven [14/20]
    Level 19: +3 Lucky Seven [17/20]
    Level 20: +3 Lucky Seven [20/20]
    Level 21: +3 Nimble Body [6/20]
    Level 22: +3 Nimble Body [9/20]
    Level 23: +3 Nimble Body [12/20]
    Level 24: +3 Nimble Body [15/20]
    Level 25: +3 Nimble Body [18/20]
    Level 26: +2 Nimble Body [20/20], +1 Disorder [1/20]
    Level 27: +2 Disorder [3/20], +1 Dark Sight [1/20]
    Level 28: +3 Dark Sight [4/20]
    Level 29: +3 Dark Sight [7/20]
    Level 30: +3 Dark Sight [10/20]

    Result (61):
    Nimble Body [MAX]
    Keen Eyes [MAX]
    Disorder [3/20]
    Dark Sight [10/20]
    Lucky Seven [MAX]


    + 2nd Job - Assassin

    - For an Assassin's skill path, I recommend getting points into Claw Mastery so you can max Critical Throw, which provides the main damage boost for 2nd job. You should make sure to have a Maple Claw as it gives faster throwing speed, allowing you to delay putting points into Claw Booster until you max Critical Throw. You'll then put six points Claw Booster.

    Afterwards, you max Haste -> Claw Mastery -> Claw Booster. This is when you can finish Maxing Nimble Body (1st job) and follow it up with Endure. You'll leave one point in Drain and wait in 3rd job to get it up higher.

    Level 30: +1 Claw Mastery [1/20]
    Level 31: +2 Claw Mastery [3/20], +1 Critical Throw [1/30]
    Level 32: +3 Critical Throw [4/30]
    Level 33: +3 Critical Throw [7/30]
    Level 34: +3 Critical Throw [10/30]
    Level 35: +3 Critical Throw [13/30]
    Level 36: +3 Critical Throw [16/30]
    Level 37: +3 Critical Throw [19/30]
    Level 38: +3 Critical Throw [22/30]
    Level 39: +3 Critical Throw [25/30]
    Level 40: +3 Critical Throw [28/30]
    Level 41: +2 Critical Throw [30/30], +1 Claw Mastery [4/20]
    Level 42: +1 Claw Mastery [5/20], +2 Claw Booster [2/20]
    Level 43: +3 Claw Booster [5/20]
    Level 44: +1 Claw Booster [6/20], +2 Haste [2/20]
    Level 45: +3 Haste [5/20]
    Level 46: +3 Haste [8/20]
    Level 47: +3 Haste [11/20]
    Level 48: +3 Haste [14/20]
    Level 49: +3 Haste [17/20]
    Level 50: +3 Haste [20/20]
    Level 51: +3 Claw Mastery [8/20]
    Level 52: +3 Claw Mastery [11/20]
    Level 53: +3 Claw Mastery [14/20]
    Level 54: +3 Claw Mastery [17/20]
    Level 55: +3 Claw Mastery [20/20]
    Level 56: +3 Claw Booster [9/20]
    Level 57: +3 Claw Booster [12/20]
    Level 58: +3 Claw Booster [15/20]
    Level 59: +3 Claw Booster [18/20]
    Level 60: +2 Claw Booster [20/20], +2 Nimble Body (or Dark Sight) [12/20]
    Level 61: +3 Nimble Body (or Dark Sight) [15/20]
    Level 62: +3 Nimble Body (or Dark Sight) [18/20]
    Level 63: +2 Nimble Body (or Dark Sight) [20/20], +1 Endure [1/20]
    Level 64: +3 Endure [4/20]
    Level 65: +3 Endure [7/20]
    Level 66: +3 Endure [10/20]
    Level 67: +3 Endure [13/20]
    Level 68: +3 Endure [16/20]
    Level 69: +3 Endure [19/20]
    Level 70: +1 Endure [20/20], +1 Drain [1/30]

    Result (121):
    Claw Mastery [MAX/20]
    Claw Booster [MAX/20]
    Critical Throw [MAX/30]
    Haste [MAX/20]
    Nimble Body (or Dark Sight) [MAX/20]
    Endure [MAX/20]
    Drain [1/30]


    + 3rd Job - Hermit

    - For Hermit's skill path, I recommend getting one skill point into Avenger followed by Shadow Partner max. You're prioritizing damage output for early 3rd job Grinding and afterward, maxing Flash Jump for mobility. Some people may try to max Flash Jump first as this can be helpful if they're leading Pirate Party Quest for example.

    Proceeding on, max Avenger, increasing mobbing capability and then Alchemist, which will increase potion and item buff efficiency for grinding and bossing. Afterwards, you'll have Meso Up, which is slightly helpful in grinding to help recover star recharge costs, and Shadow Web to max, which is helpful with stunning mobs in certain scenarios in 4th job and Ellin Forest PQ. Shadow Meso will be kept at one point as it doesn't provide much use past one SP inside it (however, you should know that it has a 10% chance to remove Defense Up from mobs/bosses). Dump the rest of your SP into Drain to finish your skill path.

    Level 70: +1 Avenger [1/30]
    Level 71: +3 Shadow Partner [3/30]
    Level 72: +3 Shadow Partner [6/30]
    Level 73: +3 Shadow Partner [9/30]
    Level 74: +3 Shadow Partner [12/30]
    Level 75: +3 Shadow Partner [15/30]
    Level 76: +3 Shadow Partner [18/30]
    Level 77: +3 Shadow Partner [21/30]
    Level 78: +3 Shadow Partner [24/30]
    Level 79: +3 Shadow Partner [27/30]
    Level 80: +3 Shadow Partner [30/30]
    Level 81: +3 Avenger [4/30]
    Level 82: +1 Avenger [5/30], +2 Flash Jump [2/20]
    Level 83: +3 Flash Jump [5/20]
    Level 84: +3 Flash Jump [8/20]
    Level 85: +3 Flash Jump [11/20]
    Level 86: +3 Flash Jump [11/20]
    Level 87: +3 Flash Jump [11/20]
    Level 88: +3 Flash Jump [11/20]
    Level 89: +3 Avenger [8/30]
    Level 90: +3 Avenger [11/30]
    Level 91: +3 Avenger [14/30]
    Level 92: +3 Avenger [17/30]
    Level 93: +3 Avenger [20/30]
    Level 94: +3 Avenger [23/30]
    Level 95: +3 Avenger [26/30]
    Level 96: +3 Avenger [29/30]
    Level 97: +1 Avenger [30/30], +2 Alchemist [2/20]
    Level 98: +3 Alchemist [5/20]
    Level 99: +3 Alchemist [8/20]
    Level 100: +3 Alchemist [11/20]
    Level 101: +3 Alchemist [14/20]
    Level 102: +3 Alchemist [17/20]
    Level 103: +3 Alchemist [20/20]
    Level 104: +3 Shadow Web [3/20]
    Level 105: +3 Shadow Web [6/20]
    Level 106: +3 Shadow Web [9/20]
    Level 107: +3 Shadow Web [12/20]
    Level 108: +3 Shadow Web [15/20]
    Level 109: +3 Shadow Web [18/20]
    Level 110: +2 Shadow Web [20/20], +1 Meso Up [1/20]
    Level 111: +3 Meso Up [4/20]
    Level 112: +3 Meso Up [7/20]
    Level 113: +3 Meso Up [10/20]
    Level 114: +3 Meso Up [13/20]
    Level 115: +3 Meso Up [16/20]
    Level 116: +3 Meso Up [19/20]
    Level 117: +1 Meso Up [20/20], +1 Shadow Meso [1/30], +1 Drain [2/30]
    Level 118: +3 Drain [5/30]
    Level 119: +3 Drain [8/30]
    Level 120: +3 Drain [11/30]

    Result (151):
    Shadow Partner [MAX/30]
    Avenger [MAX/30]
    Flash Jump [MAX/20]
    Meso Up [MAX/20]
    Alchemist [MAX/20]
    Shadow Web [MAX/20]
    Shadow Meso [1/30]
    Drain [11/30]


    + 4th Job - Night Lord

    - For Night Lord's skill path, I recommend getting one skill point into Shadow Star and then proceed to max Triple Throw. Afterwards, max Maple Warrior 10 (or 20 if you're an experienced & wealthy player) to maximize damage output in Solo scenarios or in Parties where the members may not have Maple Warrior. If you already have a Bishop mule with Maple Warrior 20 that you can and will bring everywhere with you, then you can forgo Maple Warrior until after Hero's Will or Ninja Storm.

    Your next skill to max is Shadow Shifter to stabilize your damage output via less knockbacks. Shadow Stars will be maxed next and then followed up by maxing Hero's Will for Horntail (or Dojo's Panda boss). Afterwards, max Ninja Storm and the rest of the skill path is up to your personal choice.

    Level 120: +1 Shadow Stars [1/30], +2 Triple Throw [2/30]
    Level 121: +3 Triple Throw [5/30]
    Level 122: +3 Triple Throw [8/30]
    Level 123: +3 Triple Throw [11/30]
    Level 124: +3 Triple Throw [14/30]
    Level 125: +3 Triple Throw [17/30]
    Level 126: +3 Triple Throw [20/30]
    Level 127: +3 Triple Throw [23/30]
    Level 128: +3 Triple Throw [26/30]
    Level 129: +3 Triple Throw [29/30]
    Level 130: +1 Triple Throw [30/30], +2 Maple Warrior 10 [2/10]
    Level 131: +3 Maple Warrior 10 [5/10]
    Level 132: +3 Maple Warrior 10 [8/10]
    Level 133: +2 Maple Warrior 10 [10/10], +1 Shadow Shifter [1/30]
    Level 134: +3 Shadow Shifter [4/30]
    Level 135: +3 Shadow Shifter [7/30]
    Level 136: +3 Shadow Shifter [10/30]
    Level 137: +3 Shadow Shifter [13/30]
    Level 138: +3 Shadow Shifter [16/30]
    Level 139: +3 Shadow Shifter [19/30]
    Level 140: +3 Shadow Shifter [22/30]
    Level 141: +3 Shadow Shifter [25/30]
    Level 142: +3 Shadow Shifter [28/30]
    Level 143: +2 Shadow Shifter [30/30], +1 Shadow Stars [2/30]
    Level 144: +3 Shadow Stars [5/30]
    Level 145: +3 Shadow Stars [8/30]
    Level 146: +3 Shadow Stars [11/30]
    Level 147: +3 Shadow Stars [14/30]
    Level 148: +3 Shadow Stars [17/30]
    Level 149: +3 Shadow Stars [20/30]
    Level 150: +3 Shadow Stars [23/30]
    Level 151: +3 Shadow Stars [26/30]
    Level 152: +3 Shadow Stars [29/30]
    Level 153: +1 Shadow Stars [30/30], +2 Hero's Will [2/5]
    Level 154: +3 Hero's Will [5/5]
    Level 155: +3 Ninja Storm [3/30]
    Level 156: +3 Ninja Storm [6/30]
    Level 157: +3 Ninja Storm [9/30]
    Level 158: +3 Ninja Storm [12/30]
    Level 159: +3 Ninja Storm [15/30]
    Level 160: +3 Ninja Storm [18/30]
    Level 161: +3 Ninja Storm [21/30]
    Level 162: +3 Ninja Storm [24/30]
    Level 163: +3 Ninja Storm [27/30]
    Level 164: +3 Ninja Storm [30/30]
    Level 165: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [3/30]
    Level 166: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [6/30]
    Level 167: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [9/30]
    Level 168: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [12/30]
    Level 169: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [15/30]
    Level 170: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [18/30]
    Level 171: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [21/30]
    Level 172: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [24/30]
    Level 173: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [27/30]
    Level 174: +3 Venom or +3 Taunt [30/30]
    Level 175: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [3/30]
    Level 176: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [6/30]
    Level 177: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [9/30]
    Level 178: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [12/30]
    Level 179: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [15/30]
    Level 180: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [18/30]
    Level 181: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [21/30]
    Level 182: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [24/30]
    Level 183: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [27/30]
    Level 184: +3 Taunt or +3 Venom [30/30]
    Level 185+: Maple Warrior 20 -> Ninja Ambush -> Extra SP

    Result (195):
    Triple Throw [MAX/30]
    Maple Warrior 10 [MAX/10]
    Shadow Shifter [MAX/30]
    Shadow Stars [MAX/30]
    Hero Will [MAX/5]
    Ninja Storm [MAX/30]
    Venom [MAX/30]
    Taunt [MAX/30]

    - Triple Throw:
    - Ninja Storm:
    - Taunt
    - Ninja Ambush
    - Hero's Will
    • Triple Throw
      • TT10 comes from Zakum, there’s no quest involved.
      • Mastery Book 20: Zakum
      • Mastery Book 30: Horntail
    • Maple Warrior
      • You get this by talking to your 4th job NPC right after the job advancement.
      • Maple Warrior 20 is only available from Horntail.
    • Shadow Shifter
      • Shadow shifter is immediately available upon advancing to 4th job.
      • Mastery Book 20: Dark Wyvern, Pianus and Dodo
      • Mastery Book 30: Qualm Monk Trainee, Pianus, Dodo and Leviathan
    • Shadow Stars
      • Shadow Stars is immediately available upon advancing to 4th job.
      • Mastery Book 20: Brexton
      • Mastery Book 30: Oblivion Trainee Monk and Papulatus
    • Venom
      • Venomous Star is also immediately available upon advancing to 4th job.
      • Mastery Book 20: Dark Cornian, Green Cornian and Papulatus
      • Mastery Book 30: Zakum
    • Ninja Storm
      • Ninja Storm can only become available after completing the Unkown Thief's quest.
      • Mastery Book 20: Skelosaurus
      • Mastery Book 30: Guild Party Quest only
    • Taunt
      • Taunt can be obtained from El Nath PQ.
      • Mastery Book 20: Manon and Nest Golem
      • Mastery Book 30: Guild Party Quest
    • Ninja Ambush
      • Mastery Book 20: Spirit Viking and Krexel
      • Mastery Book 30: Pianus, Guild Party Quest and Krexel
    • Hero's Will
      • You get this from completing Carta's Sin questline
      • Mastery Book 10: Von Leon

    :thief: Training & Leveling:

    Please note that with the addition of the Olaf's HP Questline "An Adventurer's Assignment", it's highly recommended that you complete quests along with collecting unique Monster cards (you don't need complete the set, just one card of a mob/boss).

    + Resources to look at:
    - Quests worth doing 2.0

    Level 10~15:
    - Complete 1st Job Instructor Quests
    - Grinding Henesys Hunting Ground 1

    Level 15~20:
    - Grinding Bubblings at Kerning City Subway: Line 1 <Area 1>

    Level 21~30:
    - Participate in Kerning Party Quest (KPQ lv21~200) (Can Obtain Slime Shoes here)
    - Grinding Zombie Mushroom & Horny Mushrooms at Sleepywood's Dungeon: Ant Tunnel I (Can go into Cash shop and exit out to return to top of map) (Can obtain Maple Claw from Zombie Mushroom)
    - (lv25~35) Grinding Genin at Ninja Castle's Castle Corridor (To get there you have to talk to Spinel in Henesys/Kerning, select Mushroom Shrine, and take the cabin to Ninja Castle)

    Level 30~50:
    - Participate in Monster Carnival Party Quest (CPQ lv30~50) by talking to Spiegelmann in Kerning City (Can Obtain Spiegelmann Necklace here)
    - Participate in Ludibrium Party Quest (LPQ lv35~50) (Can Obtain Broken Glasses here)
    - (lv30~35) Grinding Brown Teddies at Ludibrium's Terrace Hall or Genin at Ninja Castle's Castle Corridor
    - (lv3x~55) Grinding Leprechauns at Phantom Forest's Creeping Evil (Use Dark Sight to get to here. Stand between the two Leprechauns on the left side of the map and use Lucky 7 to kill them > Grab Equips/Mesos/Lucky Charms only when Leprechauns are in money bag form as their melee attack in their devil form deals 9000 dmg if you stand too close)
    - (lv35~43) Grinding Platoon Chronos at Ludibrium's The Path of Time <1>

    Level 51~70:
    - Participate in Monster Carnival Party Quest 2 (CPQ2 lv51~70) (Can Obtain Chaos Spiegelmann Necklace here)
    - Grinding Voodoo/Hoodoo at Haunted House's Sophilia's Bedroom (Heartstopper/"stoppers" map - How to get there)
    - Grinding Windraider at Crimsoonwood Mountain's Lower Ascent or Crimsonwood Keep's Tornado Corridor (How to get to Lower Ascent)

    Level 70~85:
    - Participate in Lord Pirate Party Quest (PPQ lv70~200) (How to get there)
    - Grinding Windraider at Crimsoonwood Mountain's Lower Ascent or Crimsonwood Keep's Tornado Corridor (How to get to Lower Ascent)

    Level 85~110:
    - Participate in Lord Pirate Party Quest (PPQ lv70~200)
    - Hunt Headless Horseman
    - Grinding Galloperas
    - Grinding Ulu 1 (Berserkie/Veetron)
    - Grinding Ulu 2 (Veetron/Sylgie)

    Level 110~135:
    - Participate in Ellin Forest Party Quest (EPQ lv110~200)
    - Hunt Headless Horseman
    - Grinding Galloperas
    - Grinding Ulu 2 (Veetron/Sylgie)
    - Complete Temple of Time with other players
    - Join a Skele (Skelegon/Skelosaurus) training party (there must be Bishop/Priest in training party for Holy Symbol)

    Level 120+~135:
    - Participate in Ellin Forest Party Quest (EPQ lv110~200)
    - Hunt Headless Horseman or Bigfoot
    - Reuel HP Quest (does not reward exp but you'll get exp from grinding the mobs of the quest)
    - Duo Papulatus with another player (preferably with Bowmaster/Marksman)
    - Duo Anego (Female Boss) with Bowmaster/Marksman
    - Grinding Ulu 2 (Veetron/Sylgie)
    - Grinding Primitive Boars in Ellin Forest or helping others with their Ellin Forest questline
    - Complete Temple of Time with other players (solo grinding not recommended at all)
    - Join a Skele (Skelegon/Skelosaurus) training party (there must be Bishop/Priest in training party for Holy Symbol)

    :thief: Money making as a Thief:

    Here are ways for you to gather money as an early Rogue ~ Night Lord:

    + Daily Voting
    - Following voting rules, you can vote once per day on the Main website to acquire 8,000 nx points. The NX can be spent on AP Resets (APR) to sell for market price or you can save up to purchase Gachapon and try your luck at a town that hosts a Gacha machine. Popular gach'ing spots include Mushroom Shrine, New Leaf City, or CBD. Note you have to be Lv.50 to use the Gachapon Machine.

    + Questing and/or Grinding for drops
    - There are quests you can do to earn some money along the way towards a Night Lord and even some spots you can grind. For instance:

    + Leprechaun farming
    - You can earn as much as 20mil+ per hour grinding Leprechauns and selling off the equips to a vendor. Some lucrative loot you can acquire to sell in the Free Market are Lucky Charms, clean Green Bandana, 6~8int Dark Noel (mage glove), 5~7int Esther Shield (mage shield), 9~10str Bloody Platina, 8~9str Dark Engrit and Japanese Maps (2H sword).

    How to get there: Go to Phantom Forest's Creeping Evil (Use Dark Sight to get to here. Stand between the two Leprechauns on the left side of the map and use Lucky 7 to kill them > Grab Equips/Mesos/Lucky Charms only when Leprechauns are in money bag form as their melee attack in their devil form deals 9000 dmg if you stand too close).

    + Amoria Party Quest (APQ)
    - APQ provides a great way to acquire mesos by doing the PQ for Onyx apples and selling them for market price in the Free Market. In order to do APQ, your character needs to be married. You can get married by either marrying a trusted friend/buddy (who won't break ring) or making a second account and marry yourself (highly recommended), allowing yourself to do APQ on two characters a day. Make sure when you're getting married that you go for the Moonstone / Star Gem wedding rings as they give 3 slots compared to the 2 slots that Gold / Silver wedding rings have (you'll be scrolling them later on). I suggest reading and understanding how to perform the PQ by reading guides for it:
    + Creating a Mage to sell leech
    - The most consistent way to acquire money is to provide Leech service to other players. Not the most enjoyable thing to do but it'll allow you acquire gear more easily and/or HP wash your Night Lord. I recommend making a Bishop to sell leech since it's more flexible than an Archmage and you'll use the Bishop in bossing scenarios outside of leeching but you can alternatively make an Archmage + lv82~84 Priest mule (Holy symbol maxed with Mystic Door) to sell leech with.

    Leech selling prices:
    (split = 2 buyers leeching | solo = 1 buyer leeching)
    • Bubbling ~ Ulu 2 = 35~40m split / 70~80m solo per hour
    • Petri = 60~75m split = 120~150m solo per hour
    • Skele = 60~70m split / 120~140m solo per hour
    Leech resources:

    :thief: Gear:

    Level 10~30: Your journey as a Night Lord has just started. If you made sure to read earlier in the guide, under "Ability Point (AP) Build", then you'll know that you're going to be DEX-less for an extensive amount of levels. There's some gear that you can acquire yourself but you can politely ask other players if they have any equips/stars they could give you to kickstart your path as a Night Lord. Some people are nice enough to part you with some money too.

    You can sell fame for 1mil to have enough money to buy a Bathrobe from Showa town and 10x Overall DEX 100%s from Kerning Sewers' scroll vendor so that you can use a Steel Titan claw for grinding. If you're unable to acquire a Maple Claw by the time you're lv30 then I recommend either continue hunting in Ant Hill to get a claw from Zombie Mushroom or go to the Free Market to see if any players are selling one (or pass to you for free).

    Level 35~50: You should have a Maple Claw by now and possibly even have a Maple Kandayo as that will be more important than any other gear. If you don't have one then make sure you voted for NX for 8000 nx, buy 2x APRs in Cash Shop, sell them for mesos in the FM, and then buy a cheap Maple Claw in the FM. Also, you're more likely to get recruited into a guild at this point and older Guild members in that guild may be likely to help you get a maple claw and potentially other gear.

    In this level range, it's possible to do LPQ for Glasses if there's a party doing multiple runs but more than likely you'll be at CPQ as it has more population of players running it. If you decided to grind, then you can gather Glove for Attack scrolls from Platoon Chronos to self scroll your own 6~10 Atk glove. However, Leprechaun farm is more lucrative and will provide a way to gather funding for gear at your current level and way past that depending on how long you grind Leps. It should be possible to get a 10~16 LUK bathrobe, low stat LUK earrings, and 6~10 Atk glove in this level range.

    Level 55~70: At this point you should have either understood how to vote -> purchase APR -> sell in FM or used your NX to gach at one of the popular Gachapon locations (and potentially hit it big ;)). If you grinded Leprechauns into this level range then you might have gathered 100m+.

    If you haven't already acquired some then you should be able to afford some cheap gear such as a 10~16 LUK bathrobe, low stat LUK earrings, and 6~10 Atk glove. You can also potentially get a Zakum Helmet (Zhelm), can check this guide on Buying a Zhelm, though you'll need some HP gear to have 2000 HP and then also Hyper Body to have 3200 HP to survive a Zak run. A cheap but decent attack Skanda will be used from lv64~100.

    Level 70~100: By now, you should start getting ready to get married to do APQ (if you haven't already done so) or you figured out alternative means get income. Hunting Headless Horseman around ~Lv80+ will provide EXP + NX, which will give you levels and the NX you need to get & sell APRs/Gach for more funding.

    In this level, you're still using cheap LUK equip but you'll be trying to acquire DEX gear as well and upping your base DEX to ~50 near lv100. Your goal is to achieve 110 Total DEX with base DEX + Equips BEFORE your Top/Bottom and your Top (10 DEX) + Bottom (20 DEX) will give you the 30 DEX , totaling 140 DEX, at lv100 to use a Red Craven. Make sure not to go over 140 DEX in total as you'll be wasting stats. I'm aware that Bottom Thief pants will be expensive so you may not be able be able to acquire a 20 DEX bottom, so you'll have to substitute it through additional DEX from other gear until later on.

    You should be on your way towards getting a Zakum Helmet or already have one (or you can alternatively get a Targa/Scarlion helm) and aiming to get it to ~30 DEX stat. You can again check this guide on buying a Zhelm. Keep in mind that you'll want the Triple Throw skillbook from Zakum for your 4th job, so I recommend paying extra to get this skillbook if it drops in the run you're in (you may have to join consecutive runs for Triple Throw).

    Other gear that can help you acquire 110 Total DEX with base DEX + Equips BEFORE your Top/Bottom are things like:
    • Face accessory: ~5+ DEX
    • Earrings:
    • Belt: do Dojo until you get a White Belt (200 pts) and then scroll it with Belt DEX 100% so that you have 4 DEX total from it
    • Gloves: Pow gloves (Lv60) or Larceny gloves (Lv80) are gloves that have mixed DEX/LUK stat
    • Cape: Use 10+ DEX Adventurer cape or at Lv100, you can aim for a 3 Atk 6~10 DEX Blackfist cape or a Crimsonheart Cloak and scroll it with Cape DEX 60%s to achieve 16+ DEX/ 3~5 LUK cloak
    • Shoes: High DEX scrolled shoes or even mixed stat Thief shoes such as Black Blue-Lines Shoes (Lv40), Purple Goni Shoes (Lv50), Dark Moss Boots (Lv60), Red Mystique Shoes (Lv70), or Red/Dark Pirate Boots (Lv80) (Lower level thief shoes are preferable)
    Note: Female Thieves will struggle to purchase top/bottom Thief gear due to low supply/high demand and thus more expensive gear. You can find alternative means to acquire gear such as self-scrolling your own ~20 DEX Red Shadow/Light Mantis/Blue Mystique Pants and waiting until way higher in levels where you can gain more income to purchase a 20 DEX/6+ LUK pirate skirt.

    Level 100~135: At lv100+, you should have acquired enough DEX from gear to wear a Red Craven and you're using a 71+ Atk claw depending on your funding. Remember that your goal is to achieve 110 Total DEX with base DEX + Equips BEFORE your Top/Bottom and your Top (10 DEX) + Bottom (20 DEX) will give you the 30 DEX , totaling 140 DEX, at lv100 to use a Red Craven. Again, make sure not to go over 140 DEX in total as you'll be wasting stats.

    I recommend doing EPQ for Ephenia Ring and Glittering Altaire earrings at lv110+ but you can just opt for 10+ DEX earrings or other earrings like Element Pierce earrings. Your character should have a clean Moonstone/Star Gem Wedding Ring by now and you should scroll it with Ring DEX 60%. Hopefully it passes 2~3 scrolls so it has 4~6 DEX.

    *New* As of May 2024, it seems to be that a regular 8 DEX / 8 LUK Horntail Pendant (HTP) is on-par with a godly 8 attack Mark of Naricain (If you get a godly 11~13 DEX/LUK, then it'll be more helpful). So I recommend after becoming a Night Lord to get enough HP from washing / HP questing (+ wearing heavy HP gear) to have 8.1~8.4k+ HP and acquire a HTP. You won't need to go for a Mark of Naricain unless it's for personal goals. You can still loot a MoN if it comes for free.

    (Restating this again below..)
    Note: Female Thieves will struggle to purchase top/bottom Thief gear due to low supply/high demand and thus more expensive gear. You can find alternative means to acquire gear such as self-scrolling your own ~20 DEX Red Shadow/Light Mantis/Blue Mystique Pants and waiting until way higher in levels where you can gain more income to purchase a 20 DEX/6+ LUK pirate skirt.

    Level 135~150: In this level range, you want to focus on hitting all content to get good untradeable equips:
    • Get enough HP, 8.1~8.4k+ HP, to acquire a ~8 DEX / ~8 LUK Horntail Pendant
    • Krex - aim for 3 DEX/LUK Almighty ring and then a godly 7~8 DEX/LUK ring and scroll with Ring DEX 60%. Any additional 3/3 ring, you throw a Ring DEX 30% on it
    • Scarga / Zakum - Aim for a Targa helmet and scroll it to ~30+ DEX. Afterwards, infinitely reloot Zakum and Scarlion Helmet until you acquire a godly 20 DEX/LUK helmet and scroll to ~35+ DEX
    • Dojo - Grind for Black Belt as soon as possible. It sucks but the faster you get it done then the faster you don't have to worry about it ever again. After you get your Black Belt, scroll it with Belt DEX 60%.
    • EPQ - Do EPQ for Ephenia ring if you haven't already done so and do additional PQs to get a Glittering Altaire earring. Make sure to use Earring Simulator so that it has a chance to become godly. Scroll it with Earring DEX 60%. Alternatively, you can look at Ifia earrings and just either buy or self scroll a 10 DEX/4 LUK Ifia Earring.
    You'll still want to slowly upgrade some of your gear if possible but the untradeable equips will have your focus.

    (Restating this again)
    *New* As of May 2024, it seems to be that a regular 8 DEX / 8 LUK Horntail Pendant (HTP) is on-par with a godly 8 attack Mark of Naricain (If you get a godly 11~13 DEX/LUK, then it'll be more helpful). So I recommend after becoming a Night Lord to get enough HP from washing / HP questing (+ wearing heavy HP gear) to have 8.1~8.4k+ HP and acquire a HTP. You won't need to go for a Mark of Naricain unless it's for personal goals. You can still loot a MoN if it comes for free.

    Level 150~180: In this level, you should have already acquired good untradeables (i.e. Black Belt) which you also self scrolled to high stat. You already acquired Horntail Pendant but you may or may not still be grinding for a better Helm/Krex ring. Just keep grinding if you didn't yet.

    *New* As of May 2024, it seems to be that a regular 8 DEX / 8 LUK Horntail Pendant (HTP) is on-par with a godly 8 attack Mark of Naricain (If you get a godly 11~13 DEX/LUK, then it'll be more helpful). So I recommend after becoming a Night Lord to get enough HP from washing / HP questing (+ wearing heavy HP gear) to have 8.1~8.4k+ HP and acquire a HTP. You won't need to go for a Mark of Naricain unless it's for personal goals. You can still loot a MoN if it comes for free.

    Once you're lv170+, I do recommend doing Lionheart Castle prequests so that you can do Rose Garden for money and potentially looting a good Ifia ring. Try to aim for a 2 DEX/LUK ring and Ring DEX 60% it and then if you get another, 30% it. If you manage to get a godly 4+ DEX/LUK ring, then use a Ring DEX 60/70% to finish(use a White Scroll with 60% if it's, for example, 6~7 DEX / 4+ LUK Ring).

    At this point, you should be phasing out your Thief gloves, Thief shoes, and switching out your Cape to a singular attack gear while maintaining 110 Total DEX without wearing your Top/Bottom.

    Level 180~200+: You're at the point where you're maximizing gear to high stat and lowering your base DEX to 25 if you haven't already done so in earlier levels. You may consider things such as a high DEX Spectrum Goggles, better throwing stars, upgrading your Red Craven to ~80+ attack, higher attack Cape / Glove / Shoes (CGS), and etc. Keep in mind that if you've been using a Master Adventurer or Ellin Forest medal then make sure you're able to wear all your gear without the DEX from it at Lv190+ to prepare yourself for the Legendary Thief medal at Lv200.

    + How many sets of Throwing Stars should I use?
    - Generally, I recommend carrying anywhere between 12~16 sets of main Throwing Stars, not including back-up sets. For back-up sets, you may want to carry between 0~8 sets of stars, usually consisting of Hwabi stars (or stronger stars depending on funding).

    + Lv60/70 Thief tops vs Lv80 Pirate top - Should you use a Pirate top?
    - Unless you're using a Horntail Pendant with an abundance of DEX and don't care about Top DEX stat OR going for a Purple Dragon Sleeve, you shouldn't ever use a Lv80 Pirate Top. You must have noticed that I recommended a Brown Studded Top or Light Mantis/Blue Mystique for the Top to wear. The reason for why it's preferable to wear it is because the Tops provide a clear 10 DEX to add onto your 110 Total DEX before Top/Bottom which will allow you to wear a Pirate bottom, which you need 120 DEX to wear. Your 20 DEX bottom will then additionally allow you to wear a Red Craven, which requires 140 DEX. Pirate Top's DEX stat doesn't contribute towards helping you to wear a Red Craven in comparison to Lv60~70 tops.

    Also, Lv70 Studded/Mystique tops have the same max total clean stats as Lv80 Pirate top:
    • Brown Studded / Blue Mystique: 10 DEX / 8 LUK = 18 stat
    • Pirate Top: 7 DEX / 11 LUK = 18 stat
    With that said, if you prefer to use a more LUK focused top and can get 2~3 DEX from other sources, then you could go for say a Lv70 Blue/Dark Studded Top or Red/Pink Mystique OR China/Moon or Scorpio/Mantis tops.

    + Mark of Naricain (MoN) vs Horntail Pendant (HTP)
    - *New* As of May 2024, it seems to be that a regular 8 DEX / 8 LUK Horntail Pendant (HTP) is on-par with a godly 8 attack Mark of Naricain (If you get a godly 11~13 DEX/LUK, then it'll be more helpful). So I recommend after becoming a Night Lord to get enough HP from washing / HP questing (+ wearing heavy HP gear) to have 8.1~8.4k+ HP and acquire a HTP. You won't need to go for a Mark of Naricain unless it's for personal goals. You can however still loot a MoN if it comes for free.

    If you're aiming to use only a Red Craven and using an 8atk MoN, you'll still have slightly higher range and damage output against a 23/23 HTP that's egged. But with the difficulty of acquiring an 8atk MoN and the ease of obtaining 25 Base DEX with an HTP, it's probably best to stick with the HTP (especially if you got lucky and acquired a better 11~13 DEX/LUK HTP).

    + Should you use a Dragon Sleeve?
    - No, I don't recommend using any Dragon Sleeve. Dragon Sleeves requires you to have 150 DEX to wear, which is 10 more DEX than a Red Craven. For Nightlord, roughly ~5 LUK = 1 Atk and when you have to compensate 10 DEX from Gear or Base DEX, you are losing 10 LUK (~2 Atk) that could have came from Gear or lower Base DEX just to wear the sleeve. It ends up that NL #1 wearing a 80 Atk Red Craven will be slightly stronger than NL #2 wearing a 80 Atk Dragon Purple Sleeve. So you need Dragon Sleeve to have 3~4 Atk more than the usual Red Craven for it to be worthwhile but here comes the next problem...

    Dragon Purple Sleeves are usually overpriced compared to Red Craven which are abundant and thus cheaper. And perfect Dragon Purple Sleeves are just not worth it for the average player unless you're so rich, you can drop 25b+ to gain roughly ~2 Atk. Just stick with a Red Craven. The only exception is if you're an endgame Night Lord player who's willing to go the extra mile and aim for a near perfect 95 Atk /20 LUK Sleeve.

    Dragon Green Sleeves are trash compared to Red Craven. Since it has no LUK stat on the weapon, you always lose out to a similar attack Red Craven if you're wearing it. Even if you had a perfect 95 Atk/ 7 LUK DGS it loses to a 91 Atk / 19 LUK RC because of the 22 LUK difference. Just stick with a Red Craven.

    + Event Only Equips

    There are some Event equips that you can obtain in certain parts of the year that are highly recommended to use as some of them are Best-in-Slot. The most notable is the 2 Carat Lovebirds Wedding Ring, Circle of Ancient Rings, and Rudolph's Shiny Nose. You can see the list of equips below:
    > [​IMG] 2 Carat Lovebirds Wedding Ring
    Level - 10
    Stats - ATK: 1 / M.ATK: 1 | STR: 3 / DEX: 3 / INT: 3 / LUK: 3 | HP: 150 / MP: 150 | SPEED: 5 / JUMP: 5
    Obtained from: Valentine Event

    > [​IMG] Sweet First Love
    Level - 70
    Stats - STR: 3 / DEX: 3 / INT: 3 / LUK: 3 | SLOTS: 3
    Obtained from: Valentine or Anniversary Event

    > [​IMG] Maple Anniversary Earrings
    Level - 50
    Stats - STR: 2 / DEX: 2 / INT: 2 / LUK: 2 | HP: 150 / MP: 150 | AVOID: 15 / ACCURACY: 15 | SLOTS: 5
    Obtained from: Anniversary Event

    > [​IMG] Circle of Ancient Strength Ring
    Level - 20
    Stats - STR: 1~8* / DEX: 1~8*
    Obtained from: Summer Event

    > [​IMG] Circle of Ancient Thought Ring
    Level: 20
    Stats: INT: 1~3 (1~8 Godly)* / LUK: 1~3 (1~8 Godly)*
    Obtained from: Summer Event

    > [​IMG] Pumpkin Pie Ring
    Level - 10
    Stats - STR: 1 / DEX: 1 / INT: 1 / LUK: 1 | HP: 10 / MP: 10
    Obtained from: Thanksgiving Event

    > [​IMG] Blue Pierre Hat
    Level - 70
    Stats - STR: 13~17 (15~22 Godly)* / DEX: 13~17 (15~22 Godly)* / INT: 16~20 (16~25 Godly)* / LUK: 16~20 (16~25 Godly)* | SLOTS: 10
    Obtained from: Halloween Event

    > [​IMG] Red Pierre Hat
    Level - 70
    Stats - STR: 16~20 (16~25 Godly)* / DEX: 16~20 (16~25 Godly)* / INT: 13~17 (15~22 Godly)* / LUK: 13~17 (15~22 Godly)* | SLOTS: 10
    Obtained from: Halloween Event

    > [​IMG] Zombie Army Ring
    Level - 0
    Stats - STR: 1 / DEX: 1 / INT: 1 / LUK: 1 | HP: 100 / MP: 100
    Obtained from: Halloween Event

    > [​IMG] Rudolph's Shiny Nose
    Level - 30
    Stats - STR: 5 / DEX: 5 / INT: 5 / LUK: 5 | HP: 150 / MP: 150 | ACCURACY: 5 | SPEED: 5 / JUMP: 5 | SLOTS: 3
    Obtained from: Christmas Event

    :thief: HP Washing & HP Questing:

    **I will NOT be helping anyone with HP washing calculations... Please do your own research and calculate yourself.**

    - In the past, Royals had no option for casual players who wanted to focus on actually playing their character and skewed playstyles for any later bossing towards creating a Bishop to sell leech and HP washing. Now we have Reuel's Daily HP Quest and also Olaf's Adventurer's Assignment HP Questline to gain a lot of HP without having to create a 4th job mage or calculate & funding washing. Players can choose between the HP washing meta or questing to gain HP (via Reuel & Olaf).

    So should you HP wash or Quest for HP? I'll list some pros & cons:

    HP Washing Method: ~mesos

    - You'll have to take the most efficient path to gathering money by creating a Bishop or Archmage+HS mule to sell leech
    - Create your character with high base int and self-leech or buy leech to high level;
    - Can't really participate in PQs or level
    - Spend upwards of 5-8bil+ on APRs for washing
    + Depending on your HP goal you'll be able to do most or all bosses without Hyper Body
    + Faster HP growth than the HP Questing Method

    HP Questing Method: :eggsclamation:
    + You don't have to "start over" to follow HP washing method
    + Can enjoy low level pqs and grinding/questing all the way up to bossing levels
    + Any money made along the way goes directly towards gear
    +/- Will have to grind Reuel HP quest until it becomes a daily and then grind it daily for HP gains
    +/- Will have to grind out Olaf's Adventurer's Assignment
    - Will need Hyper Body for several bosses (i.e. Shao, Toad) and may not be able to participate in late game bosses or parties are very unlikely to take you (i.e Auf Haven, Von Leon)
    - Slower HP growth than the HP washing Method

    If you're already an experienced player or have the mindset willing to gather funds then HP washing is recommended over HP questing as it's way faster and more efficient of your time.


    HP Washing ~mesos

    + What HP goal should you have in mind?

    You can view the different bosses and their recommend HP values here in Zanck's bossing guide.

    Recommended HP Goals if Washing:
    - 18k HP before any quests & you plan to complete Olaf, Spring of Life, and maybe do some Reuel quests
    - 20k HP if you plan to not do any quests besides Spring of Life quest
    - 26.5k HP before any quests & you plan to complete Olaf, Spring of Life (30k HP with Olaf + Spring of Life quests completed)
    - 29.5k HP if you plan to not do any quests besides Spring of Life

    Note: These are just recommendations and are all optional; you can do whatever HP you see fit. The 18/20k HP goal recommendation is so that you can experience all bossing content without dying in one hit assuming you don't touch body: Shao, Horntail, Toad, Auf Haven, The Boss (Showa), Von Leon, and eventually Pink Bean.

    - Olaf's Adventurer's Assignment (bibz's guide)
    - Water from the Spring of Youth (Kai's guide)

    + How do you wash a Night Lord?

    Let me first give you some key notes about washing:
    Let me try to simplify the steps for washing by breaking it down into three steps:
    1. Building - Creating and leveling up your character with your planned out Base INT goal, INT Gear, and MP washing
    2. Resetting - Buying and using APRs to restore your Base INT back to [4] and taking out your MP washing AP from your HP/MP
    3. Conversion - Buying and using an even bigger amount of APRs to convert your excess MP into HP by either using Fresh AP to +HP and then APR to -MP +LUK OR leaving only (1) AP in HP/MP and using APRs to -MP +HP to desired HP and then using last APR to -MP +LUK
    Building: You'll want to plan out the washing by using this HP Washing Calculator. In the calculator, you'll input your character values such as your current Level and Current HP/HP as well as your desired HP Goal, Base INT, and etc. You'll need to adjust the Target Base INT, Level to Stop Using INT Gear, Level to Reset Base INT, and Level for HP Goal. There are a few recommendations from me for some of the values...
    • Set your "Level to Stop Using INT Gear" and "Level to Reset Base INT" at either Lv135 or Lv120
    • Set your "Level for HP Goal" to Lv175 or Lv200 if you're washing to a very high HP goal (i.e. 26.5k or 30k HP). Do Lv135 if you're going for lower HP goal (i.e. 12k or 16k HP)
    • Set your "Include Maple Warrior" to No. This is so that you have more freedom in leveling up your washing character and not be heavily reliant on leechers having MW20 (or you forgot to MW yourself).
    • Adjust your "Target Base INT" from 150~350 INT (or more) depending on your HP goal so you can see the estimated APRs you'll need and the total cost
    You can read more on HP Washing by viewing these guides...
    - HP Washing for Dummies (Sylafia)
    - Night Lord / Shadower HP Washing Above 20k HP (PerfectSin)

    If you've been reading up on the guides and doing the calculations for your character, you'll notice that you have to do a lot of levels of adding Fresh AP into HP in order to get more health and in return reduce costs. This part can be confusing to some players and annoying to do... But there's one way to get around this and have a simpler wash at the cost of spending ~500m+ more.

    When you're not doing Fresh AP washing, Thieves and Archers have the same HP gain (+16~20hp) and MP loss (-12mp) when doing a direct -MP +HP wash using APRs. So... set your class to Bowmaster (or Marksman) in the calculator and use those calculations laid out for your character. This is less of a headache than the Fresh AP washing and you can optionally delay the conversion of excess MP to HP until much later on without being weaker than a Night Lord if you ran out of funds after Resetting. :chillin:

    Upon doing the calculations, you'll notice that you have huge cost estimation from the amount of APRs you have. Don't be intimidated! The costs of the APRs and the amount you'll need to use can be divided up as there's two parts to keep in the mind: (1) Resetting costs and (2) Conversion costs. Resetting is restoring your Base INT and taking out the AP used for MP washing out of the HP/MP pool and you can finally do content like a regular Night Lord should. This makes up around 30~40% of the costs. Conversion is where you convert your excess MP to HP and requires a significant amount of APRs. This makes up around 60~70% of the costs.... However, the costs of conversion can be delayed! Depending on how you're washing, you can enjoy content after resetting and make funds for the conversion later on. :)

    Resetting: This is when you finally reached the level (i.e. Lv135) that you can reset your stats back at. You'll need to double check to make sure:
    • You have the proper amount of MP to do your HP washing before you start resetting
    • To know what your starting bossing gear will be so that you can possibly reset some AP into DEX to wear Gear/Red Craven
    • If you're doing a direct APR wash rather than Fresh AP wash, then leave (1) AP in HP/MP pool
    • To be prepared to have your hand hurt from clicking on so many APRs if you use a lot at one time...

    Conversion: You're at the part when you're actually converting your excess MP into HP. This is the most expensive part of HP washing and might take you a lot of time to acquire all the APRs you need depending on how you're washing your Night Lord. Keep in mind that you can possibly delay the conversion of your wash if you're low on funds and/or want to have a chance of pace by doing some content.

    You can delay the conversion by either:
    - Fresh AP washing: A) Hold onto your Fresh AP and continuing grinding/leveling until you get the APRs and then proceed to add Fresh AP to HP and then use APRs to -MP +LUK OR B) Add Fresh AP to HP and then either immediately use APRs to -MP +LUK or wait until a further point in time when you have APRs (you'll have to note/remember how many Fresh AP was placed into HP)

    - Direct APR washing: You leave (1) AP in HP/MP from resetting your MP washing AP and wait until any point in time to use APRs to -MP +HP until desired HP and then finally use last APR to -MP +LUK

    Hopefully, this wraps up washing for you and was insightful!

    I don't recommend purchasing expensive INT gear to use when washing your character. Only use what you can either self scroll or is a reasonable price range for you as a newer or experienced player. Keep in mind that the bulk of your INT gear will usually be achieved at Lv50 via Zakum Helm, (Lv50) INT Adventurer Cape, Deputy Star, and etc. It's completely fine to use 10~40 total INT gear that's affordable until you get there.


    HP Questing :eggsclamation:

    + What HP goal should you have in mind?

    You can view the different bosses and their recommend HP values here in Zanck's bossing guide.

    Recommended HP Goals if Questing:
    - 12k HP to do most bosses without or with HB (is possible to complete Auf Haven with only 10k HP*) (will require ~1-2 months of Reuel quests after reaching threshold if you don't also do Olaf's questline)
    - 18k HP to do Von Leon (will require ~5-6 months of daily Reuel quests after reaching threshold)
    - 19k HP to do Auf Haven / Pink Bean (safely) (will require ~6-8 months of daily Reuel quests after reaching threshold)

    + Questlines to acquire HP
    - Reuel's Search for the Elixir of Life (Nivi's guide)
    - Olaf's Adventurer's Assignment (bibz's guide)
    - Water from the Spring of Youth (Kai's guide)

    Reuel: For Reuel's questline, your goal when you reach Lv.120 as a Night Lord (and have Triple Throw) is to do as many Reuel quest as possible to reach the HP threshold cap so that it becomes a daily quest. I recommend using a Fast Travel ticket and either Warrior Elixir/Pineapple Chew/Cider/Energizer for attack potions.

    To reach threshold, you'll need to do around ~105 quests and each quest will take ~30mins (assumption, times may vary lower as you get stronger) = ~52.5hours (2days 4.5hours) of Reuel quest grinding. I'd recommend for you to either do as many quests as possible in a play session or just do 2~5x quests a day to knock it out in a month or so. Afterwards, when you reach the threshold, you'll do Reuel daily to get HP. On average, each Reuel quest can give ~35hp and if we again assume it'll take you 30mins each quest and you do it daily for a month, then you'll be grinding for ~15 hours a month for ~1050 hp.

    Olaf: For Olaf's questline, you should make sure to take any quest that you can to get up your Quest count and grab any cards you see. You only need to acquire one card of each mob/boss to have the unique card count for Olaf. Quest #9, the second to last quest of the questline, will be the final quest to give base HP to your character and it requires 270 Quests completed and 180 unique monster cards obtained.

    There is another way to get HP, which is through available equips or event equips that you can obtain in different parts of the year. Check through the Ways to gain HP guide to see the list of obtainable HP gear. Please note that while HP gear can be helpful in meeting HP requirements in the short-term, it's recommended that you keep grinding Reuel daily for HP gains as there are some equips that are preferable to use over certain HP focused equips.

    :thief: Bossing:

    + How important is Sharp Eyes to a Night Lord?
    - As a Night Lord, the most important buff to you is Sharp Eyes (SE) provided by a Bowmaster (BM) or Marksman (MM). You need it to achieve the high damage expected from the class as it gives roughly a ~53% damage increase:
    Without SE, your damage will be weaker than every other class in Main bossing parties. It's recommended that there's a SE class available in the bossing content you're joining or that there's an SE mule (BM/MM character that only has Sharp Eyes maxed) to provide SE for you.

    I highly suggest making an SE mule to bring with you to Krex/Zakum/Cwkpq/etc. as it becomes easier to organize runs if you have your own mule (and other mules such as a Bishop). Keep in mind while you may hate "MuleStory", the fact is that there's not enough people in the server to run certain roles or to:
    1. Accept standards of the run being organized
    2. Accept certain reward conditions for the run (i.e organizer or person bringing mules gets more rewards)
    3. Provide the buffs/roles needed to make the run successful
    (Note: Multi-clienting is allowed on Royals)

    + What should you know for Attack Potions?
    - Night Lord's Alchemist (3rd Job) when maxed provides a 25% duration increase when using a buff potion (i.e. 1 minute -> 1 minute 15 seconds) as well as increasing the restoration of Flat HP or MP healing potions by 25% (5000 HP -> 6250 HP). This allows you to get crazy cost efficiency on Attack potions and remain as one of the top damage dealers in a boss run compared to other classes. Here are the different Attack potions you'll be using:
    • [​IMG] Warrior Elixir: [+12 Atk, 8mins] Obtained from NLC vendor. ❖ The earliest potion you might find yourself using. I'd recommend going for Ciders at higher levels when you start grinding
    • [​IMG]Cider: [+20 Atk, 5mins] Obtained from Showa market / Deadman Gorge shop (requires quest). ❖ Each cider takes up one slot but I'd say they're still worth it. I recommend having the Return to Showa/Shrine potions in your inventory so you can restock Ciders more easily
    • [​IMG]Pineapple Chew: [+20 Atk, 7mins] Obtained from APQ bonus. ❖ I recommend carry around a stack of 100 for when you're grinding or smaller bosses. People usually drop these after APQ, so try asking if anyone in your APQ party (or even guildies/buddies) are willing to give you some for free
    • [​IMG] Energizer ("Gizer"): [+25 Atk, 30mins] Obtained from certain bosses / quests or events. ❖ A staple potion you'll use as you get to Lv150+. Ideal for when party members are plenty strong and everyone agrees to gizer the boss (i.e. Zakum/Krex)
    • [​IMG] Heartstopper ("Stopper"): [+60 Atk, +60 Avoid, 1min] Obtained from Psycho Jack Box / Voodoo. ❖ This potion has the most synergy with a Night Lord. You'll be using these a lot so try to carry around 200~400 stoppers whenever you restock on them
    • [​IMG] Onyx Apple: [+100 Atk, 10mins] Obtained from APQ. ❖ Expect to use at least 1~2 in all bossing content. Ideally carry around 20+ apples on you at all times
    • [​IMG] Gelt Chocolate: [+120 Atk, +30 Avoid, 10mins] Obtained from CWKPQ bonus or Halloween/Christmas event. ❖ Recommend holding onto these and using them in scenarios where 1+ attackers crashed in the run or you're trying to speed run through a boss
    • [​IMG] [​IMG] Naricain's Demon Elixir / Von Leon's Sippable Soul Substance: [+140 Atk, 8mins / 15mins] Obtained from CWKPQ bonus or Von Leon bonus. ❖ Very unlikely for you to use these at all. Only certain players use these. Recommend selling them
    There are some other Attack potions you can use such as Red Cider, Enchanted Peppermint, and Witch's Special Stew, though they're not as common as the above. They'll typically act as replacements for gizers or stoppers.

    + Should you use Avoid Potions?
    - I highly recommend using Avoid potions in conjunction with your Attack potions in order to slightly improve your Avoid, resulting in fewer hits. Heartstoppers and Gelt Chocolates have Avoid during their usage, so I'd recommend using Avoid potions with Energizer or Onyx Apples during boss runs. Here are the different Avoid potions:
    • [​IMG] Archer Elixir: [+20 Avoid, 8mins] Obtained from NLC vendor. ❖ Carry 100 of these in your inventory at all times. Ideally use in all bosses.
    • [​IMG] Amorian Basket: [+40 Avoid, 10mins] Obtained from APQ bonus. ❖ Ideally use with an Onyx Apple in Cwkpq (Pirate boss only), Horntail, Auf Haven, or Von Leon
    • [​IMG] Barricade Booster: [+50 Avoid, 5mins] Obtained from CWKPQ bonus. ❖ Ideally use with an Onyx Apple in Horntail, Auf Haven, or Von Leon
    • [​IMG] GM Congrats: [+20 Atk, +50 Avoid, 10mins] Obtained from GM event. ❖ Due to it giving Attack, I recommend popping this before using an Onyx Apple so that the 20 Atk on this potion doesn't override your Apple's 100 Atk. So use this -> then Apple. Ideally use in Cwkpq, Horntail, or Auf Haven

    Area Bosses:

    Things to keep in mind when hunting Area bosses:
    • Area bosses have a respawn timer and the respawn will vary by -20% ~ 20% (i.e. 3 hour respawn = 2 hour 24 mins ~ 3 hour 36mins)
    • You need to kill 1 mob to spawn the Area boss if there are mobs in the map and the boss is ready to be respawned
    • You must respect the Map Owner (command = '~mapowner') if there's someone already hunting the boss in the map and change channels. This works both ways if you're hunting a boss and someone comes in trying to kill the boss you're fighting while you have Map Owner. Kill stealing behavior is reportable and a ban will be issued if found guilty.

    + Headless Horseman
    HP 3,500,000
    EXP 1,200,000
    Knockback: 1,500
    Respawn time: Every 6 hours +/- 20% (= 5 hours 48 mins ~ 7 hours 12 mins)

    - One of the early bosses you'll grind for heavy EXP and NX starting at around Lv80+ all the way to lv120+. This boss is just that good. I recommend carrying around a bunch of Ciders to use while fighting it but you can opt for Warrior Elixirs too. If there's a Priest willing to give you Holy Symbol for party exp leech, then go for it since it'll be better than solo exp.

    See below for locations:
    + Big Foot
    HP: 32,000,000
    Knockback: 2,000
    EXP: 10,640,000
    Respawn time: 12 hours +/- 20% (= 9 hours 36 mins ~ 14 hours 24 mins)

    - It's possible for you to kill a Bigfoot in your Lv100s/110+ but I don't recommend hunting this boss at least until you're 4th job. Keep in mind that this boss deals 11k touch damage so it's possible for you to accidently die to it if you're not careful. It is possible to Flash Jump over the boss but to avoid risk of failing the jump and dying, you can usually outrun it with Haste+Dark Sight. With that said, you'll ideally want a BF toe for the Deputy Star questline... so I'd recommend keeping an eye out in case someone's selling a toe (make sure you have VIP Teleport rock ready) or a nice person is willing to kill Bigfoots while you find BFs for them in 3rd Job until you get a toe as it'll be quicker.

    See below for locations:

    + Female Boss (Anego)
    HP: 75,000,000
    EXP: 19,500,000
    Knockback: 1000
    Respawn time: 5 Hours +/- 20% (= 4 hours ~ 6 hours)

    - You can optionally grind this boss when you're a Night Lord and have a SE buddy (BM preferred) with you to give Sharp Eyes. I'll quote from Sila's guide:


    Map Bosses:

    + Papulatus
    Level: 125
    HP: 24,590,000
    EXP: 7,516,800
    Knockback: 10,000
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Papulatus Questline

    - One of the staple bosses you'll be grinding Lv120+ up to Lv200 (and even at Lv200 still) as it provides great exp and NX. Typically, you'll be grinding this boss on the daily with another person (ideally an SE class). Once you're strong enough (maybe Lv140/150+), you can solo this boss and grab an additional Crack piece from FM or from your mule.

    Make sure to drop a meso coin or random etc before entering Pap room so that people know the channel is taken and don't enter room while you're dropping crack to summon it.

    - Duo Attackers:
    + Whoever drops Piece of Cracked Dimension (Crack) gets the loot for that run. Can decide who drops Crack first

    - Solo Attacker carrying other (no dmg+washing or bishop):
    + (in most cases) Solo carry takes loot for both runs while the one getting carried takes exp only (the one getting carried provides crack piece)

    + Chaos
    HP: 7,500,000
    EXP: 1,856,000
    Knockback: 25,000
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Ellin Forest Questline

    - After Papulatus, you'll usually head to Ellin Forest for Chaos. Easiest of the two bosses in this area as you can solo this earlier. I recommend when you enter the room to Flash Jump immediately to the right side of the map and then you can hold down Triple Throw as Chaos walks into your attack.

    + Ephenia
    Level: 125
    HP: 15,000,000
    EXP: 2,560,000
    Knockback: 20,000
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Ellin Forest Questline

    - After Chaos, you'll head over to Ephenia. This boss is harder to fight against compared to Pap/Chaos and you might need to duo with someone in the early 4th job levels (or get SE from a buddy also doing it before you head in). I'd recommend using Stoppers in this boss so you can clear out the Fairy mob spawns and kill the boss in a timely manner. Careful not to stand on the poison cloud as it can kill you if you're standing in and you potentially got debuffed with Zombify (reduces potion effectiveness by 50%).


    Main Bosses:

    + Zakum
    Level: 140
    Total HP: 482,100,000
    Total EXP: 50,498,560
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Zakum Questline

    - One of the first main bosses you'll be doing for a good portion of levels. When Zakum is spawned, you are to be positioned in the top right platform for the Arm Phase to attack the top-most arms as any Melee attackers will have a hard time hitting them. Keep in mind that you don't get hit by any debuffs in the top right platform, so it's preferable for your Bishop in party to use Holy Shield for the melee attackers.

    When two top right arms are dead, depending on what Cleave class (Dark Knight/Hero/Shad) is attacking, you'll either use the teleporter on the top right platform to attack the top left arms OR you'll drop to attack the bottom right arms. After Arms are done, you'll move to the bottom left corner to fight the Main Zakum Body. If there's a Paladin main in the party, then make sure to position yourself just past the chain rope so that you can get Total Crash (which allows you to hit through weapon cancel at 75% rate). Zakum only has two attacks you'll need to watch out for: Zakum's Fire Pillar attack the marks on the floor where it'll drop (stunning you if you get hit) and his Lightening attack that seals your skills. Make sure you're stocked up on All Cure Potions (ACP). Avoid walking into the main body as it deals 9~11k touch damage if you don't have higher HP yet.

    + [​IMG] Eye of Fire Drop = NX ONLY (Note: they're not entitled to anything but the NX)
    - If EOF dropper crashes/DC/died with no rez, then someone can loot their nx in return for the dropper receiving an EOF in return.​
    + Genesis 20 SB & Chaos scroll = Sold and split between all active members
    + Other loot = Usually the organizer / person muling / strongest attacker goes for energizer, potions, and other SB
    + If there's event box or etc then the organizer or person muling the most has priority on those because they did the most effort out of everyone.

    + Krexel (Krex)
    Level: 140
    HP: 500,000,000
    EXP: 57,600,000
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Krex Questline (Secret of Ghostship Quest portion for Black Lantern can be skipped by buying/borrowing Lantern from others)

    - The second main boss you'll be doing after Zakum, Krexel. This boss is really easy to fight but is very long and boring. I recommend having music/podcast or a show to play while you're doing this so that the boss isn't as boring to do. Krex has two bodies: Left eye, which will cycle weapon cancel and magic cancel and his Right eye, which spawns 2 mobs twice sometime after 40% HP. The only thing you'll need to keep in mind is to not tough his eye as it deals ~8k damage but his magic attacks deal roughly 2.5k damage.

    Where you'd be standing:

    (Note: these are ideal loot organization, other people might not have the same idea)
    - Duo Attackers:
    + Varies depending member priorities, either they split 1ring+nx each run OR one person takes both rings and other attacker takes NX both runs (or take nothing at all and only there for exp).

    - Trio Attackers:
    + Attacker A gets 1 ring
    + Attacker B gets 1 ring
    + Attacker C gets NX both runs

    - Quad Attackers
    + Attacker A gets 1 ring
    + Attacker B gets 1 ring
    + Attacker C gets NX first run
    + Attacker D gets NX second run
    + Attacker A gets 1~2 rings
    + Attacker B gets 1ring or NX both runs
    + Attacker C/D gets exp only

    - At times whoever takes ring depends on who already has a godly ring and thus doesn't need to loot. In those cases, they go for nx. If you're doing a Trio and two attackers already have godly ring and don't want to loot then one person can take both rings and the other two attackers can split nx on the different runs.

    - What if no one has Bishop mule and you need to ask someone to come HS?
    + Make sure the bishop stays for both runs. They can either take NX both runs OR take (1) ring OR get exp both runs. If they are taking NX or ring then they have to make sure they leave party before each eye death (preferably)

    + Scarlion & Targa (Scarga)
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Level: 140
    HP: 300,000,000 per boss
    EXP: 30,000,000 per boss
    Knockback: 50,000
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Scarga Questline

    - It can be somewhat hard to gather people for this but the EXP is worth it and the Helms will allow you to get closer towards a Godly Helm. Depending on if you're fighting Scarlion (or Targa) by itself OR Scarlion+Targa, you'll need different team compositions. Scar+Targa is more aligned towards favoring Cleave team compositions but it's possible to do Scarlion only with Single-target classes. If you're running with a group of buddies/guildies, then the best time to go Scar is after Krex since you're in the Singapore area.

    Scarlion/Targa both deal 8k touch damage but their magic damage is different in that Scarlion deals around 3k magic damage while Targa deals 8k magic damage. Scarlion is easiest to kill of the two. One thing to note for when you're fighting Targa (or Scar+Targa) is to know how to keep up optimal DPS during the fight. Carefully watch the animation for when Targa does its Barrage animation. Flash jump the other way and use Triple throw during the jump and then attack about 2~3 more times and then Flash Jump back to your previous position. This will keep up your damage

    (Note: these are ideal loot organization, other people might not have the same idea)
    For Scarga runs, when splitting loot, it can vary depending on what exactly people want. But it's not too difficult in splitting loot. Some people may only be there for exp(or helping) while others are there for helmets.

    I'd suggest:
    + if one or multiple people are getting helmets, then they're not included in picking up NX
    + if there's a person (or several people) who aren't getting helm, then they will get NX. If a person brings mule or is the strongest carry, then they get priority on nx over other non-helm looters.
    + if there's a card that drops, then whoever wants should ask before looting or ask beforehand that they want any card that drops. Priority of card goes to non-helm/nx looter

    If any lucrative Face/Eye 10% scroll drops then it's split among everyone. (or organizer can decide their own rules)

    + Crimsonwood Keep Party Quest
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Level: 130
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Crimsonwood Keep PQ Questline

    Master Gawyllacs (Pirate)
    EXP: 13,760,000
    Knockback: 15,000

    - The Meta has changed for Bowmasters (or Marksman) to fight Pirate boss while Night Lord fights Mage boss. This is a preferable set-up as SE can use Puppet to make Pirate not use its Shark attack, making it easy to kill both bosses. However, this doesn't mean you won't have to fight Pirate boss at times.

    When fighting this boss, the main thing I recommend for you to do is to keep a certain distance in order to avoid the Dispel attack Gawyllacs uses every ~20 seconds and use an Avoid potion, preferably an Archer elixir or Amorian Basket with an Apple. This should help minimize the number of times you get knocked back and allow you to kill the boss slightly faster than if you didn't. After your apple is used up, use stoppers to finish the rest of the boss.

    Margana (Mage)
    EXP: 13,760,000
    Knockback: 20,000

    - If you're on Mage boss then there's an SE on Pirate boss and the run will be a lot easier.

    + Shao (Wulin Yaoseng)
    Level: 150
    HP: 100,000,000
    EXP: 51,200,000
    Knockback: 10,000
    Attempts: Limit of 1 run per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Shao Questline

    - You only have 10 minutes to clear this boss. I highly recommend you use an Onyx Apple if you're just starting out at Shao but once you're ~Lv170+ and if you're Duo'ing with another person of similar level and strength, you can downgrade your Attack potion from Apple -> Stoppers. Since you're a Night Lord, you need SE in order to do significant damage in this boss. So your choices are this:
    • Duo with an SE
    • Bring your own SE mule so you can buff yourself (or your Duo has SE mule to buff you)
    • Save Floor 7 on Teleport rock and head to Lushan Town and then the Free Market. See if you can get SE buff from a guildie/buddy/random SE main and then TP over to Shao
    Typically when a Ranged attacker is running with another Ranged or Melee, the Shao clones are separated from the boss itself and moved to the other end of the room. This is where Ninja Storm will come in handy as you'll be able use it to move the clones and then use Spider Web to keep them in place. It's best for the Bishop mule (or Bishop main) to aggro the mobs so that they'll stay in the corner.

    Duo (or Trio):
    + Whoever brings Bishop has priority on NX and drops.
    + If there's event box or etc then it's assumed the organizer with Bishop takes it (or it's discussed beforehand)

    If you had an active Bishop main come to Shao to give you and your partner HS then they get priority on Shao NX & drops (in return for them coming to HS & not taking EXP)

    + Horntail
    Level: 160
    Total HP: 2,730,000,000
    EXP: 344,146,432
    Attempts: Limit of 2 runs per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Making the Secret Medicine for Transformation Quest by Moria (Dragon Elixir) -
    Kill 1 Manon (only need to be in map when it's killed), 10 Tough Dragon Skin, 1 Cornian's Marrow, 1 Skull Shoulder Pad, and 1 Cornian's Dagger (Find Broken Dagger from Cornian & then talk to Mos in Leafre to fix dagger via 1x Mithril Plate and 1x Steel plate)

    - What you should know for Horntail... is to have your Dragon Elixir prepped in advance! You should always aim to have 4+ Dragon Elixirs in inventory so that you aren't caught trying to farm an elixir before a run. Have 6+ Onyx Apples, 40+ Heartstoppers, and ideally ~20 sets of Throwing Stars in your inventory in case the BM (or party members) in your party disconnects/dies and the run is going long. It's recommended to have Hero's Will with either 1 point or maxed at 5 points. You can check out the specific details for the Horntail boss by viewing this guide.

    Pre-heads: Follow the directions of the party leader. For pre-head rooms, DO NOT MOVE when you first enter the room to avoid spawning the Pre-Head and locking out the rest of the party and thus failing the run. The party leader will have specific party order to enter the 2nd Pre-Head room, so make sure you follow closely. Usually you and everyone else will be using stoppers as your Attack potion for Pre-Head room.

    Main body: You can view some directions in this quote below...
    After Legs+Tails are finished, usually the party will either clear Wings -> Head C OR do Head C (assuming you guys have main Cleave - i.e Dark Knight/Hero/Shad). When Head C is done, your party will move over to Head A and then -> Head B. Head B will do Mass Dispel at 60%/30% HP and will do dispel every few minutes after being below 60%.

    When Heads are done and Arms are the only ones left, it's usually smooth sailing from here. Arms will do Mass Seduce below 30% HP and the Left Arm will Dispel every 5 minutes when below 60% HP. By the time you're on Arms, your apple should be finished and you'll typically use stoppers until the end. Hopefully you got good drops ~f2

    + Neo Tokyo (Pre-Auf)
    vergamot.png dunasv1.png nibergen.png nmm.png dunasv2.jpeg
    Level: 145 / 152 / 158 / 160 / 164
    Attempts: Limit of 1 run per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Neo Tokyo Questline

    Vergamot (verga)
    HP: 300,000,000
    EXP: 40,320,000

    - Make sure you're running Vergamot with an SE or your own SE mule. When you kill the pre-body to spawn Vergamot, there are three bodies to Vergamot and they require different positioning:

    Body 1: Vergamot has four different moves which is his Laser Dispel attack (knocks you back on impact), Missile Strike, Gatling Gun attack, and Summon Overlord. To avoid the Laser Dispel, I recommend you stay on the bottom floor (water) and wait for when he starts his Laser animation. Flash jump into his leg to take touch damage to avoid the Laser attack and either continue walking right to be teleported at the center of bottom floor or Flash Jump back into position. This takes some getting used to but in time you should be able to avoid getting dispelled when you're good at it.

    Body 2: In this body, make sure to get a refresh of SE and then head to the top of the crane. If you're standing at the very top, then the Laser attack won't be to reach you on this body. You can proceed to attack and only worry about the Missile Strike knocking you back.

    Body 3: Move on top of the Crane cabin and attack Vergamot from here. You'll be able to avoid getting hit at all and not worry about the Mass Seduce in this stage if you're on the cabin.

    Dunas V1 (v1)
    HP: 230,000,000
    EXP: 29,440,000
    Knockback: 50,000

    - It's highly recommended that you have minimum of 15k HP to survive it's high Damage Reflect when doing this boss otherwise have either a guildie/buddy carry you through the boss or potentially pay someone to let you get quest clear. If you have the recommended HP of 15k, then set your HP alert appropriately so that your pet heals you when your health drops down below 15k from the Damage Reflect.

    Generally, if you're in a party of Ranged (or you're solo), then you'll pin v1 to the left and attack away. If you're with Melee, then v1 has to be pinned right so the Melees can also attack too. Ideally use an apple for this boss so that it goes quick and you'll burn less potions.

    Nibergen (Niber)
    HP: 349,000,000
    EXP: 40,320,000

    - This isn't a hard boss but will take long due to the weapon cancels and knockbacks from Nibergen's Bomb Drop attack. For positioning, stand on the center platform and on the small right slope. If you get knocked back from the Bomb Drop while on the slope, then the knockback will be reduced by half. Either use stoppers or apple w/ an avoid potion (i.e. Archer elixir) if you're fighting this boss with a party or solo.

    Nameless Magic Monster (NMM)
    HP: 430,000,000
    EXP: 43,000,000
    Knockback: 50,000

    - The easiest boss in the Neo Tokyo area even though it has the highest HP out of each boss. NMM functions similar to a weapon cancel-less Scarlion boss except that you'll have Confusion(Crazy Skull) for the entire fight. Would recommend using gizer for this boss if you're attacking with multiple members but you can opt for stoppers or even apple (if solo).

    Dunas v2 (v2)
    HP: 350,000,000 (100,000,000 / 250,000,000)
    EXP: 38,400,000
    Knockback: 75,000

    - For Dunas v2, it's recommended you have a mule that can aggro mobs for Phase 2 of the fight. Is it possible to solo this but recommend doing it with a party. The two phases are as follows:

    Phase 1 (Drone): Dunas will be immune to attacks in this phase while the Drone is alive. Usually people will use their mule to aggro Dunas v2 so he doesn't walk in your attack range or the melee in party can push Dunas v2 in right corner and have aggro while the party attacks the Drone. Just before the Drone is about to die, use your mule (usually Bishop) to draw aggro of the guard mobs on bottom and bring them to a corner.

    Phase 2 (Dunas): After Drone dies, Dunas v2 will teleport and spawn center right-ish. You'll know be able to attack v2. Depending on if you're in a party or solo, you can either have Melee pin the boss to a corner or if you're solo (or full of ranged) then aggro Dunas into following to the wall and have your back to the wall as you attack Dunas.

    + Auf Haven
    Level: 180
    HP: 250,000,000 per eye
    EXP: 72,800,000 (32,000,000/40,800,000 respectively)
    Knockback: 75,000
    Attempts: Limit of 1 run per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Neo Tokyo Questline

    - For Auf Haven, I'll recommend you check out the Guide to Neo Tokyo for information on the bosses for this expedition. Will fill this later :VLsad:

    + Toad (Castellan)
    Level: 180
    HP: 1,070,000,000
    EXP: 152,960,000 (72,000,000 / 80,960,000)
    Attempts: Limit of 1 run per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Requires ETC - Samurai Knight Armor Piece ||| Skippable Jump Quest Questline

    - Toad isn't difficult but the requirements in order to do this boss and everyone doing the run is going after it's exclusive drop, Ninja Toad Headband, which makes it very unlikely for you to participate in Toad unless you're very committed. You need ~16k to survive this boss's damage and may need several mules such as an Bishop mule, SE mule and maybe a Hyper Body mule. I highly recommend doing the Skippable Jump Quest questline so that you don't struggle doing the JQ when you're able to do the boss.

    Usually, this boss in done in Trio attackers but at times it can be a duo. Toad is like doing two Krex runs in one, so it's ideal to have ~3 Onyx Apples and stoppers. Make sure whoever is bringing mule to this run (i.e. Bishop or Hyper Body mule) is refreshing buffs every 2~3 minutes and not letting the buff timer run out so that no one dies.

    + The Boss (BGA/BGB/Nightmare Expedition)
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Level: 152/155/175
    Attempts: Limit of 1 run per 24 hours; resets at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Requires ETC - Lady Boss's Comb

    I will quote information from Sila's guide below

    Bodyguard A
    HP: 400,000,000
    EXP: 44,160,000
    Knockback: 250

    To summon Bodyguard A, drop an Anego Comb on the gold platform in Nightmarish Last Days and step to the left of the platform and on top of the ropes. Pin it and stay as far as you can, because if you get too close you risk being kicked for about 27k damage- and his touch damage is about 17k. Also, he stuns. A lot. In fact, his main usual attack is a 1 damage attack that stuns you- and he can, and will, spam it.

    Bodyguard B
    HP: 500,000,000
    EXP: 33,600,000
    Knockback: 250

    After Bodyguard A is killed, Bodyguard B will spawn in its place. Bodyguard B does not stun- however instead, he has an attack which drains your mana to 1 instantly. Bring a lot of mana potions with you for this (recommended over 500-700. I personally carry about 1k sorcerer elixirs).

    The most annoying part of this fight is not necessarily the mana drain, but the fact that he has some very annoying iFrames. Just like with Bigfoot, if you just normally spam TT you’ll miss a few hits per throw. There’s one moment when he’s moving forward and attacking in which the iFrames disappear, however, waiting for that moment is risky because he has a close range attack that deals about 11-12k damage. His touch damage is about 15k, but you shouldn’t be touching him.

    If you play with sounds on, just listen for when he starts to make a really quick paced sound which almost resembles a laugh. That’s the sign that you can attack him without missing frames for a few seconds.

    The Boss
    HP: 150,000,000
    EXP: 90,2400,000
    Knockback: 5,000

    This guy is your final fight, and he’s a pain in the ass. He doesn’t hit for very hard unless you touch him (which deals about 20-22k damage), but he has two main attacks. A purple lightning attack which hits across the map and 1/1s you, and a hurricane/tornado like attack which ALSO 1/1s AND seals. He will also spam these attacks frequently. Either have your bishops cast Holy Shield on you, or bring a lot of all cures.

    + Von Leon
    Level: 180
    HP: 5,000,000,000
    EXP: 1,000,000,000
    Attempts: Limit of 2 run per week; resets Monday at midnight server time (00:00)
    Prequest: Lionheart Castle Questline

    - For Von Leon, I'll recommend you check out the Night Lord section as well as the other details for this boss in the In-Depth Strategy Guide for Von Leon.

    :thief: Rose Garden & LHC Grind Party:

    Rose Garden :gapple:

    + Can Night Lords be able to Rose Garden?
    - Yes, Night Lords are able to and can usually consistently get ~20 bees (100mil) within 40 minutes of the dungeon quest. If you're new to Rose Garden or just fresh at Lv170 with low end gear and struggling to hit the 20 bee cap, then don't be too down as eventually you'll get there. With this in mind, here are some key things you'll need to know:
    • Make sure to have minimum 100 nets ready on a keybind and Item Pouch is on for your pet
    • Have Gardener's Spot, the Rose Garden entrance saved on both Reg/VIP Teleport Rocks
    • If you're able to then ask a guildie/buddy for Sharp Eyes/MW20/Echo before you head off to Rose Garden as this will greatly help with the Stage 1/2 and partly in the Boss Stage
    • Have 1~2 Onyx Apples, ~20 stoppers, and a gizer
    • Make sure to always hit 4~6 mobs with Avenger, using Triple Throw on 1~3 mobs
    Stage 1 (Frozen Rose):
    - Use Flash Jump+Avenger to aggro mobs as you head towards the right side of the map.
    - Kill the top right 2 platforms before killing bottom floor mobs.
    - Once the bottom mobs are dead, aggro residual mobs on the top platform. If one platform has 3 mobs, and the other has 3, instead of using TT, use Ninja Storm and aggro the mobs together. If you stand on the higher platform while using avenger, you’ll hit the bottom platform as well.
    - Grab any seeds you see, up to 5, and click the pots to grow the Roses and melee them to acquire the Rose ETC.

    Stage 2 (Keymaster Rosseau):
    - Kill the first ~4-5 mobs with Avenger on the nearest platform, then FJ+Avenger bottom floor mobs as you proceed towards the right side the map.
    - Kill mobs on the long top right platform while bottom floor mobs aggro towards you. Drop down to finish them off when there's about 7~12 mobs
    - Once the bottom mobs are dead, aggro residual mobs on the top platforms and preferably try to use Avenger if there's 4+ mobs.
    - Grab any keys you see, up to 5, and free five children.

    Boss Stage (King Castle Golem):
    - When you enter the room, aggro all the Mini-Golems on the bottom floor and then kill them with Avenger. Proceed to pop an Apple on the Golem Boss
    - Try to time your rebuffs (MW, CB, SP) when the golem boss teleports. Optimally jump to a rope while its starting the teleport animation and rebuff there.
    - Mini-Golems will spawn, but at a decreased quantity. If they start to get in the way, aggro all and use avenger (alternatively attack/jump over them as they walk in front of you)

    Bonus Stage (Frozen Rose room):
    - Use Flash Jump+Avenger to aggro mobs as you head towards the right side of the map.
    - Kill the top right 2 platforms before killing bottom platform.
    - Once the bottom platform is dead, aggro residual mobs on the top platform. If one platform has 3 mobs, and the other has 3, instead of using TT, use ninja storm and aggro the mobs together. If you stand on the higher platform while using avenger, you’ll hit the bottom platform as well.
    - If you had ~7 bee spawns with a leftover apple from Golem boss, then use a gizer. If you only had 1~2 bee spawns, then use stoppers. Weaker Night Lords might have to use another apple.

    In Bonus, Taunt can be helpful when you're mobbing ~6 mobs. Get the mobs to 1~2 hits with Avenger, Taunt them, and then finish them off. Taunt is beneficial is getting bee spawns. Also, as you get higher up in levels, max out Venomous star, as it will greatly increase your DPS while using Avenger.

    You can check an alternative guide to Rose Garden for NL for Burning Energy farm.

    LHC Grind Party :VLparchment:

    + Is possible for me to join LHC grinding party as a Night Lord?
    - It's unlikely for a Night Lord to be able to join the regular LHC grind parties that are hosted. However, there is a workaround with a different type of party consisting of 5x Night Lords + 1 BM/MM OR 4x Night Lords + 1 BM/MM + 1 Sair. The strategy for this party:

    - Start forth tower portal. One person (NL) is designated Aggro-er and FJ's early to draw aggro
    - Everyone is to put your back against a wall, so you don't get pushed away.
    - If there is <= 3 golems, then use Triple Throw. If there is >= 4-5 golems, then use Avenger.
    - When all the mobs on the current platform are about to die, designated Aggro-er NL FJ's over to the next group of mobs and start to aggro the platform to one side.
    - Party cycle was Left portal -> top right ->bottom right, -> left portal) Generally we would stand Left of left portal, right of right portal, and then on the 2nd set of stairs.

    Echo and Apples are used for the grinding party. Because of alchemist, Night Lords will only use ~4 apples, and 8 stoppers for the rest (if party agrees).

    :thief: Credits:
    I would like to thank @Sila for writing the original Night Lord guide. Helped a lot while creating this guide :D

    Thanks to the people below who helped looking over the guide:


    Last edited: May 11, 2024
  2. Plandemic

    Plandemic Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2021
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    Beautiful guide short and easy, all in one.
    Finally an updated NL guide
    Great work! :thief:
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  3. Ayane

    Ayane Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2015
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    Why didn't you level Drain? It's very important in Dojo since you can't use pots and have to rely on it. While Endure is pretty much useless
  4. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    You should have 11/30 Drain by end of 3rd job which is enough for Dojo since you'll mostly be running with a Bishop who will heal you. Endure is for edge scenarios where you need the MP from 1/1 to Will out of Seduce.
  5. noosnaa

    noosnaa Member

    Sep 17, 2023
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    Great guide. Thank you!
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  6. Spherallic

    Spherallic Member

    Nov 1, 2023
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    Thanks for the much-needed update!

    For the list of lv 120+ training spots, I'd suggest Ninto in Ninja Castle. While their map might be a bit annoying to get to (I used this guide for navigation), they offer pretty good EXP compared to their HP, and their Ninto Scroll etc. drop sells for quite a bit in FM.
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  7. Baconfry

    Baconfry Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    Nice guide. I have a few extra bits of information from my experience as a self-sufficient NL player.

    -Under drawbacks of the class, I would add that NLs *never* get a close-ranged attacking skill, and that you'll constantly have your range compared to other NLs because it is such a popular class.

    -You can leave Dark Sight at 10/20 for a long time. By setting up a macro of Dark Sight + Haste, the Haste will override the speed loss from Dark Sight before the skill lock from Dark Sight actually gets applied to you. This basically means that you get to enjoy 140% speed/123% jump during Dark Sight, with the only drawback being that it takes slightly longer to enter Dark Sight due to Haste cast time. You can keep it like this or max it later.

    -You will want to do In Search of the Book of Ancient at some point, unless you prefer having to buy Summoning Rocks from FM forever.

    -Drain is actually super nice while grinding, allowing you to save potions if you use it to finish off monsters that barely have any HP left. Whatever level you intend to leave Drain at, I recommend adding those SP right after you've maxed your core 2nd job skills. So you'd add 1/30 points to Drain at lv50 if you care about Endure, 18/30 if you don't care about Endure, or 15/30 if you don't care about Endure but do care about the MP cost of Drain (which is a consideration in dojo where you'd be relying on Drain). I actually maxed Drain using the SP I saved from not maxing Endure and Dark Sight. It's basically like a cleric's Heal that only affects yourself. Good skill.

    -I would not invest 17 SP in Endure for the vague possibility that sometime in the distant future, Horntail will seduce me, 1/1 me, and then randomly decide not to hurt me for 10 whole seconds. I will gladly eat my words if that has ever happened to you though.

    -While it's still not worth more than 1 SP in the long term, it's worth nothing that if you've added tons of INT for washing, then Shadow Meso is a skill that will actually allow you to sort of attack. Useful if you want to solo dojo for a White Belt and 100% scroll it for 4 INT. Washing NLs should probably get 1 Shadow Meso right after max FJ since it's not like their other skills do anything anyway.

    -Disorder may be worth a keybind since you can use it to de-aggro a monster if you attacked it on accident. Unlike Shadow Web (the worst useful skill in the game) it always works. Still leave it at 3 though, obviously.

    If you're curious, my SP build looks like this:
    1st job: 1 Lucky Seven -> max Keen Eyes -> 10/20 Dark Sight -> max Nimble Body
    2nd job: max Critical Throw -> 6 Claw Booster -> 6 Haste -> max BOTH Claw Booster and Haste at the same rate -> 28/30 Drain
    3rd job: max FJ -> max Avenger -> max Shadow Partner -> max Drain -> max Shadow Web -> max Alchemist -> 1 Shadow Meso -> max Meso Up -> 18/20 Dark Sight
    4th job: 1 TT -> SPR from Lucky Seven to max Dark Sight -> same SP build as yours
    Last edited: May 9, 2024
    WavedashJab and xDarkomantis like this.
  8. Sylafia

    Sylafia Donator

    Jan 2, 2022
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    I play pally, not NL but we add to a similar skill for pretty much this reason.

    Note that HT doesn't need to do nothing for 10 seconds - this is more for the case of something like MP tick - HT does whatever for 7 seconds - HT seds - 1/1s - MP tick to save you - HT attacks with something that would kill you. In other words, a large portion of the 10 seconds happens before you get sed or 1/1, and then the MP tick lets you will before something finishes you off.

    While this is very rare in HT, I'm pretty sure it's saved my life after getting hit by a laser in VL once. Hard to be 100% sure because of the blind effect but I don't see how else I could have survived.
    xDarkomantis likes this.
  9. Fii

    Fii Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    I would like to comment a little bit more on damage stuff, this ratio actually vary a lot depend on what attack potion you are using.

    For my case, level 200 with perfect claw/8WA MoN/average CGS/average untradeable accessories/MW 20 buff, common potions' ratio are below:
    No potion, 6.32 LUK = 1 Attack
    Energizer(+25), 5.60 LUK = 1 Attack
    Heartstopper(+60), 4.80 LUK = 1 Attack
    Onyx Apple(+100), 4.16 LUK = 1 Attack
    Gelt Chocolate(+120), 3.89 LUK = 1 Attack
    In case someone didn't see the section how to calculate this ratio (which is not so obvious in darko's post LOL) I write it again here.
    Your damage formula for Lucky Seven/Triple Throw is a thing looks like
    Damage = LUK * WA * other constant and RNG
    regardless of your DEX/STR(they affect your range in ablity window though).
    So, the ratio is simply
    How many LUK equal to 1 WA = your total LUK/total WA
    , the total LUK affected by MW buff and the total WA affected by throwing star/attack potion.

    Considering the ratio above, on the topic of MoN vs. HTP, I have different opinion that I would recommend players use HTP in nowadays meta.

    Let's talk about my case, I have 8WA MoN after countless lootings, and a non-godly HTP which is 23 LUK.

    1. If you are reading this guide, you probably don't have Auf circlet. In my case, my HTP and MoN is not huge different even it's non-gold vs. godly.
    A player like me, played years only maining NL, my base DEX is still at 43 now. You may consider about how hard to reach 25 DEX. But If I go HTP, I can not only easily reset DEX to 25 but also aim higher DPS. I choose to flex my range so I don't LOL

    2. When using stoppers, my HTP is roughly same good as my MoN. If potions above it like onyx apple, then HTP got higher DPS. Considering the most common cases of boss runs nowadays, you at least use stoppers. I mean, things changed a lot after Geyforlife made that post.
    NL sucks at rose garden plus this game is multi-client story elsewhere, maining NL means your life is boss(either with party or your own army but never solo character), energizer cases are relatively rare.

    3. Your chance to get 8WA MoN is 1 in 360 loots, which cost you a looooot of time. With 360 times i.e. 72 runs of buying VIP, that's not even mathematically close to 100% and also cost a lot of mesos. Before godly system is confirmed 5% recently, this made me wasted a lot of meso and time. When Geyforlife made the post about HTP vs. MoN, it was announced 10% so he calculated it as 1 in 180.
    So I will say it's totally okay to use a non-godly HTP until getting +20 Auf circlet, before it, do not buy any pendant VIP services. When it comes to case that relooting is free, then relooting you should know relooting for a 24~28LUK HTP is better than relooting MoN. IMO HT is much more profitable/exp wise than CWK too uwu

    4. Don't have good weapon and CGS set so MoN provides better damage? In this case you probably being asked to use onyx apple :(, then go above to see reason 2.

    In conclusion, I would say maning an NL then you should not waste time relooting/buying MoN, average HTP is okay forever, and it's more worth to spend your time to run HT/relooting HTP. If you wasting your life getting +20 Auf circlet, then you can waste your life on MoN later.
    Last edited: May 14, 2024
    Lann, Gunit, Sylafia and 3 others like this.
  10. Baconfry

    Baconfry Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2015
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    The skill description is very confusing, but I have tested and confirmed that this is true. Endure doesn't help with HP when you're standing still but it does passively recover MP at all times. However, I don't think that changes anything with regards to the skill build in 2nd job; you would just add points to Endure starting at lv155 instead of Ninja Storm since that's the level where it actually matters.
    Sylafia likes this.
  11. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    After talking with @Fli privately and using Geybrian's damage calculator, it does seem to be apparent that an average 8/8 HTP is on-par with an 8 atk MoN for a Night Lord. I will see towards doing a revision in the near future on the gearing for a Night Lord and a discouragement of going for 8atk MoN unless for personal goals and/or going for endgame min-maxing (Auf).
  12. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    I'm gonna do the calculations for my actual gear later but pretty much what you say here is that if I'm at like level 190+ and I got like 130+ total ATT gear (RC, CGS, rings, etc.). A godly HTP would probably be better than 8 ATT 11 LUK MoN on anything above stoppers?
    It's really nice for me to hear that because I'm struggling to get 25 base DEX with MoN, but I happen to loot a 27 LUK 28 DEX HTP. If the HTP is actually better, it would make my life a lot easier.
  13. Fii

    Fii Donator

    Jul 23, 2019
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    If you have read my post carefully, I said my case is non-godly HTP vs. 8 WA MoN, so what you think about it? uwu
    Also it's better to do some math yes, NL's damage calculation is easy enough compare to other classes.
    TakeItEasy likes this.
  14. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    could you pls fix this line - " Will need Hyper Body for several bosses "
    it just not true... my NL has 25k hp from questing. sure it takes more time but it's possible to get any amount of hp.
  15. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I applaud you for working that hard to get up to 25k hp. Unfortunately, this isn't true for everyone. For example, the Von Leon I ran the other day, a couple of the Night Lords in the run needed Hyper Body.
  16. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Sure this isn't true for everyone, but you also only need 18.5k hp to do everything in the game.
    If you do Olaf and spring of youth you get 2000 hp. you get around 500 more from gear.
    Sure you have to grind for the rest up to 18.5 but its more than possible.
    I don't get why are you so stubborn, just change the phrasing to something like "require a lot of effort to run without HB".
    The fact that there are noob NLs who didn't wash / grind doesn't mean it's not possible.
    Imagine someone with a level 100+ NL unwashed that read your guide and just throws it away because what you told him he would never be able to have enough hp.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2024
    Tobi and Sylafia like this.
  17. Sila

    Sila Donator

    Jun 4, 2014
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    For what it's worth, I did everything up to Horntail with only roughly 9k HP including gear. This was before the HP quests and everything too. My NL at 200 now has 9.1k HP since I've started the HP quests.
    Doable for (at least whatever content I've done - Horntail and before) ? Yep. Difficult? Definitely. HB was important for comfortable runs, but that was rarely an issue as drks were in high demand anyway.
    Now I don't know much about current content. But it wasn't impossible then, and from the sounds of it with the quests it's not impossible now.
  18. TakeItEasy

    TakeItEasy Donator

    Jul 28, 2015
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    Nowadays HB is pretty hard to get.
    Drks are not too welcome for hortail / zakum / krex etc because of low single target damage.
    and for shao you would probably want to run with SE.
    But my point is that you really don't need it with some grinding.
    Sila likes this.
  19. Sila

    Sila Donator

    Jun 4, 2014
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    Back when I was last active most people just had a drk friend or an hb mule if duoing something important, but also a lot of it came to knowing how to avoid attacks. Definitely doesn't seem impossible with some grinding - either way, grinding for HP washing or grinding for HP quests are both pretty good options it seems. I'm whittling away at the Olaf questline right now just for the extra boost.
    TakeItEasy likes this.
  20. xDarkomantis

    xDarkomantis Well-Known Member

    May 29, 2019
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    I'm not sure why you're calling me stubborn. You haven't presented a reasonable argument for me to change the writing.

    Assuming a person even grinds the essential quests + obtains gear, they're going to sit at around 10~11k HP and almost be at 12k. After getting 12k, they'll need to grind every day for nearly ~6-7 months just to finally be able to never need HB again. That's a lot of effort past even the point of grinding to lv200 and I'm not assuming people will/should grind that hard to reach high HP. A decent portion of people stop at around 12~14k HP due to it not being necessary to go further to play in common content with friends/buddies and for other reasons (i.e. not enjoyable doing Reuels for that long, can't commit that much time).

    It's not out of the norm for those players to find a Dark Knight friend/buddy/guildie/random to HB them or use an HB mule for certain bosses and continue about their journey.

    I didn't state this anywhere in my post... :confused:
    Valzer likes this.

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