I bought someone else's in the first few months,I play this game by reselling some goods within the game,accumulated some B ,I want to sell during this period of time,Add money to exchange for 145,I don't understand why doing business in the game is prohibited
Someone's speaker for sale,I have been very fond of setting up stalls and reselling since I started playing this game,Plus, I do it every day cwk apq rg,scrape together b it's also very fast
We will need additional information about what items you gained from CWK or which items you were buying/reselling. The potential amount that you were earning in the short amount of time before you bought the dagger does not add up so far. You can post in your native language if that is easier (we can translate).
十分感谢能给予这样的待遇,这样交流起来会方便许多,我在cwk出过很多5攻4攻的披风还有一堆眼镜手套的,我个人原因每天在游戏里待8小时以上,一半的时间都在逛市场,寻找玩家们摆摊出售的便宜货在倒卖,其实游戏币赚的快还有原因就是我两个角色rg apq 一个角色一个月rg就会有3b apq平均也3b 两个角色一个月就会有12b 两个月24b我随便摆摊在卖卖装备卖卖货30几个b也真的不难,况况且我当时买Kanzir的时候也就36b,我只是单纯喜欢在游戏装备与卷轴之间倒卖 也愿意在这方面浪费时间