Spoiler: SOLD STUFF View attachment 199462 Sold 2b ingame to @RoadtoG (IGN : genesis2) Sold to @Pea 38CS+11B+760M Sold to @Moeyuki 31WS + 120M ( 15b ) Sold to @Peasant 126/4ST + 10b coin +4cs Sold to @McPew 11CS+480M+2WS 4046 roa 3b sold in game iGN : kurozoku Sold to @leees 3.5b in game sold 3.3b in game to iGN : SebrinaX3 30att/20str maple shield 22b sold to @2hSword sold to @Gunit 35WS+18b sold to @johnm321 45b ( 80ws+11cs+410m ) sold to Yeumendako (IGN) in game 2.3b sold 11att fs 7.5b sold 13att bfc 5b s/b 15b a/w 19b s/b 20b a/w 23b sold both to @Nyna 17pac+16b sold to @Mawi this knuckle+300m for 1cs+1ws = 700m trade S/B 37b a/w 42b Drk buff will come / selling in 48hr without contestant bid Accept ws cs 500m APR 10m buyer cover tax