I noticed alot of maps are excluded from the event like maps in showa town and mushroom shrine, i was wondering is there a reason for this? If not is it possible to have the anniversary coins spawn everywhere to not exclude some training areas? I was in fire banes in showa town map after anego with my ice mage for increased damage and noticed coins never spawned QQ. So i guess my feedback is make the monsters spawn everywhere.
i might be wrong someone told me that if sun is dropping coins will spawn eventually, just been 3 hours so was suprised, edit been 6 hours no coins this is very weird, are the coin monster that rare?? farmed all day without one coin monster just sun drops
I've killed a bunch of coin mobs while hunting for the "Male boss" card, so it can't be that showa is excluded in its entirety, maybe it's just HQ? But agreed, would be kinda weird if some maps are excluded.
yea i am farming different maps now getting tons. fire banes is excluded for some reason on the map after anego. hopefully developers can fix for next even. losing exp for coins now.
We have had that issue in the past with maps that are used as a pre/sign up map for boss runs. Chao: 300010410 Ellin Forest - Rocky Mountain Cave Ephenia: 300030400 Fairy Forest 3 - Ellin Forest Wu-Ling Yaoseng (Shaolin) 702070400 Eastern China - Shaolin Temple Floor 7 The Boss 801040004 Zipangu - Armory Vergamot 802000210 Zipangu - 2100: Odaiba Portrait Tbh I forgot if we were able to fix that last time. Maybe someone else remembers? Either way I have forwarded it to our devs.
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/feedback-thread-to-add-cake-mobs-to-certain-maps.166047/ matt added exceptions apparently, seems to be a recurring thing every other event the last time (from wat i can rmb/bother finding): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/why-do-yall-hate-galloperas-so-damn-much.212088/#post-1266307