Currently people are able to enter cake boss map on multiple characters simultaneously, with the same IP, same device. This leads to glitch abusers easily getting access to 3-4 channels (I believe so) every time cake boss spawns while those who are unaware or playing normally can only do 1-2 channel(s). edited 0617: I've got reply from staff in another section that they've noticed the issue. Hope this gets fixed and we'll see if the new rewards from cake boss indeed motivated much more people to join the event than last year.
I can confirm this bug is real I know for a fact that this was not the case in the first few days of the event. But a few days ago, I started noticing a large number of seemingly-AFK characters on the top of the cake map in the later channels. Also recently, I overheard people say that the cake map does not actually block multiple characters and I thought they were lying due to my early event tests. I tested it again yesterday and it turns out they were correct. I removed my 2nd character from the map immediately and have not abused this bug since then. Keep in mind that I was able to do this without any of the following: - Another device - VPN - VM - Spoofing my IP, MAC address or Hardware ID in any way Just a PC with 2 clients open.
We need an official response to this so people can see that it isnt allowed. Because now people are arguing for that it is okay because "everyone" does it and some people doesnt even understand that its a bug and its not allowed.
It very clearly isn't allowed... Spoiler: Glitch Abuse Thread Bannable Glitches 2. Multiple characters in an event map What is it: The act of bringing more than one of your own characters into an event map when the map is designed to only allow one of your characters inside at a time. Some event maps with this restriction include, but are not limited to, certain GM-hosted events and seasonal boss events (e.g. Russian Roulette, Cake Boss, Snowman, etc). How to avoid it: Only enter event maps with this restriction on one character at a time. You can check if a map has this restriction by trying to enter the map on two different characters on one device (two, or more clients). Source:
Yeah I know this but apparently some people don't and people hopefully read bug report more than they read ToS in this case.
This is really dumb. Some people enter the map with their mules, save a spot for themselves, and just sit there. Meanwhile, solo players are stuck outside.
i know a person who said that he was able to enter the event map with two characters at the same time but now they can't . What will happen to him?
Would recommend him to stop trying so as it would be bannable