All Your Character Names: raaa, raaaa, laaa, ramenshop, milkchan Last thing you did: Posted in the forum. Why do you think you got banned?: Tried to casually trade the item of exorbitant value (Perfect Dragon Faltizan). Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection. Please check again. What GM banned you (optional): I think that I have put items given to everyone by my retired friends into proper circulation without knowing its value. I would appreciate it if you would take up the pertinent items and let me BAN APPEAL. I will do my best to prevent this from happening in the future, please forgive me... P.S. I have permission from the friends and can reply that IGNs to only the GM, if needed.
Hello. Please explain the origin of the following items: 6 mw20 books that you were selling. The 1b that you received on 05/31/24 through your hired merchant for items not worth 1b. The large amount of onyx apples you were selling. The large amount of WS that you were selling.
Hi, Thank you for your response. I thought I could answer your questions collectively, not in ascending order, so I will state them below. I have received a total of 50b worth of items from my retired friend since my return last month. This is a complete courtesy and one-sided gift based on our longstanding friendship, and I have repeatedly expressed my gratitude by drawing illustration, etc., but I still have not been able to fully repay him for the kindness. The reason for selling mw20 and apples was to avoid as much as possible the risk of being mistaken for an illegal transaction (e.g. RMT). However, I realized that this kind of play is not fair, and if I am able to return to the game, I hope to play without relying on any help from that friend. As I mentioned earlier, I can only tell the GM the main IGN of the friend.
What is the ign of your friend, how do you know them, and when/where did they give you the items. Also which items specifically did they give you totalling 50b?
I met this friend at the Japanese MapleStory before BB, and we have been friends for about 15 years now. I don't remember the specific breakdown of the items, as they gave me 50b worth of these, but I received them by having them dropped at an empty house in Ludibrium. I can tell you their IGN, but would you mind if I send a message?
3 years ago. Shortly after that, I retired together with them. Now I am the only one who has returned.
the characters you mentioned last logged in on 2021 that doesnt explain transactions that you made this year that Bacon mentioned earlier
I don't remember the IGN, but the items were received from their warehouse character last month. I also received the Perfect Dragon Faltizan at the same time (Other equipments were received 3 years ago). I think you understand that they retired 3 years ago, and that it was the perfect time to take over a huge item from them.